Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Muslim French Door Treatments

il viso di pietra scolpita (Recensione di Silverio Novelli per la Treccani)

Pavese, the inevitable words

of Silverio Novelli

Sixty years ago, August 27, 1950, the writer Cesare Pavese committed suicide (sleeping pills) in a hotel room "Rome" in Turin. He was 42 years. A few days earlier, in the same summer, tragic, won the Strega Prize with a triptych of novellas collected under the title of the eponymous novel, La bella estate (published by Einaudi in 1949). In the bottom of a devastating depression lay with death instincts and impulses of life. The second, for compensation and sublimation, Pavese had even given the strength in the years to engage in a serious relationship with existence through writing. The first reason had fallen and core themes of his literary work in the seething cauldron of self-destruction.

Think of the last verses of the poems of Pavese, "the lyrics of will death, drugs for generations of high school students' (Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo), a mirror, even naive frozen and excruciating pain: we arrive here at the new synthesis of the symbolic transcription of the existential reality of the woman as a universal port denied the salvation of man. Think of the last novel, The Moon and the Bonfire (1950), in which the needs of ulissesco myth of return coincides with the necessity of literary language as a language to give themselves a privileged position to say "the inevitability of fate. Ripeness is all, ripeness is all, says Pavese quoting Shakespeare. The maturity of man, finally and with absolute bitterness, lies in knowing that there is no escape to the "absurd vice." Life is recorded each day as the fate of misery without the possibility of redemption. In this way, according to Toni Iermano, Pavese falls "in its own right in the circle of the great writers of European decadence," in which the fire burns up the poem on the ashes of burned out an existence in the feeling of defeat. Defeat the return, failing in his unrealistic about the reappropriation of lost identity, and ends with the increase sanction no escape.

That stone face carved

It is interesting to note that side paths, routes peripheral almost inaccessible roads, stay secluded in the work and life can bear fruit Pavese interpretative original and brilliant, unusual and confirmation to arrive, for this very challenging, if the eye of the scholar is granted to the finder without prejudice, building the critical tradition but without adagiarvisi (Pavese would lend itself well to lead the wayfarer and remain in the same loci communes). In short, the net gain is, if you do not ever surrender to test approaches and personal perspectives. This is what happens in the fast (reading), dense and recorded five essays on the work of Cesare Pavese (thus the subtitle), collected in the volume of stone His face was carved (Arachne publishing Rome 2010, pp. 135) by Jacqueline Spaccini, Professor of Italian Language and Literature at the University of Caen, writer, poet and translator ( This book was awarded the Special Prize essays Cesare Pavese 2010, awarded annually by a qualified international jury during a ceremony held at the home of Santo Stefano Pavese Belbo (CN), the location of the center-Cepam Pavese Birthplace Museum (

Pratolini, the disaffection and Clelia

Divided into chapters, the book aligns five essays written by the author in various circumstances and appear in different locations in a period from 2002 to 2006.

Securities immediately give account of the significance of the chosen object of study by the author, the subject that would qualify, as mentioned above, for the originality of the angles of perspective framed.

The first chapter is titled The memory found in Cesare Pavese. Thoughts on the moon and the bonfires in comparison with The District of Vasco Pratolini. After the comparison of some key steps of the two novels (written by authors roughly peers), placed along the axis of the emotional and ideological movements that take place in symmetrical diverging directions when not opposed, the special investigation inductive performed by the author to the conclusion that, in respect of Pavese's last novel, "the death instinct has served its purpose [?] This rule book all the accounts with the past, the task is fulfilled" (p. 32 ).

In the second chapter, entitled The pregnant vanity of one who has no place. Reflections on 'poems of estrangement, "the author is very careful in identifying the network of Petrarchan stationary objects that stand in the narrow sky dislike turned into poetry, field sheet on the dawn of not returning. Behind Love (failed, finished, not born, impossible), the author recognizes the One who has no place in the poetry itself, Pavese a rage that "language is damned to find a" real "and can erode the unfathomable buried in the depths of the human being and bring to light, like a geyser gush of" (p. 63).

rich and interesting records of acute is the third chapter, "Triste y solo final." Conflict relationships between social classes and sexes in the eyes of Clelia Oitana, or between the protagonist of single women (the third novel of the trilogy that makes up the beautiful summer, along with the eponymous novel, and The Devil in the hills). The woman will win its own form of freedom, completely foreign to the dynamics of gender relations and class-standing, by contrast, an individual idiotypic and otherness dissonant (Spaccini quotes on p. 78, a revealing phrase, caught on the lips of Clelia, "the real vice was this pleasure of hanging alone). Otherness that allows the researcher to interpret as a projection Clelia fiction author.

