Saturday, June 26, 2010

Watch Brazilian Waxing

Omaggio a Ernst Lubitsch

Lubitsch, who was it? Who is it?
A German, who was also Austrian jew like Billy Wilder, who made his fortune in Los Angeles (it seems he was invited to America by Mary Pickford, in '22) and was also appreciated by Wilder ( cf. post below).

Here, of all films loufoques who remember him (and there are many), I choose not to talk about any of them, but its the only dramatic film (I saw last night on DVD ) Broken Lullaby / The Man I Killed (1932, L'homme que j'ai your / The man I killed ).

I propose the only piece of the film available on YouTube, where the view is clear that the director is made of wars (though the first stages and the Second World War):

And I'll tell you the plot :

The war is over a year. Good or bad, life goes on for those who survived. But Paul, a young Parisian musician (Philip Holmes) is unable to find peace: he killed one man, an unarmed German soldier in the trenches, while he was writing a letter to his girlfriend Elsa sull'insensatezza the war.
prey to remorse which faith fails to remedy, Paul finally decided to go to Germany and to apologize to the parents (Lionel Barrymore in the role of a German father, Doktor Holderlin). Needless to say, it succeeds and who will fall in love - spare - Elsa (Nancy Carroll).
Paul slowly takes the place of the young soldier in the hearts of parents and the girl.
But conscience gives him no respite ...


PS I think it means notes broken Broken Lullaby (Paul and the young violinist killed, pianist Elsa. None of three - the second for obvious reasons - longer able to play the slightest piece of music: The music has gone away, screaming to her confessor Paul).

Posted by Diana Artemis in another blog in 2008

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Making Coughs More Productive

Strong evidence on the Tindouf camps in Bergamo, a delegation of members of the Sahraoui Corcas

Strong evidence on the Tindouf camps in Bergamo, a delegation of members of the Sahraoui Corcas

22/06/2010 A delegation of Moroccan Sahraoui representing civil society has delivered, in the weekend in Bergamo (Northern Italy), evidence strong on the truth of the matter that the Sahara and the Polisario atrocities committed by groups instead of anyone who would hear their intentions to fight the claim or at the most basic economic rights.

In their speeches at a seminar devoted to the Sahara issue, the delegation members, through their experience, they put nudes by getting the details, the Polisario instrumentalizzazione by governors d'Alger and his "true nature bloody and eradicate.

Mr. Ghallaoui Sidati, former representative of the Polisario in Italy, Lahcen Mahraoui, university professor, a member of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS), and Mrs. Saadani Maa Alainine, actor associations and human rights activist and member of CORCAS, hung by their evidence, a lot of assistance consisting of elected members in particular, the MEPs of trade unionists and academics, who often could not consider his emotion, opinion and atrocity against the hardness of the guide.

addition to the historical ties that have always existed between Morocco and its Saharan the activities of members of the delegation, which last held the seminar under the theme: "Conflict in the Sahara: Past, present and perspectives", allowed to shed the light on the genesis of the creation of the Polisario time of English colonization.

They also help brighten up the dramatic events experienced by populations sequestered in Tindouf camps and the role played by the Polisario in the service of hegemonic purposes unrelated to any alleged "Saharawi cause."

The delegation weighs in this regard, the affres endured by these people and the torture inflicted on those who dare rise against the situation of poverty which continues in time that leaders of the Polisario, with the blessing of their protectors, are enriched in the seen and known of all, proceeding to the systematic diversion of humanitarian aid collected on the back.

The delegation members have also lingered on family tragedies arising from the forced displacement of children at the end of military conscription and the fate of recalcitrant supplicants that are subjected to the worst prison in the accident Rachid.

The delegation stressed that the opposite of this hellish situation, the inhabitants of the southern provinces benefit from the advantages of quietness, serenity and prosperity and will receive the whole, the way of their fellow citizens in other regions of the kingdom, freedom of movement and expression.

The delegation formed the hope that the Polisario agreed to the ending of impunity and that pressures are exerted on the latter and its patrons for the removal of the seat on the fields so they can return seized the motherland, Morocco, and taste, they also, the benefits of freedom and democracy.

In this regard, they noted the return of several former leaders of the Polisario to the motherland after having explained the enormity of the fraud fed from Algeria, as well as the massive and 'next, that inhabitants of the camps of Tindouf, in danger of their lives, challenge to all the dangers and obstacles to return to their country with their families and relatives.

