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Pendenze superiori all'8% - INAGIBILI
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Rampa prive di ripiani ogni 10 metri - INAGIBILE
Dislivelli non protetti e non segnalati - INAGIBILI
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12 cm - non inattraversabile ball from 10 cm. - Inagh
it cost to make the opening 2 cm. closer? nothing.
But now if a stone or something else of 11 cm in diameter, pushed or kicked by someone, flying in under one head, leaving the garage, is automatically the fault of the City, that is ours. Good result!
it cost to make the opening 2 cm. closer? nothing.
But now if a stone or something else of 11 cm in diameter, pushed or kicked by someone, flying in under one head, leaving the garage, is automatically the fault of the City, that is ours. Good result!
Raising cm. 17
tread of 27 cm - 3 = 24 cm (very, very .... less than 30 cm minimum)
all this why? There were miles of space to stretch your kicks.
Rapporto alzata -pedata = 2a + p = 2*17+24 = 58 minore di 62 (minimo) - INAGIBILE
tutto questo perché? c'erano chilometri di spazio disponibile per allungare le pedate.
tutto questo perché? c'erano chilometri di spazio disponibile per allungare le pedate.
Ringhiera alta cm. 97 minore di cm 100 (minimo) - INAGIBILE
che costava fare la ringhiera 3 cm. più alta? niente.
Ora però se un bambino si sporge e casca di sotto, la colpa è automaticamente del Comune.
che costava fare la ringhiera 3 cm. più alta? niente.
Ora però se un bambino si sporge e casca di sotto, la colpa è automaticamente del Comune.
Muretto di recinzione ricoperto di filo di ferro con punte - INAGIBILE
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Scalinata con larghezza maggiore di 6 metri priva di ringhiera centrale - INAGIBILE
Marciapiedi intorno agli edifici in sassi taglienti - INAGIBILI
Scale prive di corrimano laterali - INAGIBILI
Salti di quota non protetti e non segnalati - INAGIBILI
Salti di quota non protetti e non segnalati - INAGIBILI
Ringhiere con varchi di 12 cm, attraversabili da sfera di cm 10 - INAGIBILI
Ringhiere alte cm 97 minore di cm 100 (minimo) - INAGIBILI
Article 5. PLATFORM
[1] In the pedestrian areas adjacent to vehicular traffic signs and regulations referred to in 4.2.2 . and 8.2.2. Decree of the Minister of Public Works 14/06/1989 No 236 , apply only to the characteristics of pavements and junctions spaces between sidewalks and driveways.
[2] The difference between the level of the sidewalk and driveway areas adjacent to it must not exceed 15 cm.
[1] for the stairs and ramps the rules described in paragraphs 4.1.10 ., 4.1.11. and 8.1.10., and 8.1.11. Decree of the Minister of Public Works 06/14/1989 No 236 . paths that exceed 6 feet in width shall be as a rule, also equipped with central handrail .
[1] The furnishings and facilities, including commercial, with the function of urban public spaces to be located on must be accessible according to the criteria of Art. 4 of the Decree of the Minister of Public Works 14/06/1989 No 236.
[2] The tables and signage devices must be installed in position as to be easily visible and legible.
[3] The tables and signage devices in the second paragraph, as well as the support structures of power lines, telephone, public lighting and no equipment of any kind, are installed so as not to be a source of accident and of the way, even people on wheelchairs.
DM June 14, 1989, No 236, published in Suppl. Ordinary Gazz. No. June 23, 1989, No 145.
technical requirements needed to ensure the accessibility, adaptability and visitability private buildings and residential housing public subsidies and, in order to overcome and the elimination of architectural barriers.
Article 2.
the purposes of this decree:
A) For architectural barriers are:
a) physical obstacles that are a source of discomfort for the mobility of anyone, especially those who, for whatever reason, have a mobility reduced or prevented on a permanent or temporary;
b) barriers that restrict or prevent anyone from convenient and safe use of parts, equipment or components;
c) the lack of measures and indicators that allow the orientation and recognition of places and sources of danger to anyone and especially for the blind, for the visually impaired and the deaf.
