Friday, September 11, 2009

Pokemon Gold Shiny Pokemon Stronger?

Marketing (digital) that will be, and what would already have existed

In questo periodo dell'anno si inizia ad assistere all'intensificarsi delle "profezie" sul marketing che verrà. Specialmente in un momento di crisi, ci si interroga su come la scienza di marketing si possa adattare ad una società consumption particularly changed, where he still lacks the enthusiasm from consumers, many companies by the vision of the future on their own markets, and they all seem concerned about the general distrust of a recovery soon, indeed.

noncommittally abstractions about possible developments in marketing, or how the marketing function is to reposition themselves in organizations, I will reflect on some predictions about digital marketing (indicating a link ), to promote simple and considerations on immediate opportunities, including on the handful of all the information and communication technologies could enable enterprises already. For example, the affirmation of advertising on the web has not yet led to a crisis, at least in Italian society, patterns of communication via television advertising "traditional", while you begin to positively consider email marketing.

In the future, however, apart from the resistance of consumers born before the company's digital marketing and online advertising will change the budget planning of businesses. Also because the scan does not require the ownership of most consumer laptops or home PCs, but thanks to the miniaturization of devices and upgrading of mobile terminals, the advertising campaigns will rely on technologies capable of reaching anywhere recipients. Provided

to see fulfilled those tenzenze "announced" for many years: openness, transparency, accessibility .... Also because ....

'The digital future is people, not digital media'

Business In 2010: A New Face of Marketing Marketing & id = 4721


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