Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Brookstone Travel Lock Combinations

The strange intersections of Time

review published on:
Retroguardia2.0 - the text literary
poetry and spirit
Zeta - international journal of poetry and research (Year XXXII, No. 3; Campanotto publisher, 2010)

Gli strani incroci del Tempo
Giancarlo Micheli, La grazia sufficiente, Pasian di Prato (UD), Campanotto Editore, 2010

Chi crede che la Storia abbia un senso o che la filosofia della storia possa essere considerata non soltanto come una teoria astratta pensa che in essa avvengano incontri incroci e contatti che altrimenti non sarebbero spiegabili. Il nuovo romanzo di Giancarlo Micheli vive di questi incroci (quello tra cultura occidentale e modo di vita orientale) e di questi contatti (tra abitanti del Giappone e commercianti olandesi, ad esempio). Vive anche di una riflessione sulla natura Grace that today might seem to some surannée if the argument was not always current and based on a demand unavoidable for all of us: what will happen to us once gone to a better life? We will be saved and redeemed or submerged by the endless accumulation of our sins against the Creator of our lives? In the Netherlands, by the mid-sixteenth century until the seventeenth century, the era of Hugo Grotius and Baruch Spinoza, the dispute about predestination and salvation of humanity held on the front bench comes to theological and inflame to the white heat of accusations of heresy and atheism. The problem of "sufficient grace" to the final salvation of man sees faces two opposing positions and violent struggle between them. The first such
infralapsarian and fruit positions radicalidi Jacob Harmenszoon (Latin better known as Jacobus Arminius), on the basis of their doubts about the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of men, began to teach that "the predestination of a person to salvation or condemnation comes from the consequent will of God that sees his subject with all its conditions and circumstances, which were in turn determined by a previous decree that precede salvation or condemnation "( in 'Examen thesium D. Fr. Gomar ). In essence, the Arminians, God chooses the elect to salvation by virtue of the effort made by them because of their dedication and their repentance towards divinity. God chooses those men and women who engage in the call to Grace. The human beings are therefore still corrupt and mass damnationis but can assist with the grace and maintain it through some form of dignity and responsibility. Good works are a cause of salvation as they are able to testify that the person who does have freely chosen God and the fulfillment of his duties towards it.
The other, based on the work of François Gomar (also in Latin conosciuto come Franciscus Gomarus) e detta sopralapsariana perché, a differenza delle tesi di Arminio, sosteneva che la salvezza dell’umanità era già stata decisa, caso per caso, prima della caduta di Adamo (quella felix culpa di cui per primo Agostino aveva teorizzato l’inevitabilità sulla base della propria teoria della predestinazione). La disputa fu risolta dal Sinodo di Dordrecht del 1618-1619 per il quale gli Arminiani furono convinti di errore in quanto fu stabilito che la salvezza umana non è frutto della fede degli uomini stessi ma un decreto imperscrutabile della volontà di Dio.
Ma uno dei protagonisti del romanzo di Micheli, Baruch Dekker, capitano di marina of Jewish origin and shipwrecked on the coast of Nagasaki in Japan, this problem does not arise in subtle theological purpose even if it is not considered an agnostic:

'[...] Baruch, during the long years of sailing , had embraced the Calvinist confession. As a man of action who prefers to compete with the tables alfonsine or the routes of trade winds and ocean currents, experienced the grace of velacci and extremities, sufficient to sailing upwind and downwind in, he humbly rolled up to the anchor chain capstans, and go along with the storms of theological disputes. He had, moreover, found it difficult to refrain from doctrinal battles between Armenian and Gomar, behind which were hidden, not very secretly, conflicts of interest that opposed the bourgeoisie and the administration of the Civil Grand retired from a party, the military power of the aristocracy and the other Stadhouder. No one on board the sailing ships of the VOC [ie the Dutch East India Company ], came to question the captain Dekker on the thesis or supralapsarian infralapsarian. With regard to the dogma of predestination, which certainly intimately concerned his soul as that of any other Christian, he took a firmly agnostic. As they were hard evidence on which the life of the board submitted, its excellent ability to support them with manly fortitude was not enough as indubitable sign of belonging to the ranks of the elect. Of what he had made a strong conviction as to exempt from overwhelming anxiety. He had always regarded with skepticism to the dogma that he thought had been devised to ensure those who already enjoyed the privilege of riches and honors that additional, and often decisive, of divine favor. All discourses on universalism hypothetical or conditional, or non irresistible Grace, failed to reflect the more informed the captain if not Dekker's interests were very human in the theological Guarantees "(pp. 58-59).

