Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Period Due Light Pink Mucus


San Vincenzo
PARADISE cyclists

Saturday, August 30, 15,30. A motorist si distrae un attimo e tocca con una ruota i cordoli vaganti che delimitano la pista ciclabile. Subito accade il finimondo: Ruota spezzata, sbandata di cinquanta metri, cordoli proiettati in qua e in la. Non è la prima volta che succede. Per puro miracolo, anche questa volta, viene evitato un frontale con altre auto e non viene ammazzato alcun ciclista.
Fino a quando durerà la fortuna? Quanto ancora dovremo aspettare perché il Comune completi il cordolo, rendendolo continuo e fissandolo all'asfalto? nel frattempo continuiamo a fare gli scongiuri.

Resoconto di viaggio di un ciclista depresso.

Prima dell'inizio della Pista ciclabile venendo da Baratti si incontrano centinaia di macchine parked on the right, occupying the road winds centimeters to a meter, creating serious hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, who are forced to drift toward the center of the road with the risk of being overwhelmed by cars that come in from behind.

In many years has never seen the Municipal Police of San Vincenzo you a ticket to these criminal drivers. We see that there are more directives to that effect.
The only fines are subject to two or three cars parked near the graft ban in the Lake Street
Above you can see a parked car with care and respect for others. The car has been parcheggiata così il 23 agosto per molte ore, senza subire multe da parte delle numerose pattuglie dei vigili transitate sia in moto che in macchina. L'auto sporgeva nella carreggiata di circa 1,50 metri, ma, nel tratto da via del Lago a Rimigliano 1, ve ne erano altre (circa una ventina) che sporgevano di almeno un metro.

Si chiede troppo a sollecitare la Polizia Municipale affinché provveda alla rimozione forzata delle auto di chi tiene un comportamento così clamorosamente pericoloso ? Cosa prevede il Codice della Strada e, sopratutto, cosa prevede la corretta amministrazione e il buon senso ?
All'ingresso 1 di Rimigliano inizia finalmente la pista ciclabile and turn down the street, across the road, cyclists have a brand new step pedestrianized. Too bad that the transition is very visible until the last fifty yards, it is not reported in any way by signals or vertical rows of notice. So the cars traveling on 100 kmh ( so there are no checks) and totally ignore the pedestrian who ventured there, trusting in the above, would make a bad end. But it is a regular walkway isolated and unexpected in a wooded area, would remain without a warning or a warning? Where to park their vehicles at the loaves of concrete, not asphalt laid, are constantly moved, often in a far more blatant and dangerous than documented by photos.
Under Riva Etruscan signaling a vertical pole protruding more than half a meter inside the track cilabile, waiting for a cicilsta knocking against
dell'Euroturist Under a lighting pole protruding more than a meter in the bike path, without warnings and protections. A truly deadly trap. We hope that the City put a security before someone gets hurt.
Dall'Euroturist to ditch the Jail, about a third of the width of the track is unusable for the trapdoors drowned in the asphalt of about 10 cm. About fall into it with the bike, it splits in two. And to think that it would take thirty to raise manholes to fix the problem, with modest expenditure.

At the end of the runway a low round with a sign Freccione awaits the faces of the cyclists, crossing someone else, are forced to stay on the right. Here, too, would be enough to raise the cartel about a meter to eliminate the danger.

a welcome improvement that would also be easy to paint a bike path across the line too thin and dashed centerline (and maybe some freccettina directional) to alert cyclists and runners to less gifted intellectually, to occupy the lane of right.

I understand that it seems impossible, but many users of the bike path take the left inexplicably, or if in a group, occupy much the entire width of the track, making it difficult and dangerous, that is overtaking the intersections with those coming in the opposite direction.

Since you spent 100 to make the track you could spend more 1 or 2 to make it totally useful and safe.

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