F) for outer space is the set of open spaces, even if covered, the relevant building or several buildings, especially those located between the building or buildings and public roads or public use.
G) is the ability to access, even for people with reduced or impaired mobility or sensory impairment, to reach the building and its individual units and the environment, to easily enter and benefit from it's facilities in appropriate security and autonomy.
4.1.2. Floors.
Floors should normally be horizontal and flush with each other and, in the common and public use, but not slippery.
Any differences in the level should be contained or overcome through ramps with adequate slope so as not to hinder the transit of a person in a wheelchair.
In the first case we must note the difference with color variations, the edge of any thresholds should be rounded .
Stairs must have a smooth flow and uniform throughout their development. If this is not possible is necessary to mediate any change in their performance through shelves of appropriate size. For each flight of stairs, steps should have the same lift and kick. Ramps should preferably contain the same number of steps, which have a proper relationship between riser and tread.
The steps must have a non-slip tread, preferably rectangular in plan and with a continuous profile preferably with rounded corners.
Ladders should be fitted with guards which would constitute defense against the emptiness and handrails. Handrails should be easy takeable and made with durable material and not edgy.
common scales and those of public buildings must meet the following additional requirements:
1) the width of the ramps and landings should permit the simultaneous passage of two people and the horizontal passage of a stretcher with a maximum tilt of 15% along the longitudinal axis;
2) the length of the ramps must be contained; otherwise you must insert a shelf capable of halting the loss of a human body;
3) the handrail must be installed on both sides;
4) If predominant use of children must provide a second handrail at a height proportionate;
5) is preferable to a natural light side. You must provide the level of artificial lighting, it also lateral controlled location in the dark and placed on each landing.
6) The stairways must be easily understood, even for the blind.
4.2.1. Paths.
over the external spaces and up to the access of buildings should preferably be at least one path in plan with features that allow people with reduced mobility or hinder mobility, and allowing them the direct usability of the parking facilities and services placed outside, where required.
paths must have a performance as simple as possible and adjust in relation to the main access and be free of bottlenecks, furniture, barriers of any kind that will reduce the width of passage or that may cause injury. Their width should be sufficient to ensure the mobility and, in places not too far apart, even the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair.
Where a footpath is adjacent to areas not paved, it is necessary to provide an edge to achieve with the material, to ensure immediate visual perception and sound when struck with a stick.
Any changes in the level of paths must be connected with slight inclines or resolved by means of ramps in the presence or otherwise of any steps and marked with color variations .
In particular, whenever the pedestrian path connects with the road level or is interrupted by a driveway, ramp slope must prepare themselves contained and connected continuously with the cart surface, allowing the passage of a wheelchair.
The intersections between pedestrian and vehicular areas shall be properly flagged to non-blind.
(For specifications see 8.2.1).
4.2.2. Flooring.
The paving the pedestrian path must be non-slip . Any difference in level between the constituent elements of a pavement must be contained in maniera tale da non costituire ostacolo al transito di una persona su sedia a ruote.
8.1.8. Balconi e terrazze.
Il parapetto deve avere una altezza minima di 100 cm ed essere inattraversabile da una sfera di 10 cm di diametro.
Le rampe di scale che costituiscono parte comune o siano di uso pubblico devono avere una larghezza minima di 1,20 m ed avere una pendenza limitata e costante per l'intero sviluppo della scala. I gradini devono essere caratterizzati da un corretto rapporto tra alzata e pedata (pedata minimo 30 cm): la somma tra il doppio dell'alzata e la pedata deve essere compresa tra 62-64 cm.
Il profilo del gradino deve presentare preferably a continuous design with rounded corners with riser tilted with respect to grade, and forming with it an angle of about 75 ° -80 °.
In the case of batch design, the subject of the degrees of the riser should be between a minimum of 2 cm and a maximum of 2.5 cm .
A signal to the floor (strip of different material or otherwise perceived, even by the blind), situated at least 30 cm from the first and last step, will indicate the beginning and end of the ramp .
The parapet, which is the defense against the vacuum must have a minimum height of 1.00 m and be inattraversabile a sphere with a diameter of 10 cm .