"The wig and fake breasts"

Such an interpretation Spaccini reiterate that, in the fourth chapter, pointing out that the analysis of the figure of Clelia is the favorite pupil of Pavese, Italo Calvino, in when mailed to the Master, as a private epistle, its analysis Among women, just read in manuscript form, "that woman [...] from the beginning, you understand that you are in a wig and fake breasts "(p. 84). The title of the fourth chapter is the mirror when one is broken. Calvin withdrawing Pavese and rebuilds with clear focus, through editing and extensive commentary on documentary sources (the writings of Calvin, excerpts from lectures and interviews), the long, slow and laborious separation developed by Calvin respect to the writer, man of letters (ie "intellectual in the round ', p. 85) and man Cesare Pavese and Calvino' extrovert is projected to the world [...] Pavese introverted instead moves to the ego" (p. 107), whereas Pavese seems to be read by more like writer who has unleashed a strong autobiographical motif, Calvin is at pains to show, "even when it is autobiographical," who "has never intimate: his is the talent of those who can manage their own image, even in the private sector, building a social self for those who will listen and I'm a creator for those who will read "(p. 110). This section also allows you to read the watermark in the evolution of the relationship between intellectual and ideological commitment and political (and, alternatively, between writer and contemporary historical reality) in the Second World War Italian.

Nel'ultimo chapter, if not now, when? Chronicle of stories left out, Spaccini dedicated to the research of "a common point" among the six unpublished stories Pavese (why stop at the stage of manuscripts and minute) until the 1994 Einaudi edition. "[D] fter a thorough analysis of inductive" (p. 116), Spaccini identifies this point "in the passing of lives that they struggle to find a deeper meaning to their existence, for which there is also comfort in the world in which they move, gray , boring, banal, repetitive and lonely "(p. 131). The author's conclusion is supported by effective multitasking intertextual investigation, conducted both in terms of a kind of narratological proxemics (the spaces in which they live actors and supporting actors of different stories, captured in their asfitticità or vague fading, as the weather scenario indicates that the temperature humoral / moral of the story), or the level of identity of the characters (all'etopea action, rather than prosopography): everything is plumbed to the sieve of lexical choices and Finally, to within a framework of structural considerations on the "rhythmic tension" and "speed of the narrative" (p. 126).

In fact on the elements in rhythmic prose Pavese also emphasizes one of our greatest scholars of literary language, Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo: Pavese definitely in rhythm, syntactical-rhetorical device, the 'trellis next iteration or distance " the 'network of metaphors, often of a sexual nature and not obsessive, "the" recurrence "which translates into" symbolic statements "words and images, and" an inner dialectic tendencies refusing local forms "(the latter is thought to Maurizio Dardano) are the result of choices that "the prose takes on a poetic rhythm programmatically.

Silverio Novelli

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weave With Chinese Bangs

Identità (le parole di Giovanni Jervis)

photos taken from the blog The home of suspended time

What is this? This is my face? They are not my cheeks, but they are, not my mouth, and yet there is something that resembles my mouth. "
What is our identity?
It is everything that characterizes each of us as individuals and unique.

is what prevents people to exchange for someone else. Just as everyone has an identity to others, has also an identity for itself.
That is for others 'objective identity, identity itself is the' subjective identity . ;

subjective identity is the set of my features as I see them and I describe myself.
The identity of each objective, namely its recognizability, is presented in three main mode.

The first one is the physical identity : This is especially due to the facial features, which allow us not to be confused with another person.
The second mode is social identity, ie a set of characteristics such as age, marital status, profession, educational level and belonging to a certain income bracket. ;
The third mode is the psychological identity, or my personality , consistent style of my behavior.

