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surréaliste The Revolution ( 1924-1929)

the journal
Zeta - international journal of poetry and research (Year XXXII, No. 1 ; publisher Campanotto 2010)

surréaliste La Revolution (1924-1929)
creative positivity in the nuclei of the incubation time of the disaster

The de mourir est plus simple que d'aimer / C'est pourquoi je me women mal de vivre / Mon amour
Louis Aragon

Who has a little habit with the literary magazines that are published today in Italy would remain confused and bewildered, if the opportunity was provided to compare the experience of "cultural activism" in the surrealist movement gave life and body during the twenties of the last century. With rare exceptions, prevails in today's magazines a nostalgic kind of discouragement-Aventino, meticulously proclin to depress each pulse to a liability to the acquisition of time in which we live. Surely this is attributable to a larger process that pushes the current literary discourse in the unanimous cul de sac of specialized knowledge and expertise. Nor is it too hazardous finding of fascism at work in each branch of knowledge, sustained and supported by those who, burned by this misery, adapting to survive scarce grant them privileges that contemporary forms of cultural corporatism. The great human catastrophes of the last century were made possible by the exploitation on the basis of scientific and technical resources repressive traditional patriarchal family structure, the imperialist nationalism and authoritarian mysticism and instrumental. Nowadays, technological change, which would not be honest or careful to deny the undoubted benefits yielded to the material conditions of existence even then distribute them according to the criteria of atavisms oppressive and unjust, supplied the instruments of capitalist domination specific to a control regime potentially absolute and utter terror in action is the result of this, in terms of the psychological effects of mass, hair and pervasive.
magazine La Révolution surréaliste included in the number of onset went to press in December 1924, an investigation that, so to speak, took the fear by the horns, with the significant title and explicit: "The suicide east -il une solution? ". Out of the rhetoric, it was a call to the call, which was requested by artists, poets and intellectuals who wanted to contribute to a publishing project total accountability, integrity in mind and body, consistent with the principle of reality and of desire. Answered the question, among others: André Breton, Jean Paulhan, who would soon become the director of the prestigious Nouvelle Revue Francaise ¹, Antonin Artuad, Rene Crevel. This short list are the men who defended to the extreme consequences of the commitment then. Artaud's notes are the vicissitudes and tragic death at the sanatorium in Rodez, which took place when everyone's nightmare of brutal violence and fascist imperialist catastrophically had come true. He often returned to the theme of suicide, for example by illuminating Van Gogh essay the suicide de la société ², written in the year of his death. René Crevel, on the other hand, took his own life in 1935, coinciding with the International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture , held in Paris, during which it was decreed the expulsion of the surrealist movement. To understand how sexual-economically reactionary elements take root in the ideology of the leaders of the literature of the Soviet state capitalism, just mention the charges that Ilya Ehrenburg moves to the surrealists in the pages of his Seen from a writer of the USSR: "I want so surreal Hegel, Marx, Revolution, ma quello che rifiutano è di lavorare. Hanno le loro occupazioni. Studiano, per esempio, la pederastia e i sogni”. René Crével, omosessuale nonché membro del PCF fin dal 1927, trovò nei tristi episodi del congresso ragioni, certo supplementari ad altre profonde e personali, ma ad ogni modo sufficienti a spingerlo al suicidio. Questi furono solo alcuni dei tributi che il surrealismo dovette pagare a causa dell’intransigenza nella lotta intrapresa a favore del libero sviluppo delle istanze profonde dell’inconscio, fermamente antagonista ad ogni idea istituzionale di letteratura, recalcitrante ad ogni specie di compromesso con le fazioni dell’oscurantismo tradizionale e modernista, vuoi quelle coscienti e intenzionate vuoi quelle inconsapevoli e, pertanto, non meno nocive. A conferma di ciò, sul secondo numero della Révolution surréaliste apparvero alcune lettere aperte, rivolte ai rettori delle università europee, al papa, al Dalai Lama e alle scuole buddiste affinché le coscienze fossero