In correspondence with the interruptions of the handrail, it must be extended by 30 cm over the first and last step .
The handrail must be placed at a height between 0.90 to 1 m.
In case there should be a second handrail, it must be placed at a height of 0.75 m.
The handrails on the parapet or solid wall must be at least 4 cm away from them.
The flights of stairs that are not part of common or not for public use must have a minimum width of 0.80 m.
In this case, however, must be rispettati il già citato rapporto tra alzata e pedata (in questo caso minimo 25 cm), e l'altezza minima del parapetto.
8.1.11. Rampe.
Non viene considerato accessibile il superamento di un dislivello superiore a 3,20 m ottenuto esclusivamente mediante rampe inclinate poste in successione.
La larghezza minima di una rampa deve essere:
- di 0,90 m per consentire il transito di una persona su sedia a ruote;
- di 1,50 m per consentire l'incrocio di due persone.
Ogni 10 m di lunghezza ed in presenza di interruzioni mediante porte, la rampa deve prevedere un ripiano orizzontale di dimensioni minime pari a 1,50 x 1.50 m , or 1.40 x 1.70 m and 1.70 m in transverse direction in the longitudinal direction to the direction of travel, as well as the dimensions of opening any doors.
If the side of the ramp there is a parapet not full, the flight must have a curb at least 10 cm in height.
ramp rate must not exceed 8%.
8.2. Outdoor spaces.
8.2.1. Paths.
The footpath should have a minimum width of 90 cm and have, to allow the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair, enlargements of the route, plan to be carried out at least every 10 m of linear development (for dimensions, see paragraph 8.0.2 - Area of \u200b\u200boperation).
Any change of direction from the straight path must be on level ground, where it is necessary to carry out activities running perpendicular to the affected area at the turn, for at least 1.70 m on each side from the top outer, must be flat and without any interruption.
Where it is necessary to provide an edge, it must be raised to 10 cm from the pavement, be differentiated by color and material for paving the path, not to be sharp and be discontinued at least every 10 m from openings that allow access to adjacent unpaved areas.
The longitudinal slope should not exceed usually 5%, if this is not possible, steeper slopes are permitted where such arrangements in accordance with the provisions of section 8.1.11.
For slopes of 5% is necessary to provide a horizontal shelf staging, depth of at least 1.50 m, each 15 m length of the trip to slopes exceeding this length shall be reduced proportionately to the extent of 10 m for 8% slope.
The maximum allowable cross slope of 1%. In the presence of
counterslopes at the end of a sloping path or a connection between the path and street level, the sum of two slopes from the horizontal must be less than 22%.
The difference between the optimal route planning and the plan of land or driveway areas adjacent to it is 2.5 cm.
Where the path joins the road level or is interrupted by a driveway shall be allowed a short ramp slope no greater than 15% to a maximum height difference of 15 cm.
to a minimum height of 2.10 m from the pavement, there must be no barriers of any kind, such as tables or signs protruding from the buildings, which may cause injury to a person in motion.
8.2.2. Paving.
For non-slip floor means a floor made of materials whose coefficient friction, measured by the method of the British Ceramic Research Association Ltd.
(BCRA) Rep. CEC. 6-81, exceeds the following values:
- 0.40 per item leather slip on dry pavement;
- 0.40 per item slip standard hard rubber on wet pavement.
predicted values \u200b\u200bof friction must not be modified dall'apposizione topcoat polishing or protection, if any, should be applied on the materials before the test.
The assumptions of the pavement condition (dry or wet) should be taken according to the normal conditions of the place where it is placed in work.
support layers of the pavement must be eligible to pay in time and overload the floor and laid down to ensure the long-term locking of the elements constituting the floor itself.
The elements such as pavement joints must be less than 5 mm, prepared with durable materials, with possible plans to be off-set of a thickness not exceeding 2 mm.
The gratings placed in the pavement must be made of mesh is not traversable by a sphere of 2 cm in diameter, the grid elements must always be placed parallel with the elements orthogonal to the direction of travel.
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