Thursday, December 17, 2009

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West Indies

recensione pubblicata in:
Patria independent (No. 4, May 2009)
Archipelago (No. 44, July-August 2009) (no.5, 2009) (July 2009)

Giancarlo Micheli, West Indies, preface by Manlio Cancogni, Campanotto publisher, 2008, Pasian Prato (UD), pp. 220, Euro 15.00

a story of emigration, la formidabile epopea che ha coinvolto per circa un secolo oltre venti milioni di nostri connazionali, tratta Indie occidentali, il secondo romanzo dello scrittore viareggino Giancarlo Micheli. Protagonisti Aurelio ed Erminia, una giovane coppia di sposi: provengono dalla civile Toscana, e non appartengono alla vasta schiera dei disperati che, a frotte, in cerca di fortuna approdano nell’isoletta di Ellis Island di fronte a New York. Sono alfabetizzati e in possesso di risorse esigue, ma sufficienti, per intraprendere nella metropoli statunitense una modesta attività in proprio, la conduzione di un piccolo bar nel quartiere di Little Italy. In più godono della protezione del Sor Clemente un’ambigua figura di ‘faccendiere’, potente intermediary between the teeming masses of unemployed and disenfranchised from all regions of Italy and the interests of a rapacious and savage capitalism. And Aurelio and Erminia, the least favored by a social condition, they will quickly fall to between bitterness of the struggle for existence. A real 'descent into Hell', which, if they lead to learn the hard way the inhumanity of the workers, first in the Stockyards (stockyards) to Chicago and then in the textile factories of New Jersey, will allow them to conquer self-awareness and the needs of collective action to assert essential values \u200b\u200bof humanity and solidarity. A story, that of Aurelio and Erminia, which begins in New York in the days of the first of Puccini's Fanciulla del West - is December 10, 1910 - and also in New York has its tragic conclusion .. Yes, because it ends up loving the adventure of a couple of Ponte Moriano in the new West Indies: end, however, proletarian triumph for the community of Paterson, which, by now, the two are organically part. Why even in Madison Square Garden of the American metropolis, in the midst of a fierce labor dispute against the employers and trade unions in the textile trade-offs and dropouts, the workers of Paterson able to stage and shouting, loud and clear, its reasons of social justice .
Nelle sue pagine, Giancarlo Micheli, sotto la forma del romanzo, ci spiega di “che lagrime grondi e di che sangue” la società che si andava forgiando oltre Atlantico nei primi anni del secolo scorso. E lo fa alla sua maniera, personalissima. Facendo parlare uomini e donne posti ora ai gradini più bassi, ora ai vertici della scala sociale, colti nelle loro miserie e grandezze, egoismi e generosità. Felici invenzioni narrative si intrecciano con una puntuale e dettagliatissima ricostruzione storico/documentaria. Bella, per esempio, la descrizione della comunità di Paterson, uno dei punti di riferimento dell’emigrazione italiana negli Stati Uniti: oltre 20.000 mila persone che, oltre a conservare un tenacious bond of identity with their country of origin, the adoption of concrete were able to practice in the values \u200b\u200bof working class solidarity and a strong and consistent commitment to the fight for the job and a life worth living. Well-known historical figures such as Giacomo Puccini, the socialist writer Jack London, the journalist John Reed, the agitator anarchist Carlo Tresca, the union leader Big Bill Haywood, the Morgan banker, intellectual and philanthropist Mabel Dodge meet so many people 's invention. Remain in memory and heart as well as the two protagonists, Aurelio and Erminia, Venancio, Olga and her family of Piedmontese origin, who made the Botto solidarity class a reason and a way of life ... Also notable is the language chosen by Micheli: composite, a real boiling pot that mix languages \u200b\u200band dialects of Italian and European emigration to which counterpoise the reflections of the author expressed sentences in the complex syntax, which does not hesitate terms cultured, literary, philosophical. Because, although if you tell stories of men and women driven by simple and basic reasons, for instance, the struggle for life, the interpretation of the facts has always complexities, intricacies, nuances very human.
Luciano Luciani

other texts on the novel can be found at: / authors

"West Indies" by Giancarlo Micheli (Campanotto publisher, Pasian di Prato, Udine, September 2008, ppg. 224) . html giancarlo-campanotto/libro/9788845610042 / ref = sr_1_2? s = books & ie = UTF8 & qid = 1291729036 & sr = 1-2

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of writing three novels and a critical preface to the novel

the journal
imagination (n. 250, publisher Manni, Lecce - November 2009)

three novels and a critical

Berth here three novels (the two who competed this summer, the Witch, and another for the most unknown but certainly not less) and two works by one critic, Giulio Ferroni, whose opinion on contemporary Italian fiction can be taken as a suggestion or conclusion My speech is not random.
1. The boy who dreamed the end of the world Antonio Scurati (Bompiani). The novel alternates chapters in italics refer to chapters narrating childhood ego round revolving around the story of a case of pedophilia in a primary school. The technique is dell'autofiction. The narrator has a profile largely coinciding with that of the author, university lecturer in Bergamo, where the story è in effetti ambientata. Alcuni aspetti del libro risentono della lezione di Siti, sia per il modulo dell’autofìction, sia per l'ambientazione in parte accademica, sia per il rilievo che vi ha la cronaca pubblica con i suoi personaggi (sempre chiamati col loro nome reale), sia per l'importanza che viene riconosciuta alla televisione come strumento fondamentale del nostro rapporto con la realtà, sia per il taglio saggistico (più che altro sociologico).
Il romanzo non è pienamente riuscito e risulta, nella sostanza, irrisolto. Le parti in corsivo sono le più "scritte", le più intense e originali. Qui un destino psicologico e un terrore apocalittico si fondono perfettamente. Ma nelle parti in round the author makes some errors that bias the novel. First overdo: crime exceeds the tiniest and most well-known to the public pages stowed in colorless and opaque style, second fails, just for this particular invasion of more minutes and chronicles, and of course more realistic, to fit in the climate rather apocalyptic, metaphysical, abstract and would like to build around, so the two plans here are essentially unrelated, and thirdly, the assumption essay and the mode of argument is too obvious: it would require a lighter touch, writing more than a glimpse more new and surprising. In this book
Scurati rivela a tratti alcune potenzialità di vero scrittore (più qui, certo, che nel precedente Una storia romantica ). Purtroppo manca di misura narrativa (per esempio: cento pagine in meno avrebbero indubbiamente giovato al libro) e del "genio" saggistico che l'assunto avrebbe richiesto.
2. Stabat mater di Tiziano Scarpa (Einaudi). Il libro trova la sua ragione d'essere in due aspetti: uno tonale e uno storico. Il primo consiste nella coerenza con cui si persegue la monotonia di una voce femminile che si duole: quella di una ragazza di sedici anni chiusa in un orfanotrofio femminile gestito dalle suore in cui le educande sono indirizzale alla musica e al canto; il secondo, quello historical (but "history" here is a word too large: one should rather speak of "historical curiosity", since any historical depth is deliberately absent), is introduced by the music teacher, none other than Antonio Vivaldi, which is trying to students, among other concerts, the Four Seasons. The first aspect is pursued with undoubted constancy in the short novel, nothing happens except the passage from a music teacher to another (Don Antonio took over from Don Giulio) and the narrative is reduced to a conversation with the absent mother and an image of death, that parts of the ego: to monologues or soliloquies. The only action, rebellion and the final escape of the girl dressed as a man, are not preparate psicologicamente e risultano narrativamente immotivate: sono un modo per porre la parola fine a una storia che è sostanzialmente intimistica (secondo un cliché, d'altronde, che deriva dall'archetipo italiano del genere: Storia di una capinera ) e che non era facile concludere giacché appare legata più a un tono musicale, alla pronuncia di una voce, che alla vicenda della trama. Il secondo gira intorno a un personaggio, Vivaldi, poco definito se non per qualche tratto di ambiguità umbratile del carattere.
Insomma, un libro gracile, benché non privo dì qualche esilissima grazia. E il mondo d'oggi, anzi il mondo, vi risulta lontanissimo, anzi del tutto estraneo.
3. Indie occidentali di Giancarlo Micheli (Campanotto). Micheli è al secondo romanzo. Il primo era intitolato Elegia provinciale . Entrambi sono notevoli per le caratteristiche della scrittura, molto lavorata. La lezione di Gadda è evidente nell'ampio spettro della invenzione linguistica. Ma mentre Gadda tende al realismo, e la varietà linguistica mira a riprodurre la ricchezza dei vari linguaggi settoriali (il soldato parla il gergo militare, la puerpera quello delle donne che hanno avuto appena un figlio ecc., secondo la nota definizione dello scrittore lombardo), Micheli impiega sempre una sua propria lingua, capace di abbassarsi al dialetto e di alzarsi all'aulico iperletterario anche indipendentemente described by narrative contexts. Uses the techniques of the omniscient author, and this allows him to use them with ease, sometimes even excessive, each linguistic typology: the director he is undisputed, and is the master with the plot as well as in the management of language.
West Indies is a historical novel set in the early twentieth century, tells of a pair of Italian immigrants in the United States and the trade union and political struggles for emancipation of American workers. The value and the limits of narrative overlap: the quality of writing is finally prepared and aware of the need for a thick style and therefore conflicts with writing from the bar domina nell'attuale romanzo di consumo; il limite sta nel gelido distacco storico e linguistico con cui è gestita la narrazione e da cui deriva qualcosa ai freddamente scolastico nella costruzione del plot (una sorta di ibrido fra due modelli collaudati: il romanzo storico e il romanzo di formazione sociale e politica) e nella invenzione linguistica. Nell'ultimo capitolo, per esempio, la protagonista è presentata con «occhi di driade» mentre scocca sull'amato «un sagittare di eccitati richiami». Non è una maliarda dannunziana davanti al proprio amante, ma una lavoratrice italiana in America che guarda il marito. Non è un po' troppo?
4. Ferroni pubblica contemporaneamente due libri diversi, ma con la stessa conclusione: La passion predominante. Perché la letteratura (Liguori) e Prima lezione di letteratura italiana (Laterza). Il primo è più autobiografico perché racconta anche, non senza autentica vena narrativa, la nascita della vocazione letteraria dell'autore; il secondo, che rientra in una serie voluta dall'editore per varie discipline, ha un taglio più saggistico e accademico. In entrambi la parte conclusiva assume come etichetta il titolo di un libro recente di Todorov, La letteratura in pericolo . Vi si dichiara che «l'insieme della attuale produzione letteraria italiana non sembra volersi far carico della radicalità» della situazione dei nostri tempi: dello empty experience, the decline of reason and humanism, the condition of the disintegration of civilization, the implosion of the indiscriminate use of literature for excess production, the inconsistency of the critics, the end of the style, the triumph of genre fiction (noire historical fiction, especially). Needed, says Ferroni, an ecology of mind and an ecology literature, and writing should be "able to take head-on the world 'and' do a critique of the word and reality, by adjusting both a responsibility and a destiny" . I agree.
Some aspects of speech may be corrected or expanded Ferroni (missing, for example, a social, economic and political analysis, and a kind of apocalyptic vision prevails in the liberal arts-centric), but the substance of its proposal, expressed with clarity meritorious, it should be harvested. In Italy (but not, for example, in the U.S.) is missing for too long a literature capable of taking head-on the world: for example, in the prevailing indifference to narrative style, avoidance of noir, the historical novel, the contemplation of his navel and the triumph of the private sector.
the rampant private withdrawal and evasive. Faced with this bad habit we can not even remember that Francesco De Sanctis, before the languid romanticism prevailing mode of his time, indicò l'antidoto di Zola e la via del realismo.
Romano Luperini