invitate al profondo rivolgimento spirituale che la gravità dei tempi imponeva. La rivoluzione surrealista non si impantanava nel lamento e nel piagnisteo, al contrario muoveva all’attacco, con piena fiducia nella capacità di trasformazione del mondo e dell’uomo propria dell’azione poetica. Sebbene l’idea di Breton per cui la rivoluzione poetica e artistica dovesse pensarsi come parte e punta di lancia di un più generale liberation movement, moral, social and economic, although this idea seems clear already at the time of the trial of Maurice Barres (May 1921) ³ which was passed the stage of agnosticism Dada, Surrealism against the position of the international class struggle is not was brought to clarification before publication, the fifth issue (October 1925), the collective text The Révolution d'abord et toujours , whose signatories include, in addition to the comrades of the first hour (Max Ernst, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Robert Desnos and others), even the editors of the magazine Clarté policy, the journal of Marxist philosophy and Philosophies Sheet Belgian Correspondance . Along with an incontrovertible condemnation of the imperialist war that governments and radical Republicans of the Third Republic had undertaken in Morocco, you can read the explicit statement: "... nous pour la France n'existe pas." Without contradictions, Surrealism arose, therefore, in the wake of the international fight against the domination of capital and nascent fascist regimes. In the same issue a review of André Breton's book on Lenin Leon Trotsky ⁴, emphasized the inherent surrealism of accession to the ideal and practice of permanent revolution.
The guidelines on the foundations of which had started tale adesione non poterono svilupparsi altrimenti che in una faticosa convivenza all’interno delle fila del PCF, pedissequamente allineato alle direttive staliniste impartite da Mosca. Benché alcune personalità di rilievo del movimento surrealista (André Breton, Louis Aragon, René Crével) si fossero risolte ad iscriversi al partito di Place du Colonel-Fabien, i contenuti e le idee espresse nella rivista dovettero subire il severo vaglio di una commissione politica e Breton, in qualità di direttore responsabile, fu ripetutamente convocato a discuterle e a dare garanzia di lealtà alla politica del comitato centrale. Come Breton stesso ricorda nel libro-intervista Entretiens ⁵, tali colloqui avvenivano “su personal invitation, in the very early morning hour, both in the school yard in the Rue Duhesme, both in a room of the home unions, avenue Mathurin-Moreau. " On how they conduct Breton is expressed in unequivocal terms, its a disappointment: "... nothing like that, when I think, to a police interrogation." In spite of this, and the expensive price of a bitter internal conflict, which resulted in painful expulsions imposed on Antonin Artaud, Philippe Soupault, Pierre Naville and Roger Vitrac, the magazine continued on its route uncompromising and unwavering, hosting, in the twelve numbers drawn from December 1924 to December 1929, new contributions and ideas, mixing theoretical analysis and poetic practice, from transcripts of dreams the work of documentation Bureau des Recherches surréalistes rue de Grenelle to the graphic works of André Masson and Giorgio de Chirico, the screenplay for the film masterpiece of Luis Buñuel, Un chien andalou , the investigation "by generations to its object", which appeared in the latest edition. In a sort of physiological cycle, therefore, the surrealism is placed deeply human questions, beginning with the investigation of suicide and concluding with the love and its object, consistent with the premise Baudelairian: "C'est la Mort qui console, hélas! et qui fait vivre”.
Giancarlo Micheli

1 Rivista letteraria fondata nel 1909 da André Gide, a partire dal 1911 pubblicata per le edizioni di Gaston Gallimard.
2 Van Gogh le suicidé de la société ( K éditeur, Paris 1947); trad. italiana: Van Gogh il suicidato della società (Adelphi, Milano 1988)
3 Il 13 maggio 1921 quello che era ancora il gruppo dadaista parigino si costituì in tribunale rivoluzionario to judge the writer Maurice Barres, which was contested the charge of "an attempt on the safety of the spirit" because he, in works such as L'Âme française et la Guerre (Émile-Paul, Paris 1915-1920) had raised enthusiastic praise the love of country and sacrifice of the lives of soldiers in the trenches and battlefields.
4 Lenin ( Blue Ribbon Books, New York 1925)
5 Entretiens , edited by André Parinaud (Gallimard, Paris 1952), trans. Italian: Entretiens (Erre emme editions, Bolsena 1991)


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