Alan Zamboni, The last painting of Van Gogh , Infinite Editions, 2010 ( accompanied by a music CD unpublished), 15 €. Foreword by Pablo Echaurren. Introduction by Robert Bernardo. Afterword by Ennio Calabria. Details of Alan Zamboni. ISBN 978 88 8960 2 737
Mystery Van Gogh
who wrote a book, which looks like a novel, the love that people bring to art, the love that people bring to other people, about love in absentia .
Because the protagonist of this novel is absent. I mean, is not present in the flesh (I should say in the paper and ink), and suddenly he is dead, suicide. I speak of course of Vincent Van Gogh's Son others who are living, pulsating throughout the text. The other, his brother Theo, his sister in law Johanna, the retailer of fabrics and colors Le Père Tanguy, and even small Adeline Ravoux (of which I will not say anything to not spoil the taste of surprise at the end).
There is a thread rouge who holds all things and is the unnamed narrator, without real depth, because it serves only to tell the search for a mysterious picture, the last of Vincent. But it is not yellow. And there is pathos . There is an infinite tenderness
, however.
photo by ©Jurjen Drenth ( |
Questo libro è innanzitutto un percorso. Ed è probabilmente il risultato di una lettura approfondita delle lettere e/o di uno scritto coevo a Van Gogh sull'ambiente dell'epoca (ci sono fin troppi riferimenti precisi a luoghi e cose che non esistono più). Non è una critica negativa, la mia. Al contrario.
Consiglio la lettura di questo libro di Zamboni a tutti coloro che volessero entrare nel mondo del pittore olandese: è ricco di aneddoti, di particolari, cerca di spiegare la grandezza della sua pittura che all'epoca non doveva apparire tale - un po' come Ligabue happened to the Italian (Antonio, of course).
Who knows me as the above, will please the author Bell'Italia; a bit 'less that it should have to justify everything. That desire for completeness. I guarantee that there is no need: the reader understands everything everywhere without explanation. And then let him look a bit 'even by himself, the reader, no?
© photo by Jacqueline Spaccini |
I heard CD attached to the last. Beautiful all the instrumental tracks, especially the evocative song No 14 (but as I write, I already wrong to other tracks: the 2, 8, 16). Suggestively warm voice (human and instrumental) Angel Galzerano.
In short, bravo, Alan Zamboni, nice idea: I am back to listening to the CD of rain a year ago, when I was in Amsterdam and thought the beautiful letters of Vincent, written in French nearly perfect, all full of his drawings. So sure, he, his art and what I wanted to do.
A little 'as the author of this book.
[Jacqueline Spaccini, Saint-Cloud, 3 octobre 2010]
© photo by Jacqueline Spaccini |
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