Indie occidentali di Giancarlo Micheli (Campanotto editore, Pasian di Prato UD, settembre 2008, ppg. 224) ? s = books & ie = UTF8 & qid = 1291729036 & sr = 1-2

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West Indies

preface to the novel West Indies (Campanotto, 2008) Giancarlo Micheli
review as published in the journal
La Mosca di Milano (n.21, Edizioni La Vita Felice, Milano 2009)

Indie occidentali di Giancarlo Micheli
(Campanotto editore, Pasian di Prato UD, settembre 2008, ppg. 224)
prefazione di Manlio Cancogni

Oggi il Lower East Side è un quartiere di artisti, gallerie d’arte e ricostruzioni edilizie. Quando abitavo a New York, durante gli anni settanta del secolo scorso, era invece un quartiere a rischio. Mia figlia mi raccomandava di evitarlo nelle quotidiane passeggiate che facevo assieme a mia moglie. Dalla Third Avenue, dove avevamo casa, eravamo soliti discendere per la Bowery, per poi prendere per Canal Street e deviare per Mott o Mulberry Street, fino nel cuore di Little Italy che, proprio allora, cominciava ad essere erosa dall’avanzata irresistibile dei cinesi di Chinatown. Oggi il territorio è quasi interamente conquistato. Credo rimanga ancora qualche trattoria in cui gli italiani figurano come prestanome di proprietari di Shanghai o di Canton.
Proprio in Mulberry Street sta il bar dei protagonisti del romanzo Indie occidentali: Aurelio ed Erminia, una coppia di giovani sposi che dalla Valle del Serchio si aggiungono, nei primi anni del novecento, alle moltitudini di immigrati che arrivavano ad Ellis Island dall’Italia o dalla Germania, dall’Europa dell’est o dalla Scandinavia. I personaggi della storia di Micheli do not belong to the mass of the dispossessed in those frenzied years of industrial development crossed the Atlantic to find in a modern Babel, crowded up to capacity, especially abundant reasons for unpublished trials and sufferings. Aurelio and Erminia have sufficient resources to undertake a self-employed once they arrive in the New World. Party led by the desire to advance human and donate to his newborn daughter a place more comfortable and worthy. Come, first, in the shadow of a protective kind of ambiguous clan leader, an intermediary between the workforce, and hardships often experienced by the hungry and unscrupulous businessmen, easily inclined to compromise with crime.
They will, therefore, soon the cost of its naivety, ignorance of the dynamics of their violent and merciless that inform the relationships in the community that welcomes them. Only the screening of a hellish journey that will lead them in the torments of the Chicago Stockyards and unhealthy factories of the textile industry of New Jersey, they crown their initiatory path, gain self-awareness and
the ability to act together to others to affirm shared values \u200b\u200band human progress. This is the key story of utopian Micheli developed with meticulous craftsmanship, a writer by vocation, advice, therefore, a reflective reading of this novel, proportionate to the care that has been used in writing it.
The novel has a definitely realistic, sometimes surreal warp the fabric of cases ineffable emotions and gestures of the characters. Micheli will recompose a vigorous passions of human geography and noble feelings, so that leaves us strong, the taste of a history of the past. The Authority shall act according to strategies subtle, even mysterious, which illuminate the facts of the story with uncanny reflections of a necessity, often absurd, the light of dawn, however, from which you can pick up signs also important to better understand the our present, very cloudy and night.
It's amazing how the U.S. invaded in the late nineteenth century by a crowd of hopeless and overwhelmed, belonging to a myriad of irreconcilable differences of cultures and languages, forced into a merciless struggle for life, it's amazing how this country has survived. An application is mandatory: today the situation in the U.S. and the world has changed from the ruthless and dramatic picture that the novel describes? Certainly the society is moved to a stage "civil" rules accepted and shared, but the democratic world is no longer dominated by industrial production, but the production of money as an end in itself, and therefore senseless, evil and diabolical. It comforts us to think that this moment in history will be overcome and we hope that this will happen without a disaster.
Manlio Cancogni

"West Indies" by Giancarlo Micheli (Campanotto publisher, Pasian di Prato, Udine, September 2008, ppg. 224)

http: / /

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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CORCAS The President of the hostile behavior of the complaint named Aminatou Haidar

CORCAS The President of the hostile behavior of the complaint named Aminatou Haidar

02/12/2009 The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS), Mr. Khelihenna Ould Errachid has strongly condemned the conduct of the named Aminatou Haidar, "supported in this by a hostile entrance to the territorial integrity the kingdom, which is the propaganda of the separatist thesis and uses all means to undermine the justice and legitimacy of sacred national cause. "

In a statement Tuesday night came to MAP, Mr. Ould Errrachid, which follows closely the developments of this affair, denounced with force, "any attempt to hurt the feelings of Moroccans in Tangier Lagouira," believing that "the situation in which the mass is called A. Haidar is not enviable, in this sense, he says, that this lady from having, in the way of all Moroccans, all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. "

For Mr. Ould Errachid," any attempt pressure, including the return of the Moroccan passport withdrawn Aminatou Haidar is a challenge to the entire nation and a detriment to the values \u200b\u200band history of the Moroccan sovereign state and rejects any pressure whatever, and whatever the source ".

