Saturday, February 26, 2011

Easily Trace Your Roots Free

Reporting book> "Economic Intelligence. The cycle of information in the era of globalization"

Segnalo the presentation of the book on Intelligence Budget Prof. Paolo Savona, and of Gen. Carlo Jean, what will happen during a meeting scheduled in Rome next March.

In recent years appear to be increasing cases of industrial espionage, and these episodes can not only affect the competitiveness of the companies involved, as bad, but in their own countries when they were strategic to the provision of infrastructure services and national security initiatives and key players of technological innovation.

On the Net you can read an excellent and brief analyst Germana Tapper Merlo, framing the scene in a few lines of new forms of intelligence in dynamic geo-political international

http://www.gtmglobaltrends. de/1/una_nuova_intelligence_fra_globalizzazione_economica_e_infowar_5599895.html

An important step: certainly the information enable industry groups and countries to build and manage their own leadership, and just as certainly in questo periodo la questione Wikileaks dimostra quanto sia delicato proteggere particolari informazioni (o comunque notizie), ma pur in presenza di una società sempre più digitale sembrano crescere più le insidie che le certezze. Infatti, se è vero che sono aumentate le fonti di informazione e la quantità dei dati, non si può affermare che le numerose informazioni siano qualitativamente interessanti ed attendibili: " se è vero, quindi, che l’informazione è sempre stata una fonte di potere, al giorno d’oggi, con la gran massa di notizie a disposizione, non può che diventare fonte di gran confusione. Ciò può avere i suoi risvolti pericolosi e drammatici, come hanno dimostrato l’11 September or the stock market crash, or seemingly trivial but quite misleading, as demonstrated by the deal Wikileaks. The blame for all this lies in the fact that over the past two decades have been the favored high-tech systems compared with more traditional ones in the collection of information, because - and this is a more delicate and sophisticated - there are suitable parameters for the interpretation of the large amount of information available. In practice, have been refined collection systems for the benefit of a greater amount of material available, to the disadvantage, however, the quality of it. All this has encouraged
an increase in conflict among international actors, as demonstrated by the deal Wikileaks, and we can call, borrowing the military terminology, a knowledge warfare. The stakes are high: it is the domain of political information, economic, financial and industry which sees its value increase at times like the present one, characterized by economic recessions and financial crises, political instability and widespread.
is up to individual players to manage the acquisition and interpretation of information, that have since become common knowledge through the parameters of ethical behavior that limit the risk of degeneration the clash, which is typical of 'Infowar


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