Some aspects of identity change more easily than others. Social identity can change quickly: if, for example, a bank officer retires and moves to the countryside, here is that his social identity has changed and he is no longer the wealthy and the official resident in the city, but it is at other times the senior, hard-working owner of a small vegetable garden. The physical identity but gradually changes. E 'likely to sixty years has more or less the same face of ten years before, although I do have a quite different compared to thirty or forty years ago. The psychological identity is a very interesting theme has also changed rather little: each has its own personality, that is, a certain intelligence, certain attitudes and specific character traits.

personality depends largely on genetic factors and assumes stable characteristics during childhood. [...]

To continue reading, click here

For further information: John Jervis, Presence and identity , Milano, Garzanti, 1984

License Data Is Corrupt

Quella cosa serissima che sono le favole

Idalberto e Emanuela Fei sono fratello e sorella. Lui fa il regista e lei è funzionario del Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Ma quel che conta non è quali siano le loro professioni, quel che conta è che sono fratello e sorella.

Perché tutto, in questo libro coloratissimo, esprime la complementarità, il sorriso, la complicità e l'affetto. 

E l'amore per i gatti.

Qui il gatto in questione è Pedro, a Siamese who was born white but then nose and paws are a dark stain, because according to the Siamese cat, its king - scontrosetto and paranoid - the overthrew him a whole pot full of hot black coffee ...

Idalberto Fei who is the author of fairy tales, sometimes re-key proponent in the most modern of ancient Greek myths or fairy tales, opens the book using a loophole hyper-intellectual world of literature: that of the rediscovered manuscript. That can be a trunk filled with text or - as in our case - a bottle containing a rolled papyrus in a ring of ivory, a gift offered by a siren from the lush foliage and tail saucy. And from there, they are built on all the other stories, the legend of the Siamese because all Siamese cats are clear from small and large coffee stain on the cat Mammon, or the true story of Puss in Boots and so on. But I'll tell you no stories, Go and read and read them to your children or grandchildren. Also read up on you.

The stories contain short lyrical passages in them like this: In the nights of the East / Nothing ever happens / We are bored in Beijing / That yawning in Nanjing! / Only in Siam / No There is never boring / And eat the soy / It begins to sing ... And there are also partition Antonio Lauritano and Maurizio De Luca for those who want to put into music - singing, in short - Cat of Siam, I am a Supergatto and Song of the Earth .

follows very interesting interview with Paul Poli on the world of fairy tale about cats and a grandmother (her) who told stories that did not end as long.

I must say that the flavor of this collection of tales is given to tell from my drawings Emanuela Fei , sorella dell'autore (d'altronde tutto ha inizio da «C'erano una volta un Ragazzo e una Ragazza che si volevano un gran bene»). 

Le sue illustrazioni tuffano noi, lettori adulti, nel mondo vero della fiaba, ci precipitano - ma dolcemente, lievemente - nel mondo antico dell'infanzia. È un viaggio pieno di colori e di vivida nostalgia. È un mondo - quello dei disegni di Emanuela  - che sa di zucchero filato e di pesciolini rossi non vinti, quelli delle bocce trasparenti, al Luna Park.

Dimenticavo: il Gatto Pedro è realmente esistito .
Idalberto ed Emanuela Fei is also the founder of the Society Laboratory - The Puppet Fei (click here ).

Many of the stories collected here were represented by their puppets and staged in Italy and abroad, even picked up by RAI TV.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Costco Home Blueprints

A colloquio con Anguilla (monologo di Jacqueline Spaccini)

of all that, what remains?