" The grant of Moroccan passport can not be the subject of any surenchère, "said the president of CORCAS, who gave a reminder that" the recovery of the southern provinces of the kingdom is the result of a struggle, long and difficult, all parts of society, crowned by the glorious green march, which allowed the completion of the territorial integrity ".

And to say that the objective of all of these business relationships and to hinder the new brand started by HM King Mohammed VI, only God assists, giving an autonomy statute in this region. "

The unity and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco is inviolable despite lots distorted by his enemies, he said.


The political portal of the Western Sahara:

The portal of the Western Sahara:

The portal of culture Hassani: www

sahara-Gateway economic development in the region of Western Sahara:

Il portale dello sviluppo sociale nella regione del sahara occidentale:

Il portale delle città del sahara occidentale:

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Interview with Ross Macinante (NetConsulting) data quality Competitive Intelligence

marketing needs data updated and objective, in order to heal the relationship with customers, define new bidding strategies, study competitors. Since then it has certainly intensified the demand for computer systems tailored to the needs of marketing specialists, a need that is common to the various business functions. What was the "answer" IT? We know that in the last 5 years many organizations have invested in solutions for data profiling (to treat analysis of data and ensure their standardization), data monitoring (to check the data over time through continuous monitoring and possibly automated), and that such investments are added to the "traditional" systems of data cleansing (the solutions used to correct the data). But the results were always up to expectations? And the organizations were able to exploit appropriate tools for data management, raising the efficiency of the analytic process?

Marketing Intelligence has interviewed Dr. Ross Macinante, Practice Leader of the company NetConsulting , who recently oversaw a survey published by the magazine ZeroUno on the quality of data ("Customer Intelligence knowledge to 360 degrees "). The survey was conducted through a web survey, sponsored by the company SAS, and was attended by the sample of 97 Italian companies. The

Research has shown that "more and more data quality is critical to the success of business initiatives and business intelligence is therefore the need to avoid conflicting information, inconsistent or inaccurate." The survey has revealed the presence of instruments of Data Quality, Data Integration and Master Data Management for data management and business information to support business: survey showed an average, for these solutions, 33% areas with more "advanced" as the Retail and Services (both with a presence of data quality solutions for over 40%), while the industry has only 22.7% of cases of these applicativi.

1> quali sono alcune conclusioni della survey ?

Il mercato delle soluzioni di data quality non è maturo dal punto di vista dell’adozione, è evidente che l’attenzione alla qualità dei dati è in aumento, ma abbastanza lentamente rispetto al mondo anglosassone. L’indagine evidenzia come la data quality sia una tematica di interesse, con numerose prospettive di sviluppo. La survey ha confermato l’interesse da parte delle organizzazioni verso le soluzioni di data integration da più fonti (Crm, Scm, Erp, Dw, Business Intelligence, Portali Web), e lo sviluppo di una certa attenzione verso i progetti di Master Data Management (gestione reference data only).

2> which sectors are most interested in data quality?

Certainly the Finance sector is more attentive and willing to invest to position itself as better than others, because risk analysis is becoming more important. In the recent period, even large-scale distribution has started some projects, including quite complex, while manufacturing companies today are still not interested in the quality of the data.

3> what are the reasons that lead to data quality?

The survey did not want to understand the motivations of organizations to ensure the quality of data, analyzing the contributions made by participants, however, showed that some vertical industries have developed a fairly good demand, such as the banking industry to adopt various solutions for data quality, because it certainly induced by the pressure of regulatory compliance. Banking & Finance for the quality of information is essential to monitor the progress of the main risk parameters and indicators linked to the performance of the business. This has been further enhanced by the integration processes that have characterized this field and have made it imperative requirement for investment banks to ensure the uniqueness of the data. In general, however, la survey ha confermato che le organizzazioni sono impegnate nel migliorare le procedure di archiviazione e consultazione dei dati, specialmente di quelli relativi alla clientela. È indubbio che, per un’azienda, disporre di dati utili a comprendere la clientela ed a studiare i mercati impatta sulla competitività dell’azienda stessa. Investire in data quality può significare potenziare le analisi della customer base, specialmente quando questa è finalizzata a nuovi prodotti/servizi.

4> l’indagine ha mostrato anche aspetti trascurati ?

Non direttamente, anche perché la survey voleva solo osservare la diffusione delle soluzioni di data quality. Posso affermare che are still a few companies that use data quality solutions, likely underestimated the aspect of safeguarding information assets, together with that of their better exploitation. In business, in the past, investments were directed to the SCM and ERP platforms, has not always tried to integrate the different systems, some problems are now afloat. The data quality is mentioned in some circumstances in complex situations, almost unmanageable, for example, when an error or a difference may affect the results of the analysis. In recent years it has increased the presence of tools for integrating data from different sources, but remains quite low adoption di soluzioni per l’ottimizzazione della “qualità” dei dati.

5> le cito alcuni “slogan” del passato, cioè alcuni attributi di valore dei progetti IT indicati come utili a governare i dati: visione olistica, knowledge management, customer insight, semplificazione del reporting, analisi d’insieme, dashboard e score card per misurare la customer satisfaction e la customer loyalty. Come mai, dopo diversi anni, si parla ancora di data quality come obiettivo da raggiungere ?

In realtà non si può parlare di arretratezza in modo generalizzato, in quanto sicuramente le banche sono più avanti delle aziende di altri settori e in particolare industrial companies. This is probably also due to the higher value assumes that the data for the banks than it is imputed by companies in the industry sector. In industrial companies, especially those in small to medium, in fact, in many cases lack the culture of data and information and the value it assumes for the development of business strategies. This is especially true in companies where there is no management managerial approach. I think these factors have led to neglect of data quality projects, giving priority to other projects with a more immediate impact and become more visible to top management.

6> are still "unresolved" Some issues, such as the problem of functional analysis , or the problem of the analysis of unstructured data (the contents of the email, or those produced in the areas of the Web 2.0). What might be other answers?

The company can not sit still, he should still think of innovation, even in times of crisis, a company must think about their future, to plan the future. The forms of IT innovation adoption might be the best platform for business intelligence and performance analysis. Especially the performance measurement systems can give interesting answers to the manager.

7> how to ensure the success IT projects for the exploitation of corporate data?

The answer from knowledge that I developed through further analysis, because this aspect was not drawn from ZeroUno. To set a strategy for enhancing the assets of an organization's information assets, it must involve the business from the outset. Often, the business has its own budget "independent", in many circumstances it is the business that chooses the solution directly, as in the case of business intelligence tools, which are chosen by the business because their users will interact with the data for rework them, study them. Returning to the previous question, that the responses, I can say that innovate business intelligence systems during the rationalization of information systems is certainly a challenge, but also give management a greater control of their business, and help us make decisions more detailed. In this context, are rightly the issue of data quality, the accuracy of which can provide analysis and forecasts on the basis of corporate strategies.

8> who wants the strengthening of business intelligence?
especially in business, primarily the chief executive officer, undoubtedly the director of marketing, the marketing director. The motivations are different: the marketing acting on the development of new products and services, and then expects the business intelligence to aid the simulation scenarios, and the sales function can use the tool to build scenarios and understand or correct the pricing. The CEO uses business intelligence to control the company. We talk to companies, however, end "high", ie companies sufficiently organized, in which it is clear the organization of functions and responsibilities are distributed. As mentioned earlier, in these contexts may increase the space for the culture of data quality, and may propose new applications for business intelligence. The problem is firms still poorly structured, or in which virtually no one is able to direct managerial innovation and change throughout the organization.

9> is considered as the data quality in CRM projects? The question is posed by those who, with a sort of skepticism, some CRM projects considered as "dangerous" because of their inherent complexity.

CRM systems concentrating large amounts of data, so they are definitely linked to the quality of information they handle, such as to allow accurate analysis of customer segmentation, to enable study of customer satisfaction and the quality of their relationship with the company. Some prejudices about CRM, which probably did not provide answers immediately effective - it is still difficult and challenging projects - have been swept away in the utilities, which in recent months have invested in CRM and BI solutions. In the future banks will be back to invest in new tools to analyze data on customers.

