Sunday, January 16, 2011

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lidense trophy, almost a crusade, but the house

there is a psychological threshold that would never pass even a tapascione: 5/km are, if only for the 14km [and brisk] today!
to you because you're running? I was asking those in attendance, looking in vain for someone to answer what I wanted to hear ... to 1 'from firing My name is Stefano ( the black knight) in the meantime can find me: here it is fellow soldier that fate has destined me!
cautious start against our will, we bottled among the many soldiers of fortune that has inspired beautiful day [for the first time to host well-arrived 1259] ; touch in the effort to recover the 4:30 / km (laugh laugh. ..), but we both know that is not a sustainable pace for a long time, then I feel that the right leg perde progressivamente sensibilità.... tra slanci indomiti e leggeri cedimenti, chiuderemo cmq alla media prevista: la nostra piccola battaglia è vinta!
prima e dopo la corsa non mancherò di salutare i bt andrea & ivana, poi anna e infine marco;  vi si arrugginisse il cimiero, giostrate in quel di ostia e non mi annunciate la vostra venuta?

ps. mica come fabio, che invece mi ha messo una di quelle pulci nell'orecchio.... München 09.10.11


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