Premio Speciale Saggistica Cesare Pavese 2010
I take 'opportunity to thank the jury of the Cesare Pavese and local authorities for having awarded the Special Prize Essay Cesare Pavese 2010.
I also thank the audience at the awards ceremony, which took place August 29, 2010 in the birthplace of the writer located in Santo Stefano Belbo Langhe (Cuneo).
The cover illustration is the designer Carla Massimetti.
GR1 of 27.08.2010 with effect from 23rd minute (a little 'before, around)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Get The Chicken Feed And Fox Across The Nile
New Squares Inagh
No comment
Muretto di recinzione ricoperto di filo di ferro con punte - INAGIBILE
Article 5. PLATFORM
[1] In the pedestrian areas adjacent to vehicular traffic signs and regulations referred to in 4.2.2 . and 8.2.2. Decree of the Minister of Public Works 14/06/1989 No 236 , apply only to the characteristics of pavements and junctions spaces between sidewalks and driveways.
[2] The difference between the level of the sidewalk and driveway areas adjacent to it must not exceed 15 cm.
[1] for the stairs and ramps the rules described in paragraphs 4.1.10 ., 4.1.11. and 8.1.10., and 8.1.11. Decree of the Minister of Public Works 06/14/1989 No 236 . paths that exceed 6 feet in width shall be as a rule, also equipped with central handrail .
[1] The furnishings and facilities, including commercial, with the function of urban public spaces to be located on must be accessible according to the criteria of Art. 4 of the Decree of the Minister of Public Works 14/06/1989 No 236.
[2] The tables and signage devices must be installed in position as to be easily visible and legible.
[3] The tables and signage devices in the second paragraph, as well as the support structures of power lines, telephone, public lighting and no equipment of any kind, are installed so as not to be a source of accident and of the way, even people on wheelchairs.
DM June 14, 1989, No 236, published in Suppl. Ordinary Gazz. No. June 23, 1989, No 145.
technical requirements needed to ensure the accessibility, adaptability and visitability private buildings and residential housing public subsidies and, in order to overcome and the elimination of architectural barriers.
Article 2.
the purposes of this decree:
A) For architectural barriers are:
a) physical obstacles that are a source of discomfort for the mobility of anyone, especially those who, for whatever reason, have a mobility reduced or prevented on a permanent or temporary;
b) barriers that restrict or prevent anyone from convenient and safe use of parts, equipment or components;
c) the lack of measures and indicators that allow the orientation and recognition of places and sources of danger to anyone and especially for the blind, for the visually impaired and the deaf.
F) for outer space is the set of open spaces, even if covered, the relevant building or several buildings, especially those located between the building or buildings and public roads or public use.
G) is the ability to access, even for people with reduced or impaired mobility or sensory impairment, to reach the building and its individual units and the environment, to easily enter and benefit from it's facilities in appropriate security and autonomy.
4.1.2. Floors.
Floors should normally be horizontal and flush with each other and, in the common and public use, but not slippery.
Any differences in the level should be contained or overcome through ramps with adequate slope so as not to hinder the transit of a person in a wheelchair.
In the first case we must note the difference with color variations, the edge of any thresholds should be rounded .
Stairs must have a smooth flow and uniform throughout their development. If this is not possible is necessary to mediate any change in their performance through shelves of appropriate size. For each flight of stairs, steps should have the same lift and kick. Ramps should preferably contain the same number of steps, which have a proper relationship between riser and tread.
The steps must have a non-slip tread, preferably rectangular in plan and with a continuous profile preferably with rounded corners.
Ladders should be fitted with guards which would constitute defense against the emptiness and handrails. Handrails should be easy takeable and made with durable material and not edgy.
common scales and those of public buildings must meet the following additional requirements:
1) the width of the ramps and landings should permit the simultaneous passage of two people and the horizontal passage of a stretcher with a maximum tilt of 15% along the longitudinal axis;
2) the length of the ramps must be contained; otherwise you must insert a shelf capable of halting the loss of a human body;
3) the handrail must be installed on both sides;
4) If predominant use of children must provide a second handrail at a height proportionate;
5) is preferable to a natural light side. You must provide the level of artificial lighting, it also lateral controlled location in the dark and placed on each landing.
6) The stairways must be easily understood, even for the blind.
4.2.1. Paths.
over the external spaces and up to the access of buildings should preferably be at least one path in plan with features that allow people with reduced mobility or hinder mobility, and allowing them the direct usability of the parking facilities and services placed outside, where required.
paths must have a performance as simple as possible and adjust in relation to the main access and be free of bottlenecks, furniture, barriers of any kind that will reduce the width of passage or that may cause injury. Their width should be sufficient to ensure the mobility and, in places not too far apart, even the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair.
Where a footpath is adjacent to areas not paved, it is necessary to provide an edge to achieve with the material, to ensure immediate visual perception and sound when struck with a stick.
Any changes in the level of paths must be connected with slight inclines or resolved by means of ramps in the presence or otherwise of any steps and marked with color variations .
In particular, whenever the pedestrian path connects with the road level or is interrupted by a driveway, ramp slope must prepare themselves contained and connected continuously with the cart surface, allowing the passage of a wheelchair.
The intersections between pedestrian and vehicular areas shall be properly flagged to non-blind.
(For specifications see 8.2.1).
4.2.2. Flooring.
The paving the pedestrian path must be non-slip . Any difference in level between the constituent elements of a pavement must be contained in maniera tale da non costituire ostacolo al transito di una persona su sedia a ruote.
8.1.8. Balconi e terrazze.
Il parapetto deve avere una altezza minima di 100 cm ed essere inattraversabile da una sfera di 10 cm di diametro.
Le rampe di scale che costituiscono parte comune o siano di uso pubblico devono avere una larghezza minima di 1,20 m ed avere una pendenza limitata e costante per l'intero sviluppo della scala. I gradini devono essere caratterizzati da un corretto rapporto tra alzata e pedata (pedata minimo 30 cm): la somma tra il doppio dell'alzata e la pedata deve essere compresa tra 62-64 cm.
Il profilo del gradino deve presentare preferably a continuous design with rounded corners with riser tilted with respect to grade, and forming with it an angle of about 75 ° -80 °.
In the case of batch design, the subject of the degrees of the riser should be between a minimum of 2 cm and a maximum of 2.5 cm .
A signal to the floor (strip of different material or otherwise perceived, even by the blind), situated at least 30 cm from the first and last step, will indicate the beginning and end of the ramp .
The parapet, which is the defense against the vacuum must have a minimum height of 1.00 m and be inattraversabile a sphere with a diameter of 10 cm .
In correspondence with the interruptions of the handrail, it must be extended by 30 cm over the first and last step .
The handrail must be placed at a height between 0.90 to 1 m.
In case there should be a second handrail, it must be placed at a height of 0.75 m.
The handrails on the parapet or solid wall must be at least 4 cm away from them.
The flights of stairs that are not part of common or not for public use must have a minimum width of 0.80 m.
In this case, however, must be rispettati il già citato rapporto tra alzata e pedata (in questo caso minimo 25 cm), e l'altezza minima del parapetto.
8.1.11. Rampe.
Non viene considerato accessibile il superamento di un dislivello superiore a 3,20 m ottenuto esclusivamente mediante rampe inclinate poste in successione.
La larghezza minima di una rampa deve essere:
- di 0,90 m per consentire il transito di una persona su sedia a ruote;
- di 1,50 m per consentire l'incrocio di due persone.
Ogni 10 m di lunghezza ed in presenza di interruzioni mediante porte, la rampa deve prevedere un ripiano orizzontale di dimensioni minime pari a 1,50 x 1.50 m , or 1.40 x 1.70 m and 1.70 m in transverse direction in the longitudinal direction to the direction of travel, as well as the dimensions of opening any doors.
If the side of the ramp there is a parapet not full, the flight must have a curb at least 10 cm in height.
ramp rate must not exceed 8%.
8.2. Outdoor spaces.
8.2.1. Paths.
The footpath should have a minimum width of 90 cm and have, to allow the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair, enlargements of the route, plan to be carried out at least every 10 m of linear development (for dimensions, see paragraph 8.0.2 - Area of \u200b\u200boperation).
Any change of direction from the straight path must be on level ground, where it is necessary to carry out activities running perpendicular to the affected area at the turn, for at least 1.70 m on each side from the top outer, must be flat and without any interruption.
Where it is necessary to provide an edge, it must be raised to 10 cm from the pavement, be differentiated by color and material for paving the path, not to be sharp and be discontinued at least every 10 m from openings that allow access to adjacent unpaved areas.
The longitudinal slope should not exceed usually 5%, if this is not possible, steeper slopes are permitted where such arrangements in accordance with the provisions of section 8.1.11.
For slopes of 5% is necessary to provide a horizontal shelf staging, depth of at least 1.50 m, each 15 m length of the trip to slopes exceeding this length shall be reduced proportionately to the extent of 10 m for 8% slope.
The maximum allowable cross slope of 1%. In the presence of
counterslopes at the end of a sloping path or a connection between the path and street level, the sum of two slopes from the horizontal must be less than 22%.
