ma tornando al clima, pare che l'anomalia di certe giornate sin troppo miti nel cuore di un freddissimo inverno preannuncino invece una nuova mini-era glaciale, fenomeno peraltro ciclico che culminerebbe con l'inversione dei poli magnetici; altro che riscaldamento globale!
in generale una scossa emozionale would encourage a radical change would even be desirable, but regardless of the political climate scenario ~ ~ ~ Economic and social set up that we will face, at least in my small way, that being serious is a candidate to be the turning point, urgency dictated by the tired of stagnant situations that require a strong / confident review ... and now I do not add more!
ps. about RMostia: 've already booked for lunch after the race? ocio that will be a delusion, places are limited and bother me if it remained an empty stomach! , P
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