The delegation, on the other hand, has emphasized the relevance of the project of autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty proposed by the kingdom as part of the Regulation in the Sahara issue, noting that the various resolutions adopted by the UN has recognized the serious and credible content.

In this regard, denounced the blockade imposed on Algeria to any prospect of regulation on a camping location and property instrumentalizzando disuse and a band of separatists who have no intention to produce what is dictated to them by their pimps.

documents, evidence and correspondence authentic setting out the historical basis of marocanità of the Sahara from the 17th century were presented at the seminar, Mr. Lahcen Mahraoui.

He likewise presented letters of Saharan tribal leaders directed their Moroccan sultans.

Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara, he said, was also dedicated to conventions and treaties signed between Morocco and foreign powers that have always appealed to the sultan to protect the activities of their citizens in the Sahara.

Mr. Mahraoui also examined evidence and quotes from major political figures of foreign nationalities, including French, English and German, which proves the marocanità Sahara and dating from the period of the 17th century to protectorat.

The Moroccan Saharawi delegation was held on Friday in Florence (central Italy), a meeting with senior officials in the region of Tuscany (center) during which its members had also highlighted the reality of the deal said the Sahara and the relevance of the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco.

This meeting was held in particular in the presence of Mrs. Dinah Maria Tozzi, head of international activities at the regional level, which had been delegated by the President of the region, Mr. Enrico Rossi.

The members of the delegation, also made by Mr. Yassine Belkassem, the network of associations of the Moroccan community in Italy and the federation of Africans in Italy, had lingered on this occasion, the fraud to which the Polisario and its patrons have groped for action to believe in the existence of alleged "Saharawi cause" and fraud in using aid to tap that deviate after their profit.

The political portal of the Western Sahara:

The portal of the Western Sahara:
The portal of culture Hassani: The portal
economic development in the region of Western Sahara: The portal
social development in the region of Western Sahara:
-Portal of the town of Western Sahara:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is Diazepam Illegal In Thailand?

Social media and Interactive marketing: how social networks and technologies are changing the marketing business

Le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione hanno determinato, senza dubbio, alcuni cambiamenti nei processi di marketing, in particolare nelle fasi di ascolto dei mercati e di analisi della clientela. Ma l'esplosione dei cosiddetti network sociali e delle nuove forme di relazione in rete sta iniziando a produrre nel marketing interessanti occasioni di ripensamento degli strumenti di comunicazione verso i clienti, non più una comunicazione di massa ma - grazie ai canali web ed ai nuovi dispositivi - un'interazione decisamente personalizzata. Se il CRM nel back office consente, pur con alcune difficoltà in the transition from marketing model to the IT implementation project, to define the detailed analysis of the customer (the customer insight made possible by data mining tools and the use of statistical techniques to make useful forecasts), now companies can have systems direct dialogue with each customer, sublimating the multi-channel and arriving to implement a real policy of interactive marketing. This evolution can be provided to equip themselves not only of IT platforms "enabler", but models of organizational behavior and able to manage other forms of customer relations more complex.

Report a survey proposed by the research firm Forrester : a benchmark esminare for the use of social technologies in business, or a survey in order to ascertain the reasons that drive towards social enterprise technologies and to deepen the benefits of business generated by the study of consumer experiences "traditional" and online.

How Do I Mount Skid Plate

The wave will take us towards the semantic web 3.0?

Organizations endures the nightmare of the digital data management: for many years to promote initiatives enterprise information management, sometimes referred by metodogie complex to implement, which in many cases do not reach the expected success. Until the early 2000 la complessità che le organizzazioni erano chiamate a fronteggiare era di natura interna, cioè correlata alla dispersione dei dati nei numerosi archivi, e questa frammentazione rappresentava la realtà dei 'silos' o sistemi dipartimentali (praticamente ogni direzione o funzione si era dotata di un proprio mondo informativo ed informatico). Da circa un decennio sono iniziate le azioni di "risanamento" dell'information management, con progetti di integrazione delle banche dati.

Oggi la situazione non sembra essere cambiata in meglio: alla complessità dei sistemi informativi si sono aggiunti "minacciosamente" i web data, esplosi con i network sociali ed il web 2.0, dati che le imprese non possono più ignorare perchè particularly good for observing the customers (and their competitors). Imagine scenarios

information management between now and 2020 is likely to be difficult, it can help the white paper "Executive's Quick Start Guide Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web," published by Project10x, edited by Mills Davis : it is a short document that I recommend to read to navigate the technology and applications semantics, waited for years to solve a problem common to all organizations: the management of knowledge.