10> last question, Web 2.0 and enterprise data, where do we stand?

As evidenced by the survey, the ability to analyze user activity on the corporate Web site and through social networks is still an area where few companies hanno già investito. Non basta implementare gli strumenti del web 2.0, un’impresa se vuole tracciare il comportamento dei clienti e correlare le informazioni sul cliente, deve impostare un cambiamento organizzativo: all’interno dell’azienda ravviso la necessità di funzioni dedicate, dovranno essere presenti delle strutture capaci di valorizzare questi nuovi patrimoni informativi. In realtà non si tratta di una problematica tecnologica, ma piuttosto di un problema di carattere organizzativo, dal momento che si richiede un cambiamento anche nella cultura aziendale e la definizione di nuove figure che abbiano il compito di gestire questi dati.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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A delegation of visiting Fuerteventura in the region of Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia Lhamra

Una delegazione di Fuerteventura in visita nella regione Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia Lhamra 25/11/2009

Una delegazione che comprende eletti della camera di commercio di Fuerteventura, degli investitori, degli uomini d'affari e dei responsabili di quest'isola spagnola sono arrivati martedì sera a Laayoune per una visita di tre giorni nella regione di Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia Lhamra.

This visit is written in the context of the opening of the regional center investment (CRD) of Laayoune in the Canary Islands for publicizing the benefits of investment in the region and strengthen the socio-economic relations between the Canary Islands and the southern provinces of kingdom, said the director of the CRD, Mr. Hassan Maoulainaine.

We expect that this visit will help consolidate the friendly relations and trade and skills in order to attract investors, particularly the English, added Mr. Maoulainaine in a statement to MAP.

The aim of this visit is to strengthen trade relations between the Island of Fuerteventura and the province di Tarfaya, ha dichiarato da parte sua il vicepresidente della camera di commercio di Fuerteventura, il sig. Hannibal Domeniguez.

La delegazione terrà riunioni con i capi dei settori economici produttivi, i membri della camera di commercio e d'industria di Laayoune, gli eletti della provincia di Tarfaya per informarsi dei vantaggi e possibilità d'investimento a disposizione della regione, e nella provincia di Tarfaya in particolare.

Si renderà anche a molte istituzioni e stabilimenti economici e sociali così che a località turistiche, fra cui la regione turistica di Foum El Oued e la riserva Naila.


Il portale politico del Sahara occidentale:

The portal of the Western Sahara:

The portal of culture Hassani:

portal economic development in the region of Western Sahara :

The portal of social development in the region of Western Sahara:

Portal of the town of Western Sahara:

Monday, November 16, 2009

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Diverticulitis Symptoms Belt

I'm still alive

“Sono ancora vivo”

Francisco Morazán
"È oggi, ieri, domani? Tu lo sai,
Fratello, albeggia (E Morazán vigila)."
-Pablo Neruda-

writers, poets and artists of Latin America and the world

We say

Popular resistance to the coup by economic, political and military in the Central American nation is heroic. People resist peacefully in front of tanks, guns, brutal beatings by police and paramilitary groups, organizations, trained under Plan Condor and left the imperial interventionism in the region during the years of lead.

Writers and writers, poets and artists of Latin America leviamoci joining our hands to those of the Honduran people, its writers and its writers, poets and artists, rejecting the military coup carried out against the democratic system of Honduras on 28 June 2009, which resulted in the seizure and removal from the home of the Constitutional President Manuel Zelaya, the imposition of martial law disguised as a curfew, and the brutal repression unleashed against the people of Honduras to resist the dictatorship, the murder of the journalist Gabriel Up Noriega, the young activist Isis Obed Murillo and the People's Bloc, Roger Bados, the militarization of the media and censorship to freedom of expression and press freedom, violations of the elementary right to information protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, also signed by Honduras, the continuous and deliberate violation of human rights and the full exercise by the power of fact, the physical and psychological violence against the people, with assault, harassment, threats, imprisonment and torture.

sign the "Manifesto 1" writers, teachers, intellectuals and artists of Honduras issued within hours of the coup, one of the articles which states:

"Before the brutal attack on the institutions, which were monopolized by a minority Economic Almighty, before his manipulation tools and his accomplices pennivendoli against that proposal is essential for the unity of the people so that it is necessary, once again, a historic failure that we would sink into ignominy and submission, which We impose the usual class democracy and authoritarian in the saddle to the traditional parties and the oligarchy. "

say that with the subjugation of all rights of the Honduran people, are put at risk the rights of peoples Latin Americans to freely determine their own destiny.

We denounce that the establishment of the dictator in power Honduran Micheletti and his team are opening the way for terrorist groups who commit intimidation, threaten and persecute those who fight for the democratic resistance and the subversive hidden staging a coup in the ranks is the same as protagonists were military and paramilitary forces in the 70's and 80's aberrant formed death squads.

We demand the immediate restoration of President Manuel Zelaya Rosales and a convincing legal action - by the national courts and international - that sheds light on the process coup, his mentors, participants and collaborators, and on each on all the responsibilities that compete with them for the violations of the Constitution of Honduras, human rights and particularly for the murders committed under the dictatorship.

"Sovereignty resides in the people"

We also say that the people of Honduras has the right to discuss and reformulate its Magna Carta, to live with dignity and justice , to forge its own destiny, that nations are not the private hunting ground of the selected groups of power, nor can they live kneeling before the orders of the powerful world that each and every Honduran Honduran are architects of their own future, and they alone should determine, without interference of international organizations that do not always observe the interests of the people.

We demand the cessation of the curfew, the full exercise of freedom of expression and transit, the immediate release of prisoners, respect for life and physical integrity of all of Honduras, members of the Cabinet Ministerial and relatives of the President of Honduras, as well as the reinstatement of workers and officials dismissed or suspended by the bureaucrats coup.

Ricordiamo che la Costituzione dell’Honduras stabilisce, nell’articolo 2, che il sovvertimento della sovranità popolare e l’usurpazione dei poteri costituiti sono qualificati come delitti di Tradimento della Patria e il loro addebito non è soggetto a prescrizione.

Esortiamo i governi latinoamericani e del mondo intero a sostenere con fermezza il rispetto della volontà sovrana del popolo honduregno, non riconoscendo, per nessun motivo, gli usurpatori delle funzioni che spettano unicamente al presidente Zelaya.

Lanciamo un appello a conservare, approfondire e rafforzare unity and integration of the Latin American people in order to prevent and avoid any attempt coup in any country of our great motherland.

Calling all writers, poets, intellectuals and artists in the world, and their representative organizations, to add their fraternal solidarity and to embrace the cause of freedom, democracy and sovereignty of the Honduran people .
July 19, 2009

translation: Giancarlo Micheli

SECH: Sociedad de Escritores
Chile's International Poetry Festival of Havana.
International Poetry Festival "Word in the world" poetry magazine

