© photo by Bruno Monginoux (http://www.photo-paysage.com/) | | |
O n addition twenty years ago, I took charge of Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann in a long article that mixed urban and popular literature in commemoration of the changes from the time when Haussmann gave Paris started work (1852) and Baudelaire wrote his Petits Poèmes en prose (1855-1864), better known by the title of Le Spleen de Paris. Baudelaire did not know the full Paris transformed since he died in 1867, three years before the end of the work Haussmanian.
I'll be back today to speak of Haussmann, albeit briefly, in French, working on what is called the mobilier urbain , namely street furniture including lamp posts, railings, gates, but also benches and stools panchettini, litter bins, signage, street signs, bus shelters, urinals and installed within an urban space as a service to the community.
Non dimentichiamo che le cattive condizioni igieniche in cui versava la città non erano l'unico suo problema. Ad esempio, ce ne erano altri riguardanti la sicurezza, il confort, lo svago.
la rue Jardinet 1865 by www.jwinspiration |
Haussmann raddoppia (a volte triplica, quadruplica) la larghezza delle vie, aggiunge marciapiedi. Delega allora all'architetto Gabriel Davioud l'incarico di organizzare l'arredo urbano.
Per quanto concerne l'illuminazione (a gas), Parigi sprouted see the lights (réverbères ou lampadaires) that let you see the streets of the city at night as if in broad daylight. To turn on streetlights and consoles (the hanging lanterns, designed for narrow streets) is the ' allumeur ( not that of the Petit Prince Saint-Exupéry ), now the gas is canalizzato.Oltre hundred models are achieved.
We said hygiene. In the public, we also include the "physiological needs". In Italy we had the so-called Vespasiani finally dismantled in the late 70s of the twentieth century. Even in France les Vespasiennes (anche a 8 posti) verranno sostituite - nome femminile in francese - suppergiù nello stesso periodo dalle sanisettes (anche se forse qualche orinatoio è sfuggito allo smantellamento). Haussmann fa costruire i cosiddetti chalets de nécessité detti anche cabinets d'aisance (quest'ultimi assomigliavano a delle cappelle).
Pensare che quand'ero giovane raccapricciavo alla vista di cose del genere, considerandole barbare. E poi l'anno scorso ad Amsterdam, ho visto questi:
Amsterdam 2009 photo by Jacqueline Spaccini©2009 |
Tutte le informazioni sono tratte (e da me tradotte) da:
Auteurs : P. de Moncan - C. Heurteux
Titre : Le Paris d'Haussmann
Présentation : Beau livre relié
Couverture : Cartonnée sous jaquette
Illustration : Plus de 200 illustrations couleur
Format : 240 x 310 mm
Nombre de pages : 234
ISBN : 9782907970563
éditeur: Éditions du patrons (Paris)
Couverture : Cartonnée sous jaquette
Illustration : Plus de 200 illustrations couleur
Format : 240 x 310 mm
Nombre de pages : 234
ISBN : 9782907970563
éditeur: Éditions du patrons (Paris)
Parution: 2002
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