Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why Does It Take So Long To Close An Sba Loan?


The new truck: St. Vincent-Gorgona
March 17, 2009 - The Strait that had been open was closed and now the dock has been self-generated significantly lengthened by about three hundred meters and has taken the form of a truck that goes boldly to the island of Gorgona. (See photo below)
With the current size of the pier is already a danger to navigation, but so, since it is quite irregular, so that it applies both to the end. Certainly the company Marina di San Vincenzo could at least update the drawings and renderings of the new port that can be seen on his website hosted on the website of the City (see photo above) where the new pier incredible, of course, there is no trace.
do and undo ... It 's all a work. (But the permissions?)
But if you are running the show is absolutely bellezza. vedete come è stato valorizzato il vecchio nucleo centrale del paese. Il cor si risolleva! Certo bisogna ringraziare il Comune che ha studiato un inserimento così squisito dei nuovi volumi e la Soprintendenza di Pisa che ha preteso con indefessa dedizione che i nuovi edifici, per rispettare il vincolo paesaggistico, avessero forme e materiali tradizionali e non in contrasto con quelli del borgo marinaro retrostante. Grazie di cuore a tutte queste autorità sempre così attente, puntuali e disinteressate.

Il misterioso stretto che appare e scompare
5 marzo 2009 - Il misterioso molo sorto misteriosamente nei mesi scorsi a seguito di un bradyseism and then, since this natural phenomenon, without all the necessary clearances 7, has suddenly collapsed for a distance of about four meters, forming a close. The purpose of this interruption is not to allow the passage of merchant shipping, but to prevent photographers to enter the isthmus, Sales, and taking pictures such as those in the previous post, which evidently did not like. Indeed
sucked. Not photos, but the subject.


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