Isla Negra Cultural Project National Network SUR
International Writers Festival poetry
Venezuela on the Mount, Rep. Dominicana. SOUTH
Cultural Project-San Juan de la Maguana
Digital Identity Portal
Sanjuanera International Meeting of Poets "The turn of the victim" of El Salvador
Board Poetry Festival in Puerto Rico (FIPPR)
PEN Club of Puerto Rico
Andeh National Writers Association of Honduras
sur Montreal Cultural Project
Brazilian Congress Poetry Argentina
Federation Artists entities
Cultural Project SUR Argentina
Editorial Board of the Journal Exegesis, Puerto Rico
Wednesday Poetry Project Costa Rica
International Meeting of Writers of Costa Rica
SUR-Manitoba Cultural Project
Pimenta Alexis Diaz , Oralitura Project. Spain
Latin American Solidarity Association (Asolatino), Bern, Switzerland SUR
Madrid Cultural Project
La Bodega del Diablo, the literary magazine. Argentina.
Claudia Korol, journal Free America. Argentina. Ildefonso
Finol, Centro Simón Bolívar Antiimperialista, General Coordinator
Dr. Julio Cuevas, writer, University Autónoma de Santo Domingo .-
Standard UASD Segade, Argentina, the International Writers' Fists of the Dove Dr. Sobieski
Lazala De Leon, Director Magazine grapes
Rivista di letteratura Isola Nera, Giovanna Mulas, writer, Italy.
Puppet Theatre "The Hairy Beast", Alejandro Seta and Cristina Ledesma, Miguel Angel Cruz Argentina
(wolf), Party of the poets, Argentina
Creative Collective communication-culture "Eyes of the Mind", Argentina.
Francisco Garzaro, Mesa Poetry Foundation
Guatemala Manuel Del Cabral Alejandro Cabral, Dominican Republic Trinckler
Alberto Hernan Quiñones Elisabeth Araya, Oestiario cultural journal - Argentina. Cruz-Bernal Mairym
PEN-Puerto Rico President Rubén
Sacchi, Director Lilith Magazine, Argentina
Impaglione Gabriel, poet, Argentina-Italy
Alex Pausides, poet, Cuba
Tito Alvarado, Chile-Canada Poet
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Member of the Icelandic Parliament for the Civic Movement, poet and activist. Iceland.
Gustavo Pereira, poet, Venezuela
Yvan Silen, poet, Puerto Rico
Casimiro de Brito, Poet and Writer, Lisbon, Portugal.
Charles Carbone, Argentina, poet.
José Antonio Kidron, poet, teacher, Argentina.
Taty Hernandez, poet, Dominican Republic
Ingrid storge: social comunicacora.
Miguel Sotomayor, Cuba, poet.
Juan Nuñez, writer, Argentina
Rannel Baez, poet Azua, Honduras
Etnairis Rivera, poet, professor, Puerto Rico
Nélida Martinelli, poet, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Daniel Montoly, Dominican women living in the United States. Rubén
Derlis, Argentina José María Pallaoro
, City Bell, Argentina
Adriano Corrales Arias, poet, Costa Rica
Olivier Herrera Marín, writer, Spain
Rosina Valcarcel, poet, Peru July
Rudman, journalist, Argentina
Francisco Azuela, poet and writer, Mexico
César Bisso, poet, Argentina
Pablo Herrera, poet, sociologist, Chile-Canada
Americo G. Valenzuela musician, Dominican Republic, Dr. James D.
Cockcroft, academic and writer, USA
Ana Silvia Mazia, translator, Argentina
Enrique Llopis, musician, Argentina
Ademir Antonio Bacca, poet, Brazil Eduardo
Nogareda, poet and radio communications, Uruguay. Irene
Morack, artist, Argentina
Bernet Pierre Ferrand, poet and painter, Cuba
Aurelio Alonso, a sociologist and essayist, Mary C.
Cuba Cruz, environmentalist and planner, Cuba
Juana Garcia Abbas, writer, José Luis Fariñas
Cuba, painter and writer Cuba
Lucio Eduardo Molina y Vedia, writer and journalist living in Mexico
Tania Nesterovsky, poet. Venezuela - Canada.
Hector Torres, a poet, Chile-Canada
Alexis E. Robles. Poet, Panama, Panama
Gregorio Echeverría, Writer, Argentina
Dr Marta Raquel Zabaleta, Economist, researcher, poet, Argentina. María Montserrat
Bertran, Bs As Argentina
Pablo Marrero, writer, James Bao-
Argentina Argentina, writer and poet
Gustavo de Jesus, poet, Dominican Republic, Canada
Oscar Peretto, musician. Paulina
Vinderman, poet, Argentina. Silvia N.
Barei. - Writer. Argentina.
Máximo Kinast Aviles, escribiente panfletario, Chile
Carmen Rita Centeno, escritora, Puerto Rico
Alfonso Velis Tobar, poeta y escritor, Canadá/ El Salvador
Miguel De Boer, escritor, Argentina
Rafael Innocente, novelista, Perú
Rolando Revagliatti, poeta, escritor, Argentina
Víctor Montoya, escritor, Bolivia.
Claudio Simiz, escritor, docente, investigador, Argentina
José Emilio Tallarico. Poeta. Médico. Argentina.
Lucrecia Cossío, Argentina
Genoveva Arcaute, poeta, Argentina
David Heap Profesor de lingüística, Canadá.
Edgar E Ramírez Mella, poeta y pintor Aguada Puerto Rico. Oswaldo DeLeon
Kantule Plastic Artist-Canada Panama. Standard
Mejías Espinar, Aguada, Puerto Rico. Ariel Ruiz Crespo
Craftsman, promoter and facilitator Cultural Aguada Puerto Rico.
Carlos López, poet, writer, Guatemala Virginia
Edit Perrone, psychologist and poet, Argentina.
Maynor Freyre, writer, Peru. Wilma C. Borchers
- Oscar
Oriolo, poet, writer, Argentina. Sergio Felipe
Mattano, Petisos Poets Association, Argentina.
Lina de Feria, poet, Cuba. Eduardo
Dalter, poet, Argentina
Angela Randazzo, a student of Marine Ecology, France
Alexander Schmidt, a poet, Argentina
Diana Espinal poet, Honduras
José Jesús Villa Pelayo, writer, Venezuela
Alejandra Segovia, writer, Luis Felipe Venezuela
Bellorín, writer, Venezuela
Alvaro Trujillo, writer, Venezuela
Rosa Trujillo, writer, Venezuela
Ximena Benitez, author, Venezuela Luis
Ernesto Gomez, writer, Venezuela
Victoria Servidio, physician, author, poet, Argentina María Julia
Prati, UNC Lic Social Communication, Faculty, Córdoba, Argentina Revista de Letras
sayings Arts & Culture Cosquín, Argentina
Adriana Vega (Tinto) , Author, Argentina. Elisa
Dejistani, writer, poet and artist. Argentina.
Pablo Mora, poeta, Venezuela.
Freddy Ñáñez, poeta, Venezuela.
Alfonso Velis Tobar, poeta, escritor, investigador, Salvador-Canadá.
Lis Joosten, arpista y gestora cultural, Holanda-Honduras.
Rodolfo Dada, poeta, Costa Rica.
Alejandro Cordero, poeta, Costa Rica
UPR-Humacao, Puerto Rico
Marcos Reyes Dávila, Vice Presidente FIPPR y Director Revista Exegesis. Puerto Rico.
Maritza Álvarez, poeta y dibujante. Chile.
Claudio González Baeza, poeta y director de Ediciones del Árbol y La Bota Literaria,Argentina.
María Laura Quiroga. Poeta Argentina
María Rosa León, docente – escritora. Argentina.
María Chapp- Poeta- Argentina.
Ian Welden, poeta y cuentista, Dinamarca-Chile.
Martín "Poni" Micharvegas, F.P.I. Fondo Poetario Internacional, España
IPN I Poeti Nomadi, revista de arte on line.
Víctor Manuel Ramos, escritor, Honduras
Ulrich Grasnick, Director de los poetas de la Lese Bühne de Berlín im Zimmertheater;
José Pablo Quevedo, Peruano, Embajador de Poetas del Mundo en Alemania;
Juergen Polinski, Cónsul de Poetas del Mundo en Berlín
Lorena Cormick, escritora- periodista, Argentina
Candelario Reyes García, Poeta y dramaturgo- Honduras
Pedro Munhoz , compositor Musical, Brasil.
Aldo Luis Novelli - Escritor - Argentina
Alicia Bautista, Secretary of Education, Government of Mexico City, Mexico. Charlotte
Jullien, Social Educator, Marseille / France
Jorge Luis Lopez, Ecotourism, Tegucigalpa / Honduras
Miguel Lohlé, painter, Honduras
Cristina Domenech, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hughet Carmen Gonzalez, writer, essayist, El Salvador
Waldina Mejia poet Rodolfo Abalos
Honduras, Poet, Argentina Raúl Gálvez
Cuéllar, poet, writer, Peru. Francis
Mestries, Editorial Clerk, Mexico City Guillermo Perez
Prats, Cuba
Juan Antonio Borges, poet, Argentina. Jorge
Lobillo, writer, poet, Mexico. Walter
Mondragón, poet, Colombia. Editorial and library
Culture, Funes, Argentina. William
Baccino, writer, bookseller, Argentina. Light and
Literary Cafe Luna, Funes, Argentina. Gustavo
Lespa, poet, Argentina.
Natalia Molina, poet, journalist, Sierra de la Ventana, Argentina.
Ana Arias Saavedra, writer, Spain. Sunday
Felipe Acosta, poet, Spain. Gustavo
Tissoco, poet, Argentina. Gina
Esco Escobar, Oberá-Misiones-Argentina
Arandú Ltda, Cooperative Management and Production Cultural.Misiones.Argentina
Juanita Warren, poet, Cuba.
Antonio Leal, poet, Mexico. Alfredo
Moles, MD Argentine writer and resident in Spain.
Pablo Herrera, poet, sociologist, Chile-Canada. Estefania
Joulia, artist, Argentina. Adys
Cupull, writer, Cuba
Froilan Gonzalez, historian, Cuba
Livia Hidalgo, poet, Argentina
Hector Sommaruga, social communicator, Uruguay, Mexico
Rivero Olga Jordan, poet, Spain.
Domingo Acosta, poet, Canary Islands, Spain
Martín Martínez Rodríguez, poet, Mexico. Sonia
Figueras Buenos Aires - Argentina
Silvia Loustau-Writer-Translator .- Mar del Plata, Argentina Graciela Zanini
Argentina Sergio Gómez Montero, Writer and journalist, Mexico
Neuza Ladeira, poet, Brazil
Liliana Campazzo-poets society doomsday
Susana Fernandez-Argentina-Argentina Sachaos
Carlos Terribili, artist, Argentina.
Carmen Campos Pino. Writer, Venezuela. Jorge
Brega, poet, director magazine La Marea, Argentina. Edgardo
Tabasco storyteller. Argentina.
Rosa Maria de Britto Cosenza, National Coordinator of Cultural Arts Project SUR / Brazil. Carlos López Dzur
, educator, poet and director of Sequoyah Vurtual (California) USA. Carlos Rafael Diéguez
Batista. Writer and Journalist. Cuba. Sonia G.
Figueras, writer, Argentina. Miguel Longarini-
poet, Argentina. Liliana
Lapadula - writer, art therapist, Argentina
Nina Torres, university professor, Mexico.
Reyna Dominguez, poet, Argentina.
Antonio Leal, poet, Mexico. Magazine
Flow, Dominican Republic.
Carlos Enrique Cabrera, writer, Dominican-Rep.
Manuel de Jesus Pineda, narrator, Honduras. Luis Manuel Pérez
Boitel, poet, Cuba. Laureano
Asoli, Writer, Argentina
Bivio Soledad, Argentina.
Susan Lizzi, poet and storyteller, Argentina. Nora Alicia
Perugino, poet, Argentina
Fausto Grossi, artist, Argentina. Yrasema
López, poet, Argentina
Film Magazine Braille, Argentina.
