CRM: more attention to business strategies and the statistical analysis
The new paradigm of cloud computing starts to shift the focus of enterprises towards alternative forms of IT sourcing. Software applications will (may) be purchased as a service (SaaS - Software as a Service) and not as solutions to be installed in a computer system, and therefore necessarily be resident and integrated with other vertical applications business. How many of discontinuity often announced, and then lived in the market with an initial hesitation (the demand of the business is sometimes warmer supply IT), this SaaS could become a stable form of supply to businesses, particularly those medium-sized and small. But it will be important comprendere quali possano essere i limiti e le eventuali criticità. Secondo la società di ricerche Gartner, che monitora attentamente la spesa IT delle imprese, nel corso del 2011 gli investimenti in soluzioni CRM aumenteranno.
" Spending on customer relationship management (CRM) software is expected to see the largest increase of all the application software markets worldwide in 2011, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc. Overall, 31 percent of respondents expect an increase in application software spending in 2011. In comparing their 2011 fiscal budgets with 2010, 42 percent of survey respondents indicated that they expect to increase spending on CRM in 2011, compared to 39 percent on office suites and 36 percent on enterprise resource planning (ERP), Which ranked second and third, respectively. Conducted primary research an Expansive Gartner survey of IT leaders of More Than 1.500 Organizations in 40 Countries, Which Concluded in July 2010. The Goal Was to certain software spending allocations for IT budgets in 2010 and predictions for 2011 .
Technologies and B2C channels have "imposed" Brand managers to new criteria for evaluation of relations between an organization and its customers: need to care for the best customer retention, has joined the challenge to record and study the customer experience, and with the advent of so-called Web 2.0 companies eager to develop each an ecumenical community will increasingly reach the on-line discussion with our customer segments.
One possible barrier to SaaS CRM is, indeed remains, the basic strategic question: in many cases a CRM project is misunderstood as a draft selection of an IT application and a subsequent draft system integration, implementation, and to accompany treating the various aspects of integration in terms of information flows and operational processes and business. This assessment of CRM as a segment of specialized software may be fine to frame a particular set of IT tools, providing support to the phases of front-and back-office marketing business, but can not completely frame a program of corporate relationship management la clientela.
Un programma CRM si dovrebbe sostanziare: 1) nello studio dei differenti segmenti di clientela, 2) nella valutazione del portafoglio prodotti/servizi per consentire al marketing di una impresa quanto del portafoglio sia attuale e soprattutto posizionabile rispetto ai segmenti/target, 3) nella pianificazione delle attività di rilevazione e studio dei dati, 4) nell’analisi dei dati per esaminare gli aspetti andamentali della domanda e per poter isolare le possibili criticità e le possibili collisioni tra domanda ed offerta, 5) infine nella formulazione di previsioni comportamentali (analisi dei segmenti e delle reti sociali) e nella definizione di soluzioni alle eventuali criticità incontrate. Un programma CRM dovrebbe basarsi primariamente su una attenta e sistematica valutazione delle relazioni azienda-cliente, ormai "personalizzate" mediante l'integrazione dei canali digitali, dei servizi di contact center e delle banche dati a disposizione appunto degli specialisti di marketing (informazioni sui consumi, previsioni sulle tendenze, rapporti sulla concorrenza). Sminuire il CRM a "soluzione" software non aiuta di sicuro le imprese a migliorare la propria posizione competitiva: per quanto il cliente sia importante per qualsiasi organizzazione business, sarà di sicuro fondamentale costuire intorno alla relazione impresa-cliente un sistema di raccolta e studio statistico dei dati coerente con le strategie di marketing, ma prima di qualsiasi scelta di investimento in CRM software / service a company must carefully observe their positioning (brand, corporate image, portfolio, reputation and credibility of the lines offered), segment their customer base, and once established its future business models, analytics and action on operation including the use of IT for CRM.
The Gartner survey that allowed data collection and subsequent processing of expenditure trends
2011 is published as a report "User Survey Analysis: Application Software Spending, 2010-2011". The document is available on Gartner's web address:
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