But Captain Dekker is not the only protagonist of the novel by Micheli. Together with the complex events of the latter for following the sinking of his ship cargo to remain in Japan, from the pages of the novel is the story of the farmer faces Taisho (named after a term that designates a number of positive situations, " great victory, "" laugh "," Origin of the World, "" symmetry "among others). His story, set many years later, during Japan's imperialist adventure of militarized Hirohito and General Tojo, is, in fact, connected in a dream and only allusion to that of Dekker (che apparirà come una figura misteriosa e dal comportamento translucido solo in un momento di abbandono da parte di Taisho).
L’uomo, orfano di un contadino, Shigetaro, ucciso in guerra durante il conflitto russo-giapponese, ha un lavoro a stipendio fisso come inserviente del Monbushou, il Ministero dell’Istruzione, presso il Medical Center di Nagasaki. Qui, in un giorno di pioggia, ascolta le infuocate parole del nazionalista Ishiwara, tenente colonnello dell’Esercito, e si arruola per la guerra in Manciuria (che si concluderà con l’instaurazione del Manciukuò, protettorato giapponese in Cina, cui sarà posto come governante-fantoccio il deposto e ultimo Imperatore Pu Yi).

"He had shown enough courage in offering to the state, the law of harmony that prevailed there, inherent to its sacred soil? That question appeared from the darkness of deep conscience, and urged Taisho like a demon of the abyss. Then he saw the trench, whose steep walls of mud came tumbling under the bombardment of a torrential downpour. At his feet lay the body under examination of the father. Taisho hoisted it on his shoulders, and walked a long time. He seemed to take the famous Tokaido road, lined with pine trees and crittomerie, whose green foliage became immersed in the rain thickened, until it came to the house of Mogi and he laid the heavy burden of the corpse, laid it on the garden ground, kneaded into a sticky mire. From an opening between the fusuma and the wall of the nearby house, then looked out his mother's face, hair in the apparent composure of her features, which he thought he read Taisho approval and praise, solemnly expressed "(p. 34).

are two stories of "sufficient grace" and expressed in actions in which the mystery of the future salvation is consumed and this is accomplished in each of the two human characters whose adventures intersect and intertwine to light of a design which none of them knows why and which is not revealed the plot required. Dekker will leave his job as a clerk at the headquarters of the East India Company and Nagasaki, together with his wife and son Netsaki Aikya is dileguerà in search of fortune in the East China Sea. Taisho, captured by the Chinese and decided to make the required seppuku to avoid being captured and provided, even involuntarily, any kind of information to the enemy, it is deterred just by a young professor of linguistics who had heard during a conference held when the Monbushou also worked there. Back home, learn traumatic death of his mother. Once again attempted suicide by the end with il capire, come insegna la dottrina finale del Tao che “la via suprema non ha nome e il discorso supremo non ha parole” (p. 117).
Romanzo tenace e appassionato, La grazia sufficiente coniuga erudizione (di cui sono testimonianza le numerose note a fine di ogni capitolo) e poesia, grazie al suo linguaggio distillato e ben forbito che cerca di supplire alle difficoltà della teologia indimostrabile con la ben più robusta forza espressiva di una liricità intensa e asciutta, fatta di immagini e di riverberi, di rattenuta commozione e di espansione descrittiva non priva di un sapore arcaicizzante e delibato.
Giuseppe Panella

Giancarlo Micheli, sufficient grace (Campanotto, Udine 2010) / libri/grazia-sufficiente.-CD-Audio/Giancarlo-Micheli/ea978884561133 /

reading from Chapter VI
Paola Lazzari


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