Grace Grace sufficient (Campanotto, 2010) The parenthesis
sufficient grace (Campanotto, 2010)
Giancarlo Micheli
In Chinese the word Ren - which returns almost like a leit-motif in the book of Confucius, on Sun Yu (fifth century BC.) - means: man as something other than itself . You write combining ideograms that mean respectively, the concept of "man" and that the number "two". More meanings that the term Ren can take are those of "benevolence", "sympathy". In contrast to what happens in our philosophical tradition, which developed around the core of individual consciousness, subjectivity Eastern captures, or almost, under the light of the original relationship between individuals. The novel sufficient grace seeks to reflect in the mirror of thought and life in the West, the image of this difference. The trajectory of the narrative is open to the attainment of the result of a mutual awareness and sensitivity.
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lettura dal capitolo X
Ilaria Pardini
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