Ximena Sánchez Rovira, Poet, Costa Rica
Germain Carnero Roque, poet, Peru. Jorge
Miralda, writer, Honduras. Indran
Amirthanayagam, poet, Sry Lanka. Arabella
Sallaberry, writer and actress, Costa Rica. Tench
Elsa Mariani, teacher and poet, Argentina-Chile. Murrieta
Isabel López, Colectivo Cultural Tehuikatzi Hia, Mexico.
Amelia Arellano-Psychologist-Writer
Townhouse Free America, Argentina
Cristina Castello, poet and journalist, Paris-Buenos Aires.
Henrique José Millán Medina, librarian, poet, essayist and Promoter of Reading. Venezuela
Argosis-cultural movement, the literary magazine.
Joel Rojas, poet, editor, Venezuela. America
Comparini, poet, Chile. Livia
Hidalgo, Argentina. Luza
Maritza Castillo, a journalist, writer and poet, Peru. Network
Poets, Argentina Marta
Prono, poet, Argentina.
Paul De Biaggio - Songwriter - Poet - Argentina Liliana
Campazzo, poet and teacher librarian, Argentina. Faus
Alejandro Avella, writer, Catalunya (spain)
Delfina Acosta, writer, Paraguay.
Maria Cristina Santiago Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Taty Hernández Durán, poet, Dominican Republic
Juan Daniel Perrotta, poet, Argentina
Maria Mederos, cultural promoter, Cuba
Yuri Bermudez, poet, Venezuela
Rovira Ana Ligia Ugalde, writer, Costa Rica
Domenzain Elia, actress, poet, cultural promoter, Mexico in July
Pavanetti, poet, Uruguay, Spain
Annabel Villar, poet, Uruguay, Spain
Liceo Poetic, Benidorm, Spain
Workshop Basic Literary milk, Gral.Rodríguez, Bs.As.Argentina., coordinated by Eduardo Santillan Mirna Esposito
, poet, Argentina
Remisson Aniceto, poet, Brazil
Education Program for Peace-PROEPAZ-El Agustino.Lima.PERU ,
Town of Augustine, Peru Casa de la Amistad
PERU-CUBA, Lima, Peru Peru
Paulo Freire Forum, Lima, Peru
Conference of Religious in Peru
Theological Institute Juan XXIII Studies (ISET), Lima, Peru
Parishes St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, the Virgin of Nazareth, school staff and the Admirable Mother Religious of the Sacred Heart, Lima, Peru
Carmen Uria Araujo, poet. Eddy
Spain Rafael Pérez, poet, editor and cultural promoter of the Republic of Venezuela.
Daniel Viglietti, songwriter, Uruguay
Cecilia Todd, singer, Venezuela
Victor Victor & the jukebox, Dominican Republic
Ricardo Flecha, Canto Popular, Paraguay
Techi Cusmanich, Artistic Producer, Paraguay
Danny Rivera, Musician, Puerto Rico.
Gloria Lopresti, actor and writer, Argentina
Quinteto Tiempo, folk group, Argentina
Ulises Warsaw, poet, Chile. Diego Velasco
Andrade, poet, Ecuador
Melina Alfaro.Empleada Post-Argentina
Lourdes Sarmento, poet, Brazil Jorge Daffunchio
Visual Artist and Poet, Argentina. J
Dimolitsas Dorothy Barboza, Coord. Geral, Project South Paulista, Brazil. Lucia
Gonczi, music, Project South Paulista, Brazil.
Fatima Queiroz, coord. Art, Project South Paulista, Brazil
Carlos Rodriguez Almaguer, poet, Cuba
Amilkar Fair Flores, painter and writer, Cuba
Andres Aldana, poet, Argentina / Israel
Jorge Goyeneche, Novell, Argentina
W Hernan Bravo Company of Writers Latinoamericando Vanvouver, Canada
María Inés Malchiodi, writer, anthropologist, Argentina
Clemencia Cruz García, artist, Colombia Jorge Aníbal
Sciorra, writer, Argentina. Raul
Bracho, Kaosenlared
Lilia Riveros Gutiérrez, President Poetry without borders.
Carlos Sanchez, poet, Argentina-Italy
Luis Benitez, poet, Argentina
Elsa Tio, poet, Puerto Rico. Carlos Enrique
Cartolano, poet, Argentina
Mirna Valdés V., Collective Poetry Send private message
@ sa Silva Antonio Arroyo, poet, Canary Islands. Sergio Pinto
Briones, experimental poet, Chile and Spain. Graciela
Facio - narrator, Antonio M.
Argentina Sequeira - poet - writer, Argentina
Pablo Benítez, poet, El Salvador. Free Chair
Roque Dalton, coordinator Paul Benitez, El Salvador. Samir Delgado
writer Islands.
Luis Meléndez Vásquez. Poet, Venezuela. Robin King
Hernández Rojas, Art Instructor and Poet. Cuba
Jose Luis Moreno Del Toro, MD, Poet. Cuba
Omar Garcia Ramirez, poet, Colombia
Angel M. Encarnacion, writer, Puerto Rico
Theatre National Federation of Ecuador, President Pedro Vargas
Saad Mascaro Theatre Workshop in Ecuador Ilonka Director Aurora Vargas
Tumanischwili Penelon, writer, researcher, FETERA Flores (based collective CTA) - Argentina
Guillermo Lopez, writer, researcher, FETERA Flores (CTA collective basis). Argentina. Alex M. Rivera
Darío, poet, novelist and essayist, Honduras
George Reyes, Ecuadorian poet / Mexico
Tania Alegria, poet, Brazil / Portugal Isla
Jessica, Writer, Honduras
Writers and Artists Network of Latin American Feminist. Gloria
Arcuschin, Writer, Argentina Sandra
Petroivch, artist and poet.
Uruguay Andrés Aldana, poet, Argentina-Israel.
Daniel Eduardo Fernandez, Psychologist y escritor, Argentina
Pilar Iglesias de la Torre, Médica, Poeta y Directora de Alkaid Ediciones. España
Laura Yasan, poeta, Argentina.
Julio Solórzano Murga. Poeta, Perú
Sociedad de Poetas y Narradores Región Lima – Perú
Alonso Mejía Sánchez, periodista y poeta nicaragüense. Costa Rica.
Melina Alfaro, poeta. CABA. Argentina.
Luis Alberto Ambroggio, poeta, Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua.
Zulma Zubillaga, poeta, Argentina
Ezequiel D´León Masís, escritor, Nicaragua.
Carlos Domingos, poeta, Portugal.
Alicia Villoldo-Botana, periodista, Argentina
Leonardo Martínez, poeta, Argentina. Susana Fernandez
Sachaos, poet and essayist, Maria Belen Argentina
Duet, poet, Argentina.
Clemente Padin, artist, Uruguay
Silvia Manzini, poet, Argentina
Veronica Pedersen, writer, Spain
Arte Poetica and Orlando Santos Ordóñez. Poet, Peru.
Isabel Miguel, poet, Spain
Aura Violeta Saracini Aldana, Universidad Politecnica de Nicaragua. Giancarlo
Micheli, writer and poet, Italy
Ernesto Gonzalez, a Cuban writer living in Chicago.
Pen Club, Communicative Integration Project, Argentina. Norberto
Ganci, Director of the Pen Club, Argentina. Marisa
Trejo Sirvent, poet, Juan Carlos Hidalgo Mexico
Antigoni, poet, journalist, Venezuela.
Luis Delgado Arria, Poet, Venezuela
Carmen Castejón Cabeceira, poet, writer, artist, Spain
Marcela Perez Silva - singer - Peru
Alberto Boco - Poet - Argentina. Servius Tullius
Ochoa, Venezuela. Rafael
Mitrenko, Artist Painter, France. Standard
Segade - Manias, poet, editor, Argentina.
Rodolfo Alvarez, poet, writer, Argentina Alicia
Ballista, writer, journalist. Argentina.
Sara Rosenberg, writer, Argentina, Spain
Jorge Boccanera, writer, Argentina. Federico
Andahazi, writer, Argentina.
Antonio Gonzalez Ordonez, the collective community radio station La Rosa de San José FM 92.3, Venezuela.
Cristina Pacheco, journalist, writer, Mexico.
Jose Emilio Pacheco, poet, Mexico. Fashion
Rubio, poet and journalist, Venezuela.
Elvira Alejandra Quinterno, writer, Colombia.
Julia Marichal, actress, Mexico.
Mauricio Molina Delgado, a poet and university professor, Costa Rica
Collective Huellas, Chantada Angeles, Giovanni Rodriguez, Cipriano Antonio Gomez. Venezuela.
Esteban Monge, singer, Costa Rica.
Rubén Pagura. Actor, playwright and musician - Costa Rica
Ana Maria Rodas, writer, Guatemala.
Antonio Jiménez Paz, poeta (Islas Canarias (España)
Ramòn Soto Urdaneta animador- productor de Radio y Televisiòn- Venezuela.
David Alberto Fuks, escritor,docente universitario,psicólogo y editor. Argentina.
Omar Muñoz..Docente Maracaibo, Venezuela.
eRadioCi - Colombia Informa Radio. Jairo Duque G.- Colombia.
Maria Fischinger - maestra retirada - Perú, USA. Eslovenia
Gian Luca Cupisti, artista y poeta, Italia.
Julio Carabelli, Escritor, Bs. As. Argentina
Myriam Leal, Escritora, Argentina
Editorial Trascendernoa, Fundación Familia y Educación (Tucumán)- Argentina.
Rodolfo Vargas Aignasse, Escritor, Argentina.
Alejandra Burzac, poet, Argentina. Feliciano Mejia
Hidalgo Circle Universal Peace Ambassadors - Geneva, Switzerland.
Ana Maria Guerra, Actress, teacher and theater director (Argentina) Enrique Santos
Discepolo Centro Cultural de Morón, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Chus Pato, poet (Galicia) Spain
Mangano Giuliano, writer, Italy
Raul Luis Castillo, poet, Cuba
Marian García Herrero, historian, Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Education Program for Peace-PROEPAZ-El Augustino. Lima, Peru
Valdeavellano Milagros Roca Rey, theologian, educator, Director of PROEPAZ, Peru
Chrysalis Porras, educator, behavioral therapist, poeta, Venezuela
Abraham Nahón, Escritor y Director de la Revista Luna Zeta, México
Ruy Fernando Barboza, psicologo, periodista , Brasil
Patricia Díaz Bialet - Poeta – Argentina
Liliana Celiz, poeta, Argentina
Rubens Jardim, poeta e jornalista, Brasil.
Paquita Cruz. Pintora - Costa Rica
Stella Maris Taboro, escritora, poeta, Argentina.
Fidelia Caballero Cervantes, poeta, México
Patricia Polo Pina. Estudiante de la UCM. España
Gabriela A Botbol, poeta, Argentina
Nelly Fida, periodista, poeta y escritora, Argentina.
Gastón Cornejo Bascopé. Médico y Senado de Bolivia.
Silvia Miguens. Escritora. Argentina
Rosa C. Baez Bookworm Cuban "news dissemination on the Web. Adriana
Riss. Journalist - Writer. Argentina
Stella Calloni journalist, writer, poet Argentina. Ida
Garberi, journalist, Prensa Latina, Cuba
Alternative Communication Project Pana! in Venezuela. Bovine
Alejandro Maciel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Roberto Attias, poet, Carlos Arturo Trinelli
Ana Silvia Mazia, translator, Argentina
Finol Ildefonso, writer and poet, Central Anti-Imperialist National Simon Bolivar. Lidia Cristina Carrizo
Venezuela, writer, Argentina
Marta Pizzo, poet, Argentina. Lya
Sierra, poet and novelist, Colombia
Daniel Wence, poet, Mexico. Marcelo
Marcolin, writer, Argentina
Liliana López Foresi, Journalist, Argentina. Susana
Siveau, poet, Argentina
Janet N. Gold, academic and writer, Suzanne Giraudo
U.S., poet Maya Argentina
Cu, poet. Educator, journalist, freelance editor. Guatemala
Jorge Luis López Aguilar, poet, Argentina