You said: "I'm home."
But then the screws had not been any thought you knew.
affannasti you, that your nose with truffle hound that your face, to track odors, to follow the old tracks, jerky, look up, look down, to reconnect.
That same child with you - that you were not really child for ever.
Now you are no longer so convinced that he was right to take the way back, according to the dialect of that truck driver Bubbio.
And after all, a parte la noia, non stavi tanto male ad Oakland. Solo che quello a casa sua non poteva tornare e tu non t’eri ancora rassegnato.
Ora fai il gradasso per le vie del paese e dentro tremi, temendo che qualcuno possa vederti qual veramente sei.
Hai fatto i soldi (ma li hai fatti sul serio, i soldi? A frigger lardo dietro a un bancone?); ti senti un padreterno. O almeno, così ostenti sulla piazza cittadina. Come ci tieni a dir che sei alto e grosso ! Dài, che sotto sotto ti senti un po’ come Edmond Dantès… Ma qui son tutti morti (o quasi) e Nuto ha appeso il clarino nell’armadio della sua casa odorosa di gerani e oleandri… Lui a trade, at least have one, you, you know even live.
You went looking for the spot of nuts, which you know not to be born, because I was female, from the ear of the goat house for the first time you would have seen the world.
reason to believe that buying a house here, perhaps a great, maybe the house of Mora. Like when they tell you the American ; mica know, them, that you stay in Genoa. Or yes, I know, but if your neighbor as yourself, you American, yes, of course, is still foreign, but all you best figure. A little 'as you enjoyed the reflected light, as having done fortuna tutti assieme. Essere tutti un poco Americani .
E dimenticare il passato.
Che cosa cerchi? Te stesso? Tutto quel peregrinare per cascine… la casa tanto non la compri, quelle che ti mostrano, le guardi appena.
Queste visite ti piacciono per il bicchiere di vino che gusterai nell’aia, su un tavolaccio e sotto l’ombra fresca d’un albero primitivo. Per quel bicchiere e per le chiacchiere sul tempo andato, sperando che per caso si parlerà di te o della Mora, di qualcosa insomma cui senti di appartenere, per questo poco tanto ti sposti, tu.
E ci giri attorno, a quel ricordo rimosso, vero?
La guerra c’entra, ma di striscio. Non è che tu non ricordi: è che non vuoi ricordare. Eppure sei incolpevole.
La storia della luna e i falò , l’hai messa su perché temevi che il resto non bastasse a giustificare lo scritto. Erano altri tempi, per la letteratura.
Senti, Anguilla: non puoi ritrovarti nemmeno qui, lo capisci? Ché se uno non ha messo radici a quarant’anni non le mette più, ché se ne hai, poi, son radicette aeree, come quelle delle mangrovie.
E poi che sto a dire a te, che tu sei me, Anguilla?
And your place in the world is in no one else anywhere else.
And we are okay, both.
Back in Genoa, the circle is closed: home for me, for you, really, there is none.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How Long Should Personal Statement

Jerome K. Jerome ci racconta il trucco da usare con il bricco che non bolle

published an extract from this book hilarious:

"Put water on to boil for tea bow and we went aft with the decision not to occupy more of the pot and think about other things necessary.

This is the only system to a kettle on the River serves its purpose. If you feel you have been waiting impatiently for the water hot, do not ever begin to sing. The best bet is to go and start eating as if you'd like to take tea. Better not even turn around to look at him, then you will see that immediately begins to squirt water boiling mad about the desire to become a tea.

Then, when you happen to have much of a hurry you can do even better, you stand to speak loudly to one the other saying they do not want the tea, which do not take it.
you approach the pitcher, so I can feel, and cry:

- I do not tea I take it, and you, George?

To which George yells

- No, I do not like tea, drink a lemonade instead ... tea is indigestible.

Be assured that puts the pitcher to throw out a lot of boiling water off the stove.

We adopted this harmless trick and the result was that, before everything else was ready, the tea already waiting.

We lit the lantern, and squatted there to eat. "

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

306 Cd Changer Clarion

Il salto della corda di Cetta Petrollo

and I get - in honor of Cetta - public :

The jump as the jump rope of life.
's new book published by Cetta Petrolla Manni.

of Dale Zaccaria

"The words leap Cetta evidence of the paper as a cascade of stones or shiny-syllables like a bunch juicy , certainly not if the order or control of rhizomatous an instinct that leads chanting, in the folds of a heart-to-put-naked and at every moment to be discovered.
is not pure passion of the page, any such thing (to scrutinize the substance) the exercise of prose art, nothing is crystallized here (nothing can crystallize) to offer as the result of a chiseled operate. "
Thomas Ottonieri

A busy bee, like the little" angry bee "one of the many ways in which Alda Merini liked to describe himself, or "Diana crowds, unconquerable huntress" to use other verses of our beloved poet.
Furious in the word, unconquerable huntress of poetry and life. So words are words Cetta Petrolla gracefully sculpted with care and passion as his body Glorioso "when treating life you can not think of anything else." And they are just words-life, household items, known words, words of his mother Rosalia that "the body is still as smooth as that of a girl." It 's the word that covered Male, sniff in a Berber bed "with his" sunny plazas, the smell of lime and carrot "is the word" freedom dei papaveri” di un “vestito rosso” indossato “per fare un gioco da ragazzi”- “come se fossi una trentenne”.
E’ la parola stesa nella “domenica” “dove mi chiudo in cucina e tiro le tagliatelle” la parola usuale quella di tutti i giorni ma “baluardo contro le tempeste, difesa contro le sirene, scogliera durissima e inattaccabile della femminilità”.
E’ la parola del salto della corda, come il salto della vita, in cui Cetta Petrollo sta sempre un po’ più in là, in quel “fermo invito, che mi offre mia madre”, perché infondo- dice- nella prosa Capire : “ecco non c’è più protezione. Dalla morte siamo buttate fuori come in una diversa nascita”.
E in questa diversa nascita allora si cerca un “Noi” perché “sarebbe come dire che non c’è stato un io perché l’io si è chiuso nella panna montata della vita vissuta, cresciuta su di sé come un’escrescenza incontrollabile, fuori progetto, fuori programma”.
E’ questo fuori infondo è l’essere dentro. E’ il salto della corda appunto che batte e ribatte come il salto della vita, con il suo inizio e la sua fine, i suoi dubbi e le sue atrocità, e di fronte a Cetta Petrolla prefer this "play" tame life, roll into the house with the "rolling pin-wheel" which is also that of my affections, the house that allows me to govern and to govern "and that house is set in her captain and poet, Elio Pagliarani, orange belief of his mother to rest and rummaging through the words, and out of the window, there is a black boy jumping rope:

"When watering flowers in the evening before, in the avenue, there is a black boy jumping rope.
I do not see that now, in fact, are focused on rose, sui gelsomini, che stanno fiorendo, sui ciclamini che insistono a non morire, sulle margherite gialle africane, che resistono a tutto, sulle piantine grasse che si espandono e si allungano faticosamente sul terrazzino. Non me ne accorgo subito attenta come sono a non far cadere troppa acqua sulla strada, a non far corrente in casa, a non bagnarmi, a non fare rumore. Però è il rumore, il battito insistente della corda sul selciato, a farmi alzare gli occhi, e a vederlo, alto, elegante e nero, proteso senza vergogna, nella solitudine serale della città, in un gioco da bambini(…)
Avrei potuto avere una vita così. Uno stacco, un’allegria, molta curiosità.
Ma non è importante che io, proprio così, non l’abbia vissuta la mia vita (…)
L’importante è che lui in questo momento esista e salti la corda mentre io annaffio i fiori e nello sguardo siamo necessari tutte e due. Ognuno nel suo pezzetto di miracoloso equilibrio.
Acqua sorgiva. Acqua sorgiva”.

Cetta Petrollo, Il salto della corda, Manni Editori 2010, pp.80
all’interno fotografie di Maria Andreozzi

Cetta Petrolla Pagliarani was born in 1950 in Rome, where he lives.
He debuted in 1984 with the collection and Writings ditties, with a preface by Amelia Rosselli, which was followed by other volumes. In 2001, Mann has published poems and no . The last, in 2007, is the novel Without permission (Alternative Press), with an introduction by Walter Pedulla.
currently directs the Library Vallicelliana.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Diagram Of Pirate Ship

Presentato il libro Aveva il viso di pietra scolpita alla Biblioteca Vallicelliana di Roma

photo by Julien Pouplard

reproduce below the 'Lorella Angeloni article, published after the presentation of my book Vallicelliana Rome.

thank all the participants for their loving presence.

photo by Federico Spaccini

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Old School Bmx Frames For Sale

La musica del nostro amore