Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kates Playground Comes In Shower


The commissioner Pini March 3 last year in the municipal council had assured him that the operation of submarine mysteriously filling the hole created by natural causes, it was finally finished. That the material was downloaded at least to a meter below the water surface . The track service truck that had exhausted its task, it was quickly dismantled.
In fact, the track has been dismantled, but in its place instead of water has been a stony irregularly outcropping looks horrible, dangerous, and not covered by any project or authorization.
we will see evolve over the coming months as questa telenovela.

Intanto il superprogramma di rendering della Sales ci fa vedere come apparirà in agosto la prestigiosa spiaggia di cui sopra, su cui finalmente si potrà nuovamente riversare il popolo degli orfani della ex spiaggia cittadina di viale Marconi. La Sales comunica che non verrà fatto pagare alcun biglietto di ingresso. Anche i tuffi nella nuova sassaia saranno del tutto gratuiti.

Intanto il nuovo porto, riordinato e spazzato comincia finalmente ad apparire nel suo pieno splendore.
Nei prossimi giorni tuttavia, quando saranno stati gettati i solai dei parcheggi-garage (che appaiono inspiegabilmente più alti di viale Marconi) the beauty of the intervention becomes even more evident. As will be evident also been the disappearance of the sea view. Hurrah!
Strange sightings from parts of Dauphin and also Barcaccina. Horrendous pieces of geotextile-reinforced polyester with traces of heavy seams, torn and tattered were stranded, despite the attempts of some volunteers to put them into the sea. According to some rumors it would be shredded on site of the famous salsiccioni Professor Aminta, thrown into the sea a month ago to protect the coastline from erosion. Is it true? Sarah Ferguson? It will be the first to throw for the investigation in some other sea hundreds of thousands of euro?


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