writers who aligned themselves with the statement "Democracy for Honduras"
Raúl Zurita, Poli Delano, Arturo Corcuera, Jaime Quezada, Jorge Boccanera, José María Memet, Cristina Larco, Edmundo Moure, Reynaldo Lacámara, Gregory AngelC, Victor Saez, Alfredo Lavergne, Jorge Montealegre, Malú Urriola, Pía Barros, Florentino Carreño, Iris Fernández, Ximena Troncoso, Mauricio Barrientos, Rosa Alcayaga, Estela Members, Marcelo Lira, Jorge Etcheverry, Angela Montero, Amaro Labra, Gladys Muñoz, Renzo Rosso Ligia Uribe, Carlos Orders Pincheira, Astrid Fugellie, Yolanda Duke Vidal, Cecilia Palma, Horacio Eloy, Omar Cid, Norton Contreras Robledo, Luis E. Aguilera, Jorge Bousoño, Eytel Guido, Ingrid Odgers, Latin Comparini, Rocio L `Amar, Ulises Rodriguez Zamarripa, Moira Brncic, Galel Cardenas Khadaoui Ali, Driss Allouch, Paola Valverde, Luis Arias Manzo, Eduardo Robledo, Rafael Rosado, Siboney del Rey, Nina La Porta, Carlos Benitez Villodres, Vilma Reyes Diaz, Paulo Monteiro, José Pablo Quevedo, Joaniquina Ernesto Hidalgo, Virginia Vidal, Edmundo Moure, William Bown, Raquel Flores, Mario Cabrera, Lucyna Yanez, Leonel Ampuero, Dennis Avila Vargas, Paola Valverde Alier, Ollé Norberto Salinas, Eugenio Redondo, Etnairis Rivera, Marcela Sojo, David Robinson, Diogenes of Sinope, Ruth Baltra Moreno, Mairym Cruz-Bernal, Elizabeth Cazessus, César Stewart, Teresa Calderon, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Patricio Manns.