The difference between the optimal route planning and the plan of land or driveway areas adjacent to it is 2.5 cm.
Where the path joins the road level or is interrupted by a driveway shall be allowed a short ramp slope no greater than 15% to a maximum height difference of 15 cm.
to a minimum height of 2.10 m from the pavement, there must be no barriers of any kind, such as tables or signs protruding from the buildings, which may cause injury to a person in motion.
8.2.2. Paving.
For non-slip floor means a floor made of materials whose coefficient friction, measured by the method of the British Ceramic Research Association Ltd.
(BCRA) Rep. CEC. 6-81, exceeds the following values:
- 0.40 per item leather slip on dry pavement;
- 0.40 per item slip standard hard rubber on wet pavement.
predicted values \u200b\u200bof friction must not be modified dall'apposizione topcoat polishing or protection, if any, should be applied on the materials before the test.
The assumptions of the pavement condition (dry or wet) should be taken according to the normal conditions of the place where it is placed in work.
support layers of the pavement must be eligible to pay in time and overload the floor and laid down to ensure the long-term locking of the elements constituting the floor itself.
The elements such as pavement joints must be less than 5 mm, prepared with durable materials, with possible plans to be off-set of a thickness not exceeding 2 mm.
The gratings placed in the pavement must be made of mesh is not traversable by a sphere of 2 cm in diameter, the grid elements must always be placed parallel with the elements orthogonal to the direction of travel.
No comment
Pendenze superiori all'8% - INAGIBILI
no comment
Rampa prive di ripiani ogni 10 metri - INAGIBILE
Dislivelli non protetti e non segnalati - INAGIBILI
no comment
no comment
12 cm - non inattraversabile ball from 10 cm. - Inagh
it cost to make the opening 2 cm. closer? nothing.
But now if a stone or something else of 11 cm in diameter, pushed or kicked by someone, flying in under one head, leaving the garage, is automatically the fault of the City, that is ours. Good result!
it cost to make the opening 2 cm. closer? nothing.
But now if a stone or something else of 11 cm in diameter, pushed or kicked by someone, flying in under one head, leaving the garage, is automatically the fault of the City, that is ours. Good result!
Raising cm. 17
tread of 27 cm - 3 = 24 cm (very, very .... less than 30 cm minimum)
all this why? There were miles of space to stretch your kicks.
Rapporto alzata -pedata = 2a + p = 2*17+24 = 58 minore di 62 (minimo) - INAGIBILE
tutto questo perché? c'erano chilometri di spazio disponibile per allungare le pedate.
tutto questo perché? c'erano chilometri di spazio disponibile per allungare le pedate.
Ringhiera alta cm. 97 minore di cm 100 (minimo) - INAGIBILE
che costava fare la ringhiera 3 cm. più alta? niente.
Ora però se un bambino si sporge e casca di sotto, la colpa è automaticamente del Comune.
che costava fare la ringhiera 3 cm. più alta? niente.
Ora però se un bambino si sporge e casca di sotto, la colpa è automaticamente del Comune.
Muretto di recinzione ricoperto di filo di ferro con punte - INAGIBILE
no comment
Scalinata con larghezza maggiore di 6 metri priva di ringhiera centrale - INAGIBILE
Marciapiedi intorno agli edifici in sassi taglienti - INAGIBILI
Scale prive di corrimano laterali - INAGIBILI
Salti di quota non protetti e non segnalati - INAGIBILI
Salti di quota non protetti e non segnalati - INAGIBILI
Ringhiere con varchi di 12 cm, attraversabili da sfera di cm 10 - INAGIBILI
Ringhiere alte cm 97 minore di cm 100 (minimo) - INAGIBILI
Article 5. PLATFORM
[1] In the pedestrian areas adjacent to vehicular traffic signs and regulations referred to in 4.2.2 . and 8.2.2. Decree of the Minister of Public Works 14/06/1989 No 236 , apply only to the characteristics of pavements and junctions spaces between sidewalks and driveways.
[2] The difference between the level of the sidewalk and driveway areas adjacent to it must not exceed 15 cm.
[1] for the stairs and ramps the rules described in paragraphs 4.1.10 ., 4.1.11. and 8.1.10., and 8.1.11. Decree of the Minister of Public Works 06/14/1989 No 236 . paths that exceed 6 feet in width shall be as a rule, also equipped with central handrail .
[1] The furnishings and facilities, including commercial, with the function of urban public spaces to be located on must be accessible according to the criteria of Art. 4 of the Decree of the Minister of Public Works 14/06/1989 No 236.
[2] The tables and signage devices must be installed in position as to be easily visible and legible.
[3] The tables and signage devices in the second paragraph, as well as the support structures of power lines, telephone, public lighting and no equipment of any kind, are installed so as not to be a source of accident and of the way, even people on wheelchairs.
DM June 14, 1989, No 236, published in Suppl. Ordinary Gazz. No. June 23, 1989, No 145.
technical requirements needed to ensure the accessibility, adaptability and visitability private buildings and residential housing public subsidies and, in order to overcome and the elimination of architectural barriers.
Article 2.
the purposes of this decree:
A) For architectural barriers are:
a) physical obstacles that are a source of discomfort for the mobility of anyone, especially those who, for whatever reason, have a mobility reduced or prevented on a permanent or temporary;
b) barriers that restrict or prevent anyone from convenient and safe use of parts, equipment or components;
c) the lack of measures and indicators that allow the orientation and recognition of places and sources of danger to anyone and especially for the blind, for the visually impaired and the deaf.
F) for outer space is the set of open spaces, even if covered, the relevant building or several buildings, especially those located between the building or buildings and public roads or public use.
G) is the ability to access, even for people with reduced or impaired mobility or sensory impairment, to reach the building and its individual units and the environment, to easily enter and benefit from it's facilities in appropriate security and autonomy.
4.1.2. Floors.
Floors should normally be horizontal and flush with each other and, in the common and public use, but not slippery.
Any differences in the level should be contained or overcome through ramps with adequate slope so as not to hinder the transit of a person in a wheelchair.
In the first case we must note the difference with color variations, the edge of any thresholds should be rounded .
Stairs must have a smooth flow and uniform throughout their development. If this is not possible is necessary to mediate any change in their performance through shelves of appropriate size. For each flight of stairs, steps should have the same lift and kick. Ramps should preferably contain the same number of steps, which have a proper relationship between riser and tread.
The steps must have a non-slip tread, preferably rectangular in plan and with a continuous profile preferably with rounded corners.
Ladders should be fitted with guards which would constitute defense against the emptiness and handrails. Handrails should be easy takeable and made with durable material and not edgy.
common scales and those of public buildings must meet the following additional requirements:
1) the width of the ramps and landings should permit the simultaneous passage of two people and the horizontal passage of a stretcher with a maximum tilt of 15% along the longitudinal axis;
2) the length of the ramps must be contained; otherwise you must insert a shelf capable of halting the loss of a human body;
3) the handrail must be installed on both sides;
4) If predominant use of children must provide a second handrail at a height proportionate;
5) is preferable to a natural light side. You must provide the level of artificial lighting, it also lateral controlled location in the dark and placed on each landing.
6) The stairways must be easily understood, even for the blind.
4.2.1. Paths.
over the external spaces and up to the access of buildings should preferably be at least one path in plan with features that allow people with reduced mobility or hinder mobility, and allowing them the direct usability of the parking facilities and services placed outside, where required.
paths must have a performance as simple as possible and adjust in relation to the main access and be free of bottlenecks, furniture, barriers of any kind that will reduce the width of passage or that may cause injury. Their width should be sufficient to ensure the mobility and, in places not too far apart, even the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair.
Where a footpath is adjacent to areas not paved, it is necessary to provide an edge to achieve with the material, to ensure immediate visual perception and sound when struck with a stick.
Any changes in the level of paths must be connected with slight inclines or resolved by means of ramps in the presence or otherwise of any steps and marked with color variations .
In particular, whenever the pedestrian path connects with the road level or is interrupted by a driveway, ramp slope must prepare themselves contained and connected continuously with the cart surface, allowing the passage of a wheelchair.
The intersections between pedestrian and vehicular areas shall be properly flagged to non-blind.
(For specifications see 8.2.1).
4.2.2. Flooring.
The paving the pedestrian path must be non-slip . Any difference in level between the constituent elements of a pavement must be contained in maniera tale da non costituire ostacolo al transito di una persona su sedia a ruote.
8.1.8. Balconi e terrazze.
Il parapetto deve avere una altezza minima di 100 cm ed essere inattraversabile da una sfera di 10 cm di diametro.
Le rampe di scale che costituiscono parte comune o siano di uso pubblico devono avere una larghezza minima di 1,20 m ed avere una pendenza limitata e costante per l'intero sviluppo della scala. I gradini devono essere caratterizzati da un corretto rapporto tra alzata e pedata (pedata minimo 30 cm): la somma tra il doppio dell'alzata e la pedata deve essere compresa tra 62-64 cm.
Il profilo del gradino deve presentare preferably a continuous design with rounded corners with riser tilted with respect to grade, and forming with it an angle of about 75 ° -80 °.
In the case of batch design, the subject of the degrees of the riser should be between a minimum of 2 cm and a maximum of 2.5 cm .
A signal to the floor (strip of different material or otherwise perceived, even by the blind), situated at least 30 cm from the first and last step, will indicate the beginning and end of the ramp .
The parapet, which is the defense against the vacuum must have a minimum height of 1.00 m and be inattraversabile a sphere with a diameter of 10 cm .
In correspondence with the interruptions of the handrail, it must be extended by 30 cm over the first and last step .
The handrail must be placed at a height between 0.90 to 1 m.
In case there should be a second handrail, it must be placed at a height of 0.75 m.
The handrails on the parapet or solid wall must be at least 4 cm away from them.
The flights of stairs that are not part of common or not for public use must have a minimum width of 0.80 m.
In this case, however, must be rispettati il già citato rapporto tra alzata e pedata (in questo caso minimo 25 cm), e l'altezza minima del parapetto.
8.1.11. Rampe.
Non viene considerato accessibile il superamento di un dislivello superiore a 3,20 m ottenuto esclusivamente mediante rampe inclinate poste in successione.
La larghezza minima di una rampa deve essere:
- di 0,90 m per consentire il transito di una persona su sedia a ruote;
- di 1,50 m per consentire l'incrocio di due persone.
Ogni 10 m di lunghezza ed in presenza di interruzioni mediante porte, la rampa deve prevedere un ripiano orizzontale di dimensioni minime pari a 1,50 x 1.50 m , or 1.40 x 1.70 m and 1.70 m in transverse direction in the longitudinal direction to the direction of travel, as well as the dimensions of opening any doors.
If the side of the ramp there is a parapet not full, the flight must have a curb at least 10 cm in height.
ramp rate must not exceed 8%.
8.2. Outdoor spaces.
8.2.1. Paths.
The footpath should have a minimum width of 90 cm and have, to allow the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair, enlargements of the route, plan to be carried out at least every 10 m of linear development (for dimensions, see paragraph 8.0.2 - Area of \u200b\u200boperation).
Any change of direction from the straight path must be on level ground, where it is necessary to carry out activities running perpendicular to the affected area at the turn, for at least 1.70 m on each side from the top outer, must be flat and without any interruption.
Where it is necessary to provide an edge, it must be raised to 10 cm from the pavement, be differentiated by color and material for paving the path, not to be sharp and be discontinued at least every 10 m from openings that allow access to adjacent unpaved areas.
The longitudinal slope should not exceed usually 5%, if this is not possible, steeper slopes are permitted where such arrangements in accordance with the provisions of section 8.1.11.
For slopes of 5% is necessary to provide a horizontal shelf staging, depth of at least 1.50 m, each 15 m length of the trip to slopes exceeding this length shall be reduced proportionately to the extent of 10 m for 8% slope.
The maximum allowable cross slope of 1%. In the presence of
counterslopes at the end of a sloping path or a connection between the path and street level, the sum of two slopes from the horizontal must be less than 22%.
The difference between the optimal route planning and the plan of land or driveway areas adjacent to it is 2.5 cm.
Where the path joins the road level or is interrupted by a driveway shall be allowed a short ramp slope no greater than 15% to a maximum height difference of 15 cm.
to a minimum height of 2.10 m from the pavement, there must be no barriers of any kind, such as tables or signs protruding from the buildings, which may cause injury to a person in motion.
8.2.2. Paving.
For non-slip floor means a floor made of materials whose coefficient friction, measured by the method of the British Ceramic Research Association Ltd.
(BCRA) Rep. CEC. 6-81, exceeds the following values:
- 0.40 per item leather slip on dry pavement;
- 0.40 per item slip standard hard rubber on wet pavement.
predicted values \u200b\u200bof friction must not be modified dall'apposizione topcoat polishing or protection, if any, should be applied on the materials before the test.
The assumptions of the pavement condition (dry or wet) should be taken according to the normal conditions of the place where it is placed in work.
support layers of the pavement must be eligible to pay in time and overload the floor and laid down to ensure the long-term locking of the elements constituting the floor itself.
The elements such as pavement joints must be less than 5 mm, prepared with durable materials, with possible plans to be off-set of a thickness not exceeding 2 mm.
The gratings placed in the pavement must be made of mesh is not traversable by a sphere of 2 cm in diameter, the grid elements must always be placed parallel with the elements orthogonal to the direction of travel.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Brookstone Travel Lock Combinations
The strange intersections of Time
review published on:
Retroguardia2.0 - the text literary
poetry and spirit
Zeta - international journal of poetry and research (Year XXXII, No. 3; Campanotto publisher, 2010)
Gli strani incroci del Tempo
Giancarlo Micheli, La grazia sufficiente, Pasian di Prato (UD), Campanotto Editore, 2010
Chi crede che la Storia abbia un senso o che la filosofia della storia possa essere considerata non soltanto come una teoria astratta pensa che in essa avvengano incontri incroci e contatti che altrimenti non sarebbero spiegabili. Il nuovo romanzo di Giancarlo Micheli vive di questi incroci (quello tra cultura occidentale e modo di vita orientale) e di questi contatti (tra abitanti del Giappone e commercianti olandesi, ad esempio). Vive anche di una riflessione sulla natura Grace that today might seem to some surannée if the argument was not always current and based on a demand unavoidable for all of us: what will happen to us once gone to a better life? We will be saved and redeemed or submerged by the endless accumulation of our sins against the Creator of our lives? In the Netherlands, by the mid-sixteenth century until the seventeenth century, the era of Hugo Grotius and Baruch Spinoza, the dispute about predestination and salvation of humanity held on the front bench comes to theological and inflame to the white heat of accusations of heresy and atheism. The problem of "sufficient grace" to the final salvation of man sees faces two opposing positions and violent struggle between them. The first such
infralapsarian and fruit positions radicalidi Jacob Harmenszoon (Latin better known as Jacobus Arminius), on the basis of their doubts about the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of men, began to teach that "the predestination of a person to salvation or condemnation comes from the consequent will of God that sees his subject with all its conditions and circumstances, which were in turn determined by a previous decree that precede salvation or condemnation "( in 'Examen thesium D. Fr. Gomar ). In essence, the Arminians, God chooses the elect to salvation by virtue of the effort made by them because of their dedication and their repentance towards divinity. God chooses those men and women who engage in the call to Grace. The human beings are therefore still corrupt and mass damnationis but can assist with the grace and maintain it through some form of dignity and responsibility. Good works are a cause of salvation as they are able to testify that the person who does have freely chosen God and the fulfillment of his duties towards it.
The other, based on the work of François Gomar (also in Latin conosciuto come Franciscus Gomarus) e detta sopralapsariana perché, a differenza delle tesi di Arminio, sosteneva che la salvezza dell’umanità era già stata decisa, caso per caso, prima della caduta di Adamo (quella felix culpa di cui per primo Agostino aveva teorizzato l’inevitabilità sulla base della propria teoria della predestinazione). La disputa fu risolta dal Sinodo di Dordrecht del 1618-1619 per il quale gli Arminiani furono convinti di errore in quanto fu stabilito che la salvezza umana non è frutto della fede degli uomini stessi ma un decreto imperscrutabile della volontà di Dio.
Ma uno dei protagonisti del romanzo di Micheli, Baruch Dekker, capitano di marina of Jewish origin and shipwrecked on the coast of Nagasaki in Japan, this problem does not arise in subtle theological purpose even if it is not considered an agnostic:
'[...] Baruch, during the long years of sailing , had embraced the Calvinist confession. As a man of action who prefers to compete with the tables alfonsine or the routes of trade winds and ocean currents, experienced the grace of velacci and extremities, sufficient to sailing upwind and downwind in, he humbly rolled up to the anchor chain capstans, and go along with the storms of theological disputes. He had, moreover, found it difficult to refrain from doctrinal battles between Armenian and Gomar, behind which were hidden, not very secretly, conflicts of interest that opposed the bourgeoisie and the administration of the Civil Grand retired from a party, the military power of the aristocracy and the other Stadhouder. No one on board the sailing ships of the VOC [ie the Dutch East India Company ], came to question the captain Dekker on the thesis or supralapsarian infralapsarian. With regard to the dogma of predestination, which certainly intimately concerned his soul as that of any other Christian, he took a firmly agnostic. As they were hard evidence on which the life of the board submitted, its excellent ability to support them with manly fortitude was not enough as indubitable sign of belonging to the ranks of the elect. Of what he had made a strong conviction as to exempt from overwhelming anxiety. He had always regarded with skepticism to the dogma that he thought had been devised to ensure those who already enjoyed the privilege of riches and honors that additional, and often decisive, of divine favor. All discourses on universalism hypothetical or conditional, or non irresistible Grace, failed to reflect the more informed the captain if not Dekker's interests were very human in the theological Guarantees "(pp. 58-59).
But Captain Dekker is not the only protagonist of the novel by Micheli. Together with the complex events of the latter for following the sinking of his ship cargo to remain in Japan, from the pages of the novel is the story of the farmer faces Taisho (named after a term that designates a number of positive situations, " great victory, "" laugh "," Origin of the World, "" symmetry "among others). His story, set many years later, during Japan's imperialist adventure of militarized Hirohito and General Tojo, is, in fact, connected in a dream and only allusion to that of Dekker (che apparirà come una figura misteriosa e dal comportamento translucido solo in un momento di abbandono da parte di Taisho).
L’uomo, orfano di un contadino, Shigetaro, ucciso in guerra durante il conflitto russo-giapponese, ha un lavoro a stipendio fisso come inserviente del Monbushou, il Ministero dell’Istruzione, presso il Medical Center di Nagasaki. Qui, in un giorno di pioggia, ascolta le infuocate parole del nazionalista Ishiwara, tenente colonnello dell’Esercito, e si arruola per la guerra in Manciuria (che si concluderà con l’instaurazione del Manciukuò, protettorato giapponese in Cina, cui sarà posto come governante-fantoccio il deposto e ultimo Imperatore Pu Yi).
"He had shown enough courage in offering to the state, the law of harmony that prevailed there, inherent to its sacred soil? That question appeared from the darkness of deep conscience, and urged Taisho like a demon of the abyss. Then he saw the trench, whose steep walls of mud came tumbling under the bombardment of a torrential downpour. At his feet lay the body under examination of the father. Taisho hoisted it on his shoulders, and walked a long time. He seemed to take the famous Tokaido road, lined with pine trees and crittomerie, whose green foliage became immersed in the rain thickened, until it came to the house of Mogi and he laid the heavy burden of the corpse, laid it on the garden ground, kneaded into a sticky mire. From an opening between the fusuma and the wall of the nearby house, then looked out his mother's face, hair in the apparent composure of her features, which he thought he read Taisho approval and praise, solemnly expressed "(p. 34).
are two stories of "sufficient grace" and expressed in actions in which the mystery of the future salvation is consumed and this is accomplished in each of the two human characters whose adventures intersect and intertwine to light of a design which none of them knows why and which is not revealed the plot required. Dekker will leave his job as a clerk at the headquarters of the East India Company and Nagasaki, together with his wife and son Netsaki Aikya is dileguerà in search of fortune in the East China Sea. Taisho, captured by the Chinese and decided to make the required seppuku to avoid being captured and provided, even involuntarily, any kind of information to the enemy, it is deterred just by a young professor of linguistics who had heard during a conference held when the Monbushou also worked there. Back home, learn traumatic death of his mother. Once again attempted suicide by the end with il capire, come insegna la dottrina finale del Tao che “la via suprema non ha nome e il discorso supremo non ha parole” (p. 117).
Romanzo tenace e appassionato, La grazia sufficiente coniuga erudizione (di cui sono testimonianza le numerose note a fine di ogni capitolo) e poesia, grazie al suo linguaggio distillato e ben forbito che cerca di supplire alle difficoltà della teologia indimostrabile con la ben più robusta forza espressiva di una liricità intensa e asciutta, fatta di immagini e di riverberi, di rattenuta commozione e di espansione descrittiva non priva di un sapore arcaicizzante e delibato.
Retroguardia2.0 - the text literary
poetry and spirit
Zeta - international journal of poetry and research (Year XXXII, No. 3; Campanotto publisher, 2010)
Gli strani incroci del Tempo
Giancarlo Micheli, La grazia sufficiente, Pasian di Prato (UD), Campanotto Editore, 2010
Chi crede che la Storia abbia un senso o che la filosofia della storia possa essere considerata non soltanto come una teoria astratta pensa che in essa avvengano incontri incroci e contatti che altrimenti non sarebbero spiegabili. Il nuovo romanzo di Giancarlo Micheli vive di questi incroci (quello tra cultura occidentale e modo di vita orientale) e di questi contatti (tra abitanti del Giappone e commercianti olandesi, ad esempio). Vive anche di una riflessione sulla natura Grace that today might seem to some surannée if the argument was not always current and based on a demand unavoidable for all of us: what will happen to us once gone to a better life? We will be saved and redeemed or submerged by the endless accumulation of our sins against the Creator of our lives? In the Netherlands, by the mid-sixteenth century until the seventeenth century, the era of Hugo Grotius and Baruch Spinoza, the dispute about predestination and salvation of humanity held on the front bench comes to theological and inflame to the white heat of accusations of heresy and atheism. The problem of "sufficient grace" to the final salvation of man sees faces two opposing positions and violent struggle between them. The first such
infralapsarian and fruit positions radicalidi Jacob Harmenszoon (Latin better known as Jacobus Arminius), on the basis of their doubts about the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of men, began to teach that "the predestination of a person to salvation or condemnation comes from the consequent will of God that sees his subject with all its conditions and circumstances, which were in turn determined by a previous decree that precede salvation or condemnation "( in 'Examen thesium D. Fr. Gomar ). In essence, the Arminians, God chooses the elect to salvation by virtue of the effort made by them because of their dedication and their repentance towards divinity. God chooses those men and women who engage in the call to Grace. The human beings are therefore still corrupt and mass damnationis but can assist with the grace and maintain it through some form of dignity and responsibility. Good works are a cause of salvation as they are able to testify that the person who does have freely chosen God and the fulfillment of his duties towards it.
The other, based on the work of François Gomar (also in Latin conosciuto come Franciscus Gomarus) e detta sopralapsariana perché, a differenza delle tesi di Arminio, sosteneva che la salvezza dell’umanità era già stata decisa, caso per caso, prima della caduta di Adamo (quella felix culpa di cui per primo Agostino aveva teorizzato l’inevitabilità sulla base della propria teoria della predestinazione). La disputa fu risolta dal Sinodo di Dordrecht del 1618-1619 per il quale gli Arminiani furono convinti di errore in quanto fu stabilito che la salvezza umana non è frutto della fede degli uomini stessi ma un decreto imperscrutabile della volontà di Dio.
Ma uno dei protagonisti del romanzo di Micheli, Baruch Dekker, capitano di marina of Jewish origin and shipwrecked on the coast of Nagasaki in Japan, this problem does not arise in subtle theological purpose even if it is not considered an agnostic:
'[...] Baruch, during the long years of sailing , had embraced the Calvinist confession. As a man of action who prefers to compete with the tables alfonsine or the routes of trade winds and ocean currents, experienced the grace of velacci and extremities, sufficient to sailing upwind and downwind in, he humbly rolled up to the anchor chain capstans, and go along with the storms of theological disputes. He had, moreover, found it difficult to refrain from doctrinal battles between Armenian and Gomar, behind which were hidden, not very secretly, conflicts of interest that opposed the bourgeoisie and the administration of the Civil Grand retired from a party, the military power of the aristocracy and the other Stadhouder. No one on board the sailing ships of the VOC [ie the Dutch East India Company ], came to question the captain Dekker on the thesis or supralapsarian infralapsarian. With regard to the dogma of predestination, which certainly intimately concerned his soul as that of any other Christian, he took a firmly agnostic. As they were hard evidence on which the life of the board submitted, its excellent ability to support them with manly fortitude was not enough as indubitable sign of belonging to the ranks of the elect. Of what he had made a strong conviction as to exempt from overwhelming anxiety. He had always regarded with skepticism to the dogma that he thought had been devised to ensure those who already enjoyed the privilege of riches and honors that additional, and often decisive, of divine favor. All discourses on universalism hypothetical or conditional, or non irresistible Grace, failed to reflect the more informed the captain if not Dekker's interests were very human in the theological Guarantees "(pp. 58-59).
But Captain Dekker is not the only protagonist of the novel by Micheli. Together with the complex events of the latter for following the sinking of his ship cargo to remain in Japan, from the pages of the novel is the story of the farmer faces Taisho (named after a term that designates a number of positive situations, " great victory, "" laugh "," Origin of the World, "" symmetry "among others). His story, set many years later, during Japan's imperialist adventure of militarized Hirohito and General Tojo, is, in fact, connected in a dream and only allusion to that of Dekker (che apparirà come una figura misteriosa e dal comportamento translucido solo in un momento di abbandono da parte di Taisho).
L’uomo, orfano di un contadino, Shigetaro, ucciso in guerra durante il conflitto russo-giapponese, ha un lavoro a stipendio fisso come inserviente del Monbushou, il Ministero dell’Istruzione, presso il Medical Center di Nagasaki. Qui, in un giorno di pioggia, ascolta le infuocate parole del nazionalista Ishiwara, tenente colonnello dell’Esercito, e si arruola per la guerra in Manciuria (che si concluderà con l’instaurazione del Manciukuò, protettorato giapponese in Cina, cui sarà posto come governante-fantoccio il deposto e ultimo Imperatore Pu Yi).
"He had shown enough courage in offering to the state, the law of harmony that prevailed there, inherent to its sacred soil? That question appeared from the darkness of deep conscience, and urged Taisho like a demon of the abyss. Then he saw the trench, whose steep walls of mud came tumbling under the bombardment of a torrential downpour. At his feet lay the body under examination of the father. Taisho hoisted it on his shoulders, and walked a long time. He seemed to take the famous Tokaido road, lined with pine trees and crittomerie, whose green foliage became immersed in the rain thickened, until it came to the house of Mogi and he laid the heavy burden of the corpse, laid it on the garden ground, kneaded into a sticky mire. From an opening between the fusuma and the wall of the nearby house, then looked out his mother's face, hair in the apparent composure of her features, which he thought he read Taisho approval and praise, solemnly expressed "(p. 34).
are two stories of "sufficient grace" and expressed in actions in which the mystery of the future salvation is consumed and this is accomplished in each of the two human characters whose adventures intersect and intertwine to light of a design which none of them knows why and which is not revealed the plot required. Dekker will leave his job as a clerk at the headquarters of the East India Company and Nagasaki, together with his wife and son Netsaki Aikya is dileguerà in search of fortune in the East China Sea. Taisho, captured by the Chinese and decided to make the required seppuku to avoid being captured and provided, even involuntarily, any kind of information to the enemy, it is deterred just by a young professor of linguistics who had heard during a conference held when the Monbushou also worked there. Back home, learn traumatic death of his mother. Once again attempted suicide by the end with il capire, come insegna la dottrina finale del Tao che “la via suprema non ha nome e il discorso supremo non ha parole” (p. 117).
Romanzo tenace e appassionato, La grazia sufficiente coniuga erudizione (di cui sono testimonianza le numerose note a fine di ogni capitolo) e poesia, grazie al suo linguaggio distillato e ben forbito che cerca di supplire alle difficoltà della teologia indimostrabile con la ben più robusta forza espressiva di una liricità intensa e asciutta, fatta di immagini e di riverberi, di rattenuta commozione e di espansione descrittiva non priva di un sapore arcaicizzante e delibato.
Giuseppe Panella
Giancarlo Micheli, sufficient grace (Campanotto, Udine 2010) / libri/grazia-sufficiente.-CD-Audio/Giancarlo-Micheli/ea978884561133 /
reading from Chapter VI / libri/grazia-sufficiente.-CD-Audio/Giancarlo-Micheli/ea978884561133 /
reading from Chapter VI
Paola Lazzari
Ozark Trail Wmt-1390 Tent
surréaliste The Revolution ( 1924-1929)
1 Rivista letteraria fondata nel 1909 da André Gide, a partire dal 1911 pubblicata per le edizioni di Gaston Gallimard.
2 Van Gogh le suicidé de la société ( K éditeur, Paris 1947); trad. italiana: Van Gogh il suicidato della società (Adelphi, Milano 1988)
3 Il 13 maggio 1921 quello che era ancora il gruppo dadaista parigino si costituì in tribunale rivoluzionario to judge the writer Maurice Barres, which was contested the charge of "an attempt on the safety of the spirit" because he, in works such as L'Âme française et la Guerre (Émile-Paul, Paris 1915-1920) had raised enthusiastic praise the love of country and sacrifice of the lives of soldiers in the trenches and battlefields.
4 Lenin ( Blue Ribbon Books, New York 1925)
5 Entretiens , edited by André Parinaud (Gallimard, Paris 1952), trans. Italian: Entretiens (Erre emme editions, Bolsena 1991)
the journal
Zeta - international journal of poetry and research (Year XXXII, No. 1 ; publisher Campanotto 2010)
Zeta - international journal of poetry and research (Year XXXII, No. 1 ; publisher Campanotto 2010)
surréaliste La Revolution (1924-1929)
creative positivity in the nuclei of the incubation time of the disaster
creative positivity in the nuclei of the incubation time of the disaster
The de mourir est plus simple que d'aimer / C'est pourquoi je me women mal de vivre / Mon amour
Louis Aragon
Who has a little habit with the literary magazines that are published today in Italy would remain confused and bewildered, if the opportunity was provided to compare the experience of "cultural activism" in the surrealist movement gave life and body during the twenties of the last century. With rare exceptions, prevails in today's magazines a nostalgic kind of discouragement-Aventino, meticulously proclin to depress each pulse to a liability to the acquisition of time in which we live. Surely this is attributable to a larger process that pushes the current literary discourse in the unanimous cul de sac of specialized knowledge and expertise. Nor is it too hazardous finding of fascism at work in each branch of knowledge, sustained and supported by those who, burned by this misery, adapting to survive scarce grant them privileges that contemporary forms of cultural corporatism. The great human catastrophes of the last century were made possible by the exploitation on the basis of scientific and technical resources repressive traditional patriarchal family structure, the imperialist nationalism and authoritarian mysticism and instrumental. Nowadays, technological change, which would not be honest or careful to deny the undoubted benefits yielded to the material conditions of existence even then distribute them according to the criteria of atavisms oppressive and unjust, supplied the instruments of capitalist domination specific to a control regime potentially absolute and utter terror in action is the result of this, in terms of the psychological effects of mass, hair and pervasive.
magazine La Révolution surréaliste included in the number of onset went to press in December 1924, an investigation that, so to speak, took the fear by the horns, with the significant title and explicit: "The suicide east -il une solution? ". Out of the rhetoric, it was a call to the call, which was requested by artists, poets and intellectuals who wanted to contribute to a publishing project total accountability, integrity in mind and body, consistent with the principle of reality and of desire. Answered the question, among others: André Breton, Jean Paulhan, who would soon become the director of the prestigious Nouvelle Revue Francaise ¹, Antonin Artuad, Rene Crevel. This short list are the men who defended to the extreme consequences of the commitment then. Artaud's notes are the vicissitudes and tragic death at the sanatorium in Rodez, which took place when everyone's nightmare of brutal violence and fascist imperialist catastrophically had come true. He often returned to the theme of suicide, for example by illuminating Van Gogh essay the suicide de la société ², written in the year of his death. René Crevel, on the other hand, took his own life in 1935, coinciding with the International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture , held in Paris, during which it was decreed the expulsion of the surrealist movement. To understand how sexual-economically reactionary elements take root in the ideology of the leaders of the literature of the Soviet state capitalism, just mention the charges that Ilya Ehrenburg moves to the surrealists in the pages of his Seen from a writer of the USSR: "I want so surreal Hegel, Marx, Revolution, ma quello che rifiutano è di lavorare. Hanno le loro occupazioni. Studiano, per esempio, la pederastia e i sogni”. René Crével, omosessuale nonché membro del PCF fin dal 1927, trovò nei tristi episodi del congresso ragioni, certo supplementari ad altre profonde e personali, ma ad ogni modo sufficienti a spingerlo al suicidio. Questi furono solo alcuni dei tributi che il surrealismo dovette pagare a causa dell’intransigenza nella lotta intrapresa a favore del libero sviluppo delle istanze profonde dell’inconscio, fermamente antagonista ad ogni idea istituzionale di letteratura, recalcitrante ad ogni specie di compromesso con le fazioni dell’oscurantismo tradizionale e modernista, vuoi quelle coscienti e intenzionate vuoi quelle inconsapevoli e, pertanto, non meno nocive. A conferma di ciò, sul secondo numero della Révolution surréaliste apparvero alcune lettere aperte, rivolte ai rettori delle università europee, al papa, al Dalai Lama e alle scuole buddiste affinché le coscienze fossero invitate al profondo rivolgimento spirituale che la gravità dei tempi imponeva. La rivoluzione surrealista non si impantanava nel lamento e nel piagnisteo, al contrario muoveva all’attacco, con piena fiducia nella capacità di trasformazione del mondo e dell’uomo propria dell’azione poetica. Sebbene l’idea di Breton per cui la rivoluzione poetica e artistica dovesse pensarsi come parte e punta di lancia di un più generale liberation movement, moral, social and economic, although this idea seems clear already at the time of the trial of Maurice Barres (May 1921) ³ which was passed the stage of agnosticism Dada, Surrealism against the position of the international class struggle is not was brought to clarification before publication, the fifth issue (October 1925), the collective text The Révolution d'abord et toujours , whose signatories include, in addition to the comrades of the first hour (Max Ernst, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Robert Desnos and others), even the editors of the magazine Clarté policy, the journal of Marxist philosophy and Philosophies Sheet Belgian Correspondance . Along with an incontrovertible condemnation of the imperialist war that governments and radical Republicans of the Third Republic had undertaken in Morocco, you can read the explicit statement: "... nous pour la France n'existe pas." Without contradictions, Surrealism arose, therefore, in the wake of the international fight against the domination of capital and nascent fascist regimes. In the same issue a review of André Breton's book on Lenin Leon Trotsky ⁴, emphasized the inherent surrealism of accession to the ideal and practice of permanent revolution.
The guidelines on the foundations of which had started tale adesione non poterono svilupparsi altrimenti che in una faticosa convivenza all’interno delle fila del PCF, pedissequamente allineato alle direttive staliniste impartite da Mosca. Benché alcune personalità di rilievo del movimento surrealista (André Breton, Louis Aragon, René Crével) si fossero risolte ad iscriversi al partito di Place du Colonel-Fabien, i contenuti e le idee espresse nella rivista dovettero subire il severo vaglio di una commissione politica e Breton, in qualità di direttore responsabile, fu ripetutamente convocato a discuterle e a dare garanzia di lealtà alla politica del comitato centrale. Come Breton stesso ricorda nel libro-intervista Entretiens ⁵, tali colloqui avvenivano “su personal invitation, in the very early morning hour, both in the school yard in the Rue Duhesme, both in a room of the home unions, avenue Mathurin-Moreau. " On how they conduct Breton is expressed in unequivocal terms, its a disappointment: "... nothing like that, when I think, to a police interrogation." In spite of this, and the expensive price of a bitter internal conflict, which resulted in painful expulsions imposed on Antonin Artaud, Philippe Soupault, Pierre Naville and Roger Vitrac, the magazine continued on its route uncompromising and unwavering, hosting, in the twelve numbers drawn from December 1924 to December 1929, new contributions and ideas, mixing theoretical analysis and poetic practice, from transcripts of dreams the work of documentation Bureau des Recherches surréalistes rue de Grenelle to the graphic works of André Masson and Giorgio de Chirico, the screenplay for the film masterpiece of Luis Buñuel, Un chien andalou , the investigation "by generations to its object", which appeared in the latest edition. In a sort of physiological cycle, therefore, the surrealism is placed deeply human questions, beginning with the investigation of suicide and concluding with the love and its object, consistent with the premise Baudelairian: "C'est la Mort qui console, hélas! et qui fait vivre”.
magazine La Révolution surréaliste included in the number of onset went to press in December 1924, an investigation that, so to speak, took the fear by the horns, with the significant title and explicit: "The suicide east -il une solution? ". Out of the rhetoric, it was a call to the call, which was requested by artists, poets and intellectuals who wanted to contribute to a publishing project total accountability, integrity in mind and body, consistent with the principle of reality and of desire. Answered the question, among others: André Breton, Jean Paulhan, who would soon become the director of the prestigious Nouvelle Revue Francaise ¹, Antonin Artuad, Rene Crevel. This short list are the men who defended to the extreme consequences of the commitment then. Artaud's notes are the vicissitudes and tragic death at the sanatorium in Rodez, which took place when everyone's nightmare of brutal violence and fascist imperialist catastrophically had come true. He often returned to the theme of suicide, for example by illuminating Van Gogh essay the suicide de la société ², written in the year of his death. René Crevel, on the other hand, took his own life in 1935, coinciding with the International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture , held in Paris, during which it was decreed the expulsion of the surrealist movement. To understand how sexual-economically reactionary elements take root in the ideology of the leaders of the literature of the Soviet state capitalism, just mention the charges that Ilya Ehrenburg moves to the surrealists in the pages of his Seen from a writer of the USSR: "I want so surreal Hegel, Marx, Revolution, ma quello che rifiutano è di lavorare. Hanno le loro occupazioni. Studiano, per esempio, la pederastia e i sogni”. René Crével, omosessuale nonché membro del PCF fin dal 1927, trovò nei tristi episodi del congresso ragioni, certo supplementari ad altre profonde e personali, ma ad ogni modo sufficienti a spingerlo al suicidio. Questi furono solo alcuni dei tributi che il surrealismo dovette pagare a causa dell’intransigenza nella lotta intrapresa a favore del libero sviluppo delle istanze profonde dell’inconscio, fermamente antagonista ad ogni idea istituzionale di letteratura, recalcitrante ad ogni specie di compromesso con le fazioni dell’oscurantismo tradizionale e modernista, vuoi quelle coscienti e intenzionate vuoi quelle inconsapevoli e, pertanto, non meno nocive. A conferma di ciò, sul secondo numero della Révolution surréaliste apparvero alcune lettere aperte, rivolte ai rettori delle università europee, al papa, al Dalai Lama e alle scuole buddiste affinché le coscienze fossero invitate al profondo rivolgimento spirituale che la gravità dei tempi imponeva. La rivoluzione surrealista non si impantanava nel lamento e nel piagnisteo, al contrario muoveva all’attacco, con piena fiducia nella capacità di trasformazione del mondo e dell’uomo propria dell’azione poetica. Sebbene l’idea di Breton per cui la rivoluzione poetica e artistica dovesse pensarsi come parte e punta di lancia di un più generale liberation movement, moral, social and economic, although this idea seems clear already at the time of the trial of Maurice Barres (May 1921) ³ which was passed the stage of agnosticism Dada, Surrealism against the position of the international class struggle is not was brought to clarification before publication, the fifth issue (October 1925), the collective text The Révolution d'abord et toujours , whose signatories include, in addition to the comrades of the first hour (Max Ernst, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Robert Desnos and others), even the editors of the magazine Clarté policy, the journal of Marxist philosophy and Philosophies Sheet Belgian Correspondance . Along with an incontrovertible condemnation of the imperialist war that governments and radical Republicans of the Third Republic had undertaken in Morocco, you can read the explicit statement: "... nous pour la France n'existe pas." Without contradictions, Surrealism arose, therefore, in the wake of the international fight against the domination of capital and nascent fascist regimes. In the same issue a review of André Breton's book on Lenin Leon Trotsky ⁴, emphasized the inherent surrealism of accession to the ideal and practice of permanent revolution.
The guidelines on the foundations of which had started tale adesione non poterono svilupparsi altrimenti che in una faticosa convivenza all’interno delle fila del PCF, pedissequamente allineato alle direttive staliniste impartite da Mosca. Benché alcune personalità di rilievo del movimento surrealista (André Breton, Louis Aragon, René Crével) si fossero risolte ad iscriversi al partito di Place du Colonel-Fabien, i contenuti e le idee espresse nella rivista dovettero subire il severo vaglio di una commissione politica e Breton, in qualità di direttore responsabile, fu ripetutamente convocato a discuterle e a dare garanzia di lealtà alla politica del comitato centrale. Come Breton stesso ricorda nel libro-intervista Entretiens ⁵, tali colloqui avvenivano “su personal invitation, in the very early morning hour, both in the school yard in the Rue Duhesme, both in a room of the home unions, avenue Mathurin-Moreau. " On how they conduct Breton is expressed in unequivocal terms, its a disappointment: "... nothing like that, when I think, to a police interrogation." In spite of this, and the expensive price of a bitter internal conflict, which resulted in painful expulsions imposed on Antonin Artaud, Philippe Soupault, Pierre Naville and Roger Vitrac, the magazine continued on its route uncompromising and unwavering, hosting, in the twelve numbers drawn from December 1924 to December 1929, new contributions and ideas, mixing theoretical analysis and poetic practice, from transcripts of dreams the work of documentation Bureau des Recherches surréalistes rue de Grenelle to the graphic works of André Masson and Giorgio de Chirico, the screenplay for the film masterpiece of Luis Buñuel, Un chien andalou , the investigation "by generations to its object", which appeared in the latest edition. In a sort of physiological cycle, therefore, the surrealism is placed deeply human questions, beginning with the investigation of suicide and concluding with the love and its object, consistent with the premise Baudelairian: "C'est la Mort qui console, hélas! et qui fait vivre”.
Giancarlo Micheli
1 Rivista letteraria fondata nel 1909 da André Gide, a partire dal 1911 pubblicata per le edizioni di Gaston Gallimard.
2 Van Gogh le suicidé de la société ( K éditeur, Paris 1947); trad. italiana: Van Gogh il suicidato della società (Adelphi, Milano 1988)
3 Il 13 maggio 1921 quello che era ancora il gruppo dadaista parigino si costituì in tribunale rivoluzionario to judge the writer Maurice Barres, which was contested the charge of "an attempt on the safety of the spirit" because he, in works such as L'Âme française et la Guerre (Émile-Paul, Paris 1915-1920) had raised enthusiastic praise the love of country and sacrifice of the lives of soldiers in the trenches and battlefields.
4 Lenin ( Blue Ribbon Books, New York 1925)
5 Entretiens , edited by André Parinaud (Gallimard, Paris 1952), trans. Italian: Entretiens (Erre emme editions, Bolsena 1991)
Pl-2307 Usb To Ide Controller,
Wystan Hugh Auden - complexity, memory, and ironically enough
article published in the journal
La Mosca di Milano - weaves poetry, art and philosophy (n.21, Edizioni La Vita Felice, Milano 2009)
Wystan Hugh Auden -
complexity, memory and irony
article published in the journal
La Mosca di Milano - weaves poetry, art and philosophy (n.21, Edizioni La Vita Felice, Milano 2009)
Wystan Hugh Auden -
complexity, memory and irony
The nights, the railway arches, the pure sky,
were unknown to his horrible companions;
but that child broke out in the lie of the rhetorician
as a pipeline: the poet made the cold.
The drink that his friend gave him weak and unregulated lyrical
the senses in a systematic way,
putting an end to all the usual nonsense;
until weakness and pound was unaware of.
The verse was an odd ear disease;
integrity was not enough, it seemed
hell of childhood: he had to try again.
Now, galloping for Africa, dreamed
another identità, il figlio, l'ingegnere,
quella sua verità buona per i bugiardi.
were unknown to his horrible companions;
but that child broke out in the lie of the rhetorician
as a pipeline: the poet made the cold.
The drink that his friend gave him weak and unregulated lyrical
the senses in a systematic way,
putting an end to all the usual nonsense;
until weakness and pound was unaware of.
The verse was an odd ear disease;
integrity was not enough, it seemed
hell of childhood: he had to try again.
Now, galloping for Africa, dreamed
another identità, il figlio, l'ingegnere,
quella sua verità buona per i bugiardi.
Wystan Hugh Auden, da Another Time (London, New York 1940)
Nel marzo del 1938, assieme allo scrittore Christopher Isherwood, amico d’infanzia e suo attuale amante, Auden raggiunse la Cina con l’incarico di realizzare un reportage di guerra. Da alcuni mesi la Cina resisteva all’urto dell’imperialismo nipponico, alle violenze e alle razzie che, in ogni tempo, sono consueto corollario alle campagne belliche. Durante during that year and the next, the whole world would be plunged into the abyss of global carnage. Commentaries in verse, Auden said the diary of his trip, read some passages that clearly illustrate the depth and knowledge which, even at that time, had landed his philosophy: "Ѐ a trend and an episode of general war between the dead and the unborn, between the real and the imaginary, which, for the creature you create, communicate and choose, alone among the animals conscious of the incomplete, is, in essence, eternal. " Then
poet Wystan had already said. In 1930 was published in the prestigious casa editrice londinese Faber&Faber, la sua prima raccolta di versi, dal titolo icastico e promettente, Poems. Egli vantava, inoltre, la stima di Thomas Stearn Eliot, che di Faber&Faber era direttore editoriale, nonché di altri poeti e critci: Stephen Spender , Dylan Thomas o Naomi Mitchison, la quale, sulle pagine di The Week-end Review , recensì la sua opera di esordio con toni encomiastici. In virtù di tali titoli di merito l’opinione pubblica inglese gli perdonava ciò che appena cinquant’anni prima non aveva potuto perdonare ad un altro grande della letteratura patria, Oscar Wilde. Se le inclinazioni omosessuali, che Wystan viveva con coraggio e senza infingimenti, non pregiudicavano the eyes of the public on its value as a poet, however, that he procured were regarded with suspicion and without a sign of conservative criticism, especially in environments ideologically conservative and respectable. Recall that homosexual behavior in the United Kingdom, began gradually to be decriminalized only since 1923, when WH was a boy of sixteen. The poet of York, after all, boasted more features to succeed unpopular with many British subjects, in years when the colonial empire was fading along with the systems of free trade and the gold standard by which the Kingdom had been, until then, guaranteed political power and industrial prosperity. In those thirty years, when the British government and common sense had not yet developed a clear and conscious against the Nazi threat, the explicit adherence Auden's Marxist ideology does not encourage a consensus to his work that it was unanimous and widespread. In a historical juncture in which even in Britain, a model of political and social stability, the movement's fascist Sir Oswald Mosley was able to gain many followers, those who made up the educated and professional classes, traditional consumers of literature, should not be unusual or difficult to judge with contempt patriotic biting irony and satirical works such as The orators (1932) or theater pieces composed for four hands together with Isherwood (The Dance of Death , 1933; The Dog Beneath the Skin , 1935; The Ascent of F6 , 1937). In spite of what Auden could then enjoy friendships important, mainly in progressive circles, and he profited from the solidarity and sympathy of famous men, from unquestionable authority. It belonged, therefore, full and, in the intellectual class, the small group of brilliant minds and counted which had also, by custom, delegated decisive choices, you want to practice in the field in the spiritual. Even if they are wrong, they were, nevertheless, well aware of the reasons that they had been misled. So, if WH was not maligned publicly and explicitly, because it was only one who did would be considered an inappropriate naive. In withdrawing from anything the poet had already tried: before enrolling as a driver in the International Brigades who fought in the English Civil War, then acceptance by Random House and Faber & Faber charged for war reporting in China. Come back east, he finally decided to leave England for the United States, which later received citizenship in 1946.
His departure for New York made a lot at home, the opportunity for apostrophe as a traitor an egoist who, faced with the difficult times that the country was preparing to face, had not been able to give comfort and consolation that the overseas would be exempt. Especially by those who shared his radical and progressive ideas he was harshly criticized. His departure from Europe, who went to great strides sinking into barbarism, had to be in a mood similar to that in which Arthur Rimbaud reached the African continent, the other land or the land of others, where he had wanted to chase the horizon, the liberation from the anguish of everyday bourgeois bellicose, compensation, through the distance of the wound of its diversity, of his being a poet. Wystan he told one of the most beautiful poems of the collection Another Time (1939), dedicated just to Rimbaud's sonnet, which concludes: "Now, through gallouping Afrika, he dreamed / Of A New Self, the son, the engineer, / His truth to lying Good Men. "¹
Nonetheless, the resentment was not to cause him to leave the homeland. During the second year of his New York residence he once wrote in a letter addressed to his friend Louis McNeice, who is in England and the U.S. "Today an artist feels basically alone, intertwined roots dying, always in opposition to a group, with the only but crucial difference that in America "with 140 million lonely that he is forced to turn around not to waste his time to comply or to rebel." An inner necessity, which could not fail to emerge and could not be criticized, it drives him to create a poetic language where myth meets each experience, even if it was trivial and everyday experience, which he, with unique clarity and penetrating, sensed the trend to decline everywhere in the form of mass neurosis of the monopolist under all latitudes and all schemes. This awareness was expressed in admirably in the collections of poems written during his first years in America: The Double Man (1941), For the Time Being (1944), The Age of Anxiety (1947) e The Shield of Achilles (1955).
In questi anni si operò nel poeta un ripensamento profondo delle radici della propria particolare vocazione, del resto mai disgiunto da una riflessione generale sulle condizioni di esistenza di una poetica possibile; ne fu segno distintivo il tema del disvelamento delle molteplicità, sottaciute o alluse, in ogni fissazione identitaria del pensiero. “All real unity commences/ In consciousness of differences”² scrisse in The Age of Anxiety , dove le differenze sono tanto quelle tra gli individui, socialmente determinate dai modi of their relations, as those who share internally the subjects of each utterance and every act. In the long poem canonicae Hora, which was published in the collection The Shield of Achilles , the voices of the perpetrator, the victim and the witness intertwine subjectivity elegiac noun in a timeless eve, which is the time of anthropological ' waiting, full of thrills wakes up the body and unconscious images that surrounded him from sleep, no less than it is in talks on Friday with Christian theology or the memory of other events, the Messianic, more thoroughly forgotten. The substance of his research, relentlessly aimed at exploring the complexity and the depth of being, also explains his reconciliation, which dates from the period in question, the Christian religion. If, then, in December 1939 after being shocked by the nationalist vision of the public exultation of German immigrants crowding a movie theater in New York, he refused the verses with which, in the famous opera Spain, had invoked the international resistance, Auden did not move closer to theology in order to have assurances to misinterpret the meaning of a lost identity. The time of armed nationalism already staged its overtly secular apocalypse, and the poet was too acute awareness of what we are to take back the ground that he had left dietro si sé (i nonni di Auden erano stati entrambi pastori della Chiesa d’Inghilterra, e il loro lascito spirituale era stato ricevuto con devozione dai genitori del poeta). Il suo senso del sacro fu, al contrario, sempre accompagnato da una tensione inestinta verso l’incontro con la diversità, che Wystan testimoniò pure nella vita, unendosi sentimentalmente al poeta ebreo Chester Kallman, stringendo sodalizio con i poeti afro-americani Owen Dodson e Robert Hayden, dimostrando una spiccata sensibilità per la nuova condizione della donna nei mutati contesti sociali.
Quando Auden rivide il proprio giudizio su alcune sue opere passate e mutò posizione rispetto all’ideologia marxista, della quale i His works of the thirties were impregnated, was not at all to adhere to retrive positions which, in Anglo-Saxon literary world, he had expressed anti-Semitic and nationalist writers like Wyndham Lewis: "Whichever cause you Adopt a game it is Purely and Simply. The only important thing is to be on the side to Which You Belong "³. By contrast, Auden, while acknowledging their membership in the "bourgeoisie" ("No, I am a bourgeois," he concludes a letter to his friend Rupert Doone, which explained the reasons, in 1932, had made him desist dall'aderire the Communist Party), continued his artistic and existential journey on the path that, although he was aware and the limits of human perfectibility, to free his view on the outlook of the future, keeping in balance the strings parallel to the subjectivity of historical trends and desiring object. In the collections he published in the last part of life, from Homage to Clio (1960) to Thank You, Fog (1974), he cast in an increasingly happy meter classic iambic or trochaic, language and conversational slang, drawing, under the auspices of a congenial and humorous muse, the outcome of mild and generous ways, exempt from the lips of an experienced rider who has now learned to forget the truth on which his future disciples not fail to be shocked and , perhaps awakened.
are examples of what the verses, bitter and disillusioned, with whom the poet reflected on employment Soviet Czechoslovakia, in August 1968 : "About a subjugated plain, / Among ITS desperate slain, / The Ogre stalks with hands on hips, / While drivel gushes from His lips "⁴.
poet Wystan had already said. In 1930 was published in the prestigious casa editrice londinese Faber&Faber, la sua prima raccolta di versi, dal titolo icastico e promettente, Poems. Egli vantava, inoltre, la stima di Thomas Stearn Eliot, che di Faber&Faber era direttore editoriale, nonché di altri poeti e critci: Stephen Spender , Dylan Thomas o Naomi Mitchison, la quale, sulle pagine di The Week-end Review , recensì la sua opera di esordio con toni encomiastici. In virtù di tali titoli di merito l’opinione pubblica inglese gli perdonava ciò che appena cinquant’anni prima non aveva potuto perdonare ad un altro grande della letteratura patria, Oscar Wilde. Se le inclinazioni omosessuali, che Wystan viveva con coraggio e senza infingimenti, non pregiudicavano the eyes of the public on its value as a poet, however, that he procured were regarded with suspicion and without a sign of conservative criticism, especially in environments ideologically conservative and respectable. Recall that homosexual behavior in the United Kingdom, began gradually to be decriminalized only since 1923, when WH was a boy of sixteen. The poet of York, after all, boasted more features to succeed unpopular with many British subjects, in years when the colonial empire was fading along with the systems of free trade and the gold standard by which the Kingdom had been, until then, guaranteed political power and industrial prosperity. In those thirty years, when the British government and common sense had not yet developed a clear and conscious against the Nazi threat, the explicit adherence Auden's Marxist ideology does not encourage a consensus to his work that it was unanimous and widespread. In a historical juncture in which even in Britain, a model of political and social stability, the movement's fascist Sir Oswald Mosley was able to gain many followers, those who made up the educated and professional classes, traditional consumers of literature, should not be unusual or difficult to judge with contempt patriotic biting irony and satirical works such as The orators (1932) or theater pieces composed for four hands together with Isherwood (The Dance of Death , 1933; The Dog Beneath the Skin , 1935; The Ascent of F6 , 1937). In spite of what Auden could then enjoy friendships important, mainly in progressive circles, and he profited from the solidarity and sympathy of famous men, from unquestionable authority. It belonged, therefore, full and, in the intellectual class, the small group of brilliant minds and counted which had also, by custom, delegated decisive choices, you want to practice in the field in the spiritual. Even if they are wrong, they were, nevertheless, well aware of the reasons that they had been misled. So, if WH was not maligned publicly and explicitly, because it was only one who did would be considered an inappropriate naive. In withdrawing from anything the poet had already tried: before enrolling as a driver in the International Brigades who fought in the English Civil War, then acceptance by Random House and Faber & Faber charged for war reporting in China. Come back east, he finally decided to leave England for the United States, which later received citizenship in 1946.
His departure for New York made a lot at home, the opportunity for apostrophe as a traitor an egoist who, faced with the difficult times that the country was preparing to face, had not been able to give comfort and consolation that the overseas would be exempt. Especially by those who shared his radical and progressive ideas he was harshly criticized. His departure from Europe, who went to great strides sinking into barbarism, had to be in a mood similar to that in which Arthur Rimbaud reached the African continent, the other land or the land of others, where he had wanted to chase the horizon, the liberation from the anguish of everyday bourgeois bellicose, compensation, through the distance of the wound of its diversity, of his being a poet. Wystan he told one of the most beautiful poems of the collection Another Time (1939), dedicated just to Rimbaud's sonnet, which concludes: "Now, through gallouping Afrika, he dreamed / Of A New Self, the son, the engineer, / His truth to lying Good Men. "¹
Nonetheless, the resentment was not to cause him to leave the homeland. During the second year of his New York residence he once wrote in a letter addressed to his friend Louis McNeice, who is in England and the U.S. "Today an artist feels basically alone, intertwined roots dying, always in opposition to a group, with the only but crucial difference that in America "with 140 million lonely that he is forced to turn around not to waste his time to comply or to rebel." An inner necessity, which could not fail to emerge and could not be criticized, it drives him to create a poetic language where myth meets each experience, even if it was trivial and everyday experience, which he, with unique clarity and penetrating, sensed the trend to decline everywhere in the form of mass neurosis of the monopolist under all latitudes and all schemes. This awareness was expressed in admirably in the collections of poems written during his first years in America: The Double Man (1941), For the Time Being (1944), The Age of Anxiety (1947) e The Shield of Achilles (1955).
In questi anni si operò nel poeta un ripensamento profondo delle radici della propria particolare vocazione, del resto mai disgiunto da una riflessione generale sulle condizioni di esistenza di una poetica possibile; ne fu segno distintivo il tema del disvelamento delle molteplicità, sottaciute o alluse, in ogni fissazione identitaria del pensiero. “All real unity commences/ In consciousness of differences”² scrisse in The Age of Anxiety , dove le differenze sono tanto quelle tra gli individui, socialmente determinate dai modi of their relations, as those who share internally the subjects of each utterance and every act. In the long poem canonicae Hora, which was published in the collection The Shield of Achilles , the voices of the perpetrator, the victim and the witness intertwine subjectivity elegiac noun in a timeless eve, which is the time of anthropological ' waiting, full of thrills wakes up the body and unconscious images that surrounded him from sleep, no less than it is in talks on Friday with Christian theology or the memory of other events, the Messianic, more thoroughly forgotten. The substance of his research, relentlessly aimed at exploring the complexity and the depth of being, also explains his reconciliation, which dates from the period in question, the Christian religion. If, then, in December 1939 after being shocked by the nationalist vision of the public exultation of German immigrants crowding a movie theater in New York, he refused the verses with which, in the famous opera Spain, had invoked the international resistance, Auden did not move closer to theology in order to have assurances to misinterpret the meaning of a lost identity. The time of armed nationalism already staged its overtly secular apocalypse, and the poet was too acute awareness of what we are to take back the ground that he had left dietro si sé (i nonni di Auden erano stati entrambi pastori della Chiesa d’Inghilterra, e il loro lascito spirituale era stato ricevuto con devozione dai genitori del poeta). Il suo senso del sacro fu, al contrario, sempre accompagnato da una tensione inestinta verso l’incontro con la diversità, che Wystan testimoniò pure nella vita, unendosi sentimentalmente al poeta ebreo Chester Kallman, stringendo sodalizio con i poeti afro-americani Owen Dodson e Robert Hayden, dimostrando una spiccata sensibilità per la nuova condizione della donna nei mutati contesti sociali.
Quando Auden rivide il proprio giudizio su alcune sue opere passate e mutò posizione rispetto all’ideologia marxista, della quale i His works of the thirties were impregnated, was not at all to adhere to retrive positions which, in Anglo-Saxon literary world, he had expressed anti-Semitic and nationalist writers like Wyndham Lewis: "Whichever cause you Adopt a game it is Purely and Simply. The only important thing is to be on the side to Which You Belong "³. By contrast, Auden, while acknowledging their membership in the "bourgeoisie" ("No, I am a bourgeois," he concludes a letter to his friend Rupert Doone, which explained the reasons, in 1932, had made him desist dall'aderire the Communist Party), continued his artistic and existential journey on the path that, although he was aware and the limits of human perfectibility, to free his view on the outlook of the future, keeping in balance the strings parallel to the subjectivity of historical trends and desiring object. In the collections he published in the last part of life, from Homage to Clio (1960) to Thank You, Fog (1974), he cast in an increasingly happy meter classic iambic or trochaic, language and conversational slang, drawing, under the auspices of a congenial and humorous muse, the outcome of mild and generous ways, exempt from the lips of an experienced rider who has now learned to forget the truth on which his future disciples not fail to be shocked and , perhaps awakened.
are examples of what the verses, bitter and disillusioned, with whom the poet reflected on employment Soviet Czechoslovakia, in August 1968 : "About a subjugated plain, / Among ITS desperate slain, / The Ogre stalks with hands on hips, / While drivel gushes from His lips "⁴.
Giancarlo Micheli
1 "Now, at a gallop through Africa, dream / to a new self, his son, the engineer / The truth is acceptable to the liars. "
2 "Every genuine unit starts / In recognition of diversity."
3 "Any cause you adopt, it is a mere game. The only important thing is, instead, choose to be on the side where you belong "in Inglese Review, 59 (November 1934).
4 "Long a subjugated plain, / Among its desperate victims, / The Ogre advances with ease, / hands on her hips and making jokes."
2 "Every genuine unit starts / In recognition of diversity."
3 "Any cause you adopt, it is a mere game. The only important thing is, instead, choose to be on the side where you belong "in Inglese Review, 59 (November 1934).
4 "Long a subjugated plain, / Among its desperate victims, / The Ogre advances with ease, / hands on her hips and making jokes."
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