Stiamo aggiornamiento you sign the document at:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ideas For Dirt Bike Themed Party

NAL call to resolve the Sahara issue within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty and territorial integrity

NAL call to answer the question of the Sahara, under Moroccan sovereignty and territorial integrity

Network of Arab Liberals has confirmed the need to find a permanent solution to the Sahara issue within the framework of preserving the unity of the territorial integrity of Morocco, and full sovereignty over its territory.

And the network he called at the end of the meeting of its General Assembly and its political bureau based in Cairo Monday night to give priority to "the approach of local democracy through the development of the rule of a car in this expanded region under the broad regional.''

and argued that this perception is the one and only guarantor of stability and global development per assicurare il progresso del progetto dell'Unione del Maghreb.

D'altra parte, i liberali arabi hanno ribadito il bisogno di lavorare per migliorare la libertà di espressione nel mondo arabo, sottolineando che questa libertà è un diritto umano universale e indivisibile o lo smaltimento .

La rete dei liberali arabi incontrati a margine del 56 liberale internazionale, che si è tenuto recentemente al Cairo e conosceva la partecipazione di circa 300 personaggi che rappresentano internazionali partiti liberali, compresi i signori elemento Amehnd Laansar il segretario generale del Movimento popolare e da un membro dell'Internazionale liberale, e Mohamed Ozen membro del Politburo del partito incaricato dei rapporti con l’internazionalismo liberal.

The Conference stressed in particular the democratic reality and the prospects for freedom in the Arab world, and praised in this regard the experience of pluralism and democracy in Morocco, saying that the Kingdom has accumulated experience with the passage the time devoted to the mechanisms for conducting free, fair and transparent elections due to pluralism and free competition.

Network of Arab Liberals, led by Mr. Mohamed Tamldo Constitutional Union party, including parties of eight Arab countries: Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon.

Sources: The

political portal of the Western Sahara:

The portal of the Western Sahara:

The portal of culture Hassani:

The portal development economic region in the Western Sahara:

The portal of social development in the region of Western Sahara:

Portal of the cities of Western Sahara:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

May I Brush My Dogs Teeth With Colgate?

The next assertion is finally in Italy?

Segnalo un articolo del Prof. Antonello Garzoni (SDA Bocconi, Director of the Master in Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy (MISA)) on the business function of competitive intelligence, "intelligence is not espionage that makes its way into businesses."

The article says that the function of Competitive Intelligence began to find their place in Italian companies (particularly in larger ones), which is probably signal a growing awareness in organizations of the value of the analysis of continuous' external environment and that we can not rely solely on market research analysis of the customers.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tropical Fish Clipart

Forrester Research released several thematic blogs

Warns blog published by the thematic research firm Forrester, is updated frequently and may allow a faster interaction with some analysts and experts. Often the consultation carried out by specialists Forrester report, requesting information about the trend of adoption of information technology, and know the weather of a certain investment in IT industry. Let me clarify that the information always has a cost and that the news and the weather is particularly useful for someone like me, must decipher the trends in demand for innovation in public and private companies and wants to analyze the activities of competitors, are almost never available in the network for free. Blogs that signals can be a tool to communicate with analysts and value and to be born and conversations on the network, perhaps, forms of collaboration. I am excited about the initiative of the company Forrester, their relationships and their predictions are accurate, I think the design of the blog will provide visitors with news and well-argued equally well-rated!

general list of blogs written by experts from Forrester Research

Blog for the community of marketers specializing in consumer
http://blogs.forrester. com / consumer_market_research /

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How To Speed Up Treatment For Pityriasis Rosea

Event> "Sustainability, a value for the enterprise" (September 16, 2009, Milan)

From time some companies are committed to creating value through the communication of their corporate values and its plans for the environment and the social. Some also communicate their social and environmental balance, as if to "certify" as much as the commitment to achieve the required results. In this way the projects are announced which companies combine their commitment by increasing their participation in society and improving the confidence of its stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility is no doubt a project that wants to build a value for enterprises by strengthening asset like the image, public relations and reputation of the company as much of its management.

In a post-crisis period, companies must commit to maintain their positive relationships to attract new attention and develop new confidence and therefore increase the importance of corporate values \u200b\u200band commitment of companies for environmental and social policies. But not enough, of course, the commitment: each company will be crucial to enhance its efforts, especially if this gives a value of tangible, demonstrable, and therefore will require careful planning of the communication of corporate social responsibility.

these topics, and many others, will be discussed at a seminar held in Milan on September 16, 2009, organized by Unicom " Sustainability: A valore per l'impresa ".

Il seminario è riservato per i soci Unicom, in quanto rientra nei programmi di aggiornamento professionale.

Informazioni sull'evento "Sostenibilità: un valore per l'impresa"
Come la comunicazione sostiene l’impresa nel valorizzare le buone prassi etiche

Sede del seminario: Unicom - Piazza Bertarelli, 1 - Milano
Orario di inizio del seminario: h.14:30

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pokemon Gold Shiny Pokemon Stronger?

Marketing (digital) that will be, and what would already have existed

In questo periodo dell'anno si inizia ad assistere all'intensificarsi delle "profezie" sul marketing che verrà. Specialmente in un momento di crisi, ci si interroga su come la scienza di marketing si possa adattare ad una società consumption particularly changed, where he still lacks the enthusiasm from consumers, many companies by the vision of the future on their own markets, and they all seem concerned about the general distrust of a recovery soon, indeed.

noncommittally abstractions about possible developments in marketing, or how the marketing function is to reposition themselves in organizations, I will reflect on some predictions about digital marketing (indicating a link ), to promote simple and considerations on immediate opportunities, including on the handful of all the information and communication technologies could enable enterprises already. For example, the affirmation of advertising on the web has not yet led to a crisis, at least in Italian society, patterns of communication via television advertising "traditional", while you begin to positively consider email marketing.

In the future, however, apart from the resistance of consumers born before the company's digital marketing and online advertising will change the budget planning of businesses. Also because the scan does not require the ownership of most consumer laptops or home PCs, but thanks to the miniaturization of devices and upgrading of mobile terminals, the advertising campaigns will rely on technologies capable of reaching anywhere recipients. Provided

to see fulfilled those tenzenze "announced" for many years: openness, transparency, accessibility .... Also because ....

'The digital future is people, not digital media'

Business In 2010: A New Face of Marketing Marketing & id = 4721

Monday, July 13, 2009

Enlarged Liver And Gallstones

dirammi 620 million for the rehabilitation of the region of Laayoune liquid horizon

dirammi 620 million for rehabilitation liquid in the region of Laayoune horizon

The regional delegation of the National Bureau of Laayoune drinking water (ONEP) has announced that a budget line of 628 million has been paid to dirammi program of leveling the field of fluid recovery in the region of Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra, by 2012.

According to data gathered by the delegation of UNEP, this program should be funded through a partnership between UNEP and the agency in the south, as well as the Interior Ministry and the municipalities concerned.

's about widening the network of evacuation of waste water, construction a tunnel for the treatment of these waters in Laayoune, the construction of pumping stations, a channel of mackerel and a treatment plant in Al Marssa.

This program also includes the construction of pumping stations and a water treatment plant to the town of Boujdour, as well as the preparation of studies on projects of waste water evacuation centers Foum El Ouad, Attah and Akhenfir.

According to the UNEP Regional Directorate of the achievements made in the region between 2006 and 2008 reached a value of 226 million and 400,000 dirammi.

should be noted that the National Bureau of drinking water has made available to the effective management of sector consolidation, in Laayoune da partire dal gennaio 2006 e questo conformemente ad un accordo firmato con il Consiglio comunale della città di Laayoune.

Quest'accordo stabilisce per una durata di 15 anni si prefigge di strutturare le vie amministrative, tecniche e finanziarie che organizzano la gestione delegata del servizio di risanamento liquido.


Il portale politico del Sahara occidentale:

Il portale del Sahara occidentale:

Il portale della cultura hassani:

Il portale dello sviluppo economico nelle regione del sahara occidentale:

The portal of social development in the region of Western Sahara:

Portal of